
A typical workflow would look like this.

  1. Design and build a scenario.

  2. Build an agent by specifying its interface and policy.

    • Further reading: Agent details the agent build process.

  3. Instantiate and run a SMARTS environment.


In this quickstart guide, we will run the multi-agent example. Here,

  1. a pre-designed scenario scenarios/sumo/loop is used.

  2. a simple agent with interface == Laner and policy == Random Laner is demonstrated. The agent chases via points or follows nearby waypoints if a via point is unavailable.

File: examples/e3_multi_agent.py

"""This is an example to show how SMARTS multi-agent works. This example uses the same kind of
agent multiple times. But different agents with different action and observation shapes can be mixed
import random
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Final

import gymnasium as gym

SMARTS_REPO_PATH = Path(__file__).parents[1].absolute()
sys.path.insert(0, str(SMARTS_REPO_PATH))
from examples.tools.argument_parser import minimal_argument_parser
from smarts.core.agent import Agent
from smarts.core.agent_interface import AgentInterface, AgentType
from smarts.core.utils.episodes import episodes
from smarts.sstudio.scenario_construction import build_scenarios

AGENT_IDS: Final[list] = ["Agent %i" % i for i in range(N_AGENTS)]

class RandomLanerAgent(Agent):
    def __init__(self, action_space) -> None:
        self._action_space = action_space

    def act(self, obs, **kwargs):
        return self._action_space.sample()

class KeepLaneAgent(Agent):
    def __init__(self, action_space) -> None:
        self._action_space = action_space

    def act(self, obs, **kwargs):
        return self._action_space.sample()

def main(scenarios, headless, num_episodes, max_episode_steps=None):
    # This interface must match the action returned by the agent
    agent_interfaces = {
        agent_id: AgentInterface.from_type(
            AgentType.Laner, max_episode_steps=max_episode_steps
        for agent_id in AGENT_IDS

    env = gym.make(

    for episode in episodes(n=num_episodes):
        agents = {
            agent_id: RandomLanerAgent(env.action_space[agent_id])
            for agent_id in agent_interfaces.keys()
        observations, _ = env.reset()

        terminateds = {"__all__": False}
        while not terminateds["__all__"]:
            actions = {
                agent_id: agent.act(observations) for agent_id, agent in agents.items()
            observations, rewards, terminateds, truncateds, infos = env.step(actions)
            episode.record_step(observations, rewards, terminateds, truncateds, infos)


if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = minimal_argument_parser(Path(__file__).stem)
    args = parser.parse_args()

    if not args.scenarios:
        args.scenarios = [
            str(SMARTS_REPO_PATH / "scenarios" / "sumo" / "loop"),



Use the scl command to run SMARTS together with it’s supporting processes.

$ cd <path>/SMARTS
# Run SMARTS simulation with Envision display and `loop` scenario.
$ scl run --envision examples/e3_multi_agent.py scenarios/sumo/loop

Visit http://localhost:8081/ to view the experiment.

The --envision flag runs the Envision server which displays the simulation. Refer to Visualization for more information on Envision.


Explore more examples.

  1. Base Examples

  2. RL model

A handful of pre-built scenarios are available at scenarios folder.