
The SMARTS class can be instantiated in the following way:

from smarts.core.smarts import SMARTS
from smarts.core.agent_interface import AgentInterface, AgentType

# Instantiate the simulator
smarts: SMARTS = SMARTS(
  agent_interfaces={"A-007": AgentInterface.from_type(AgentType.Laner)},
  envision=None if headless else Envision(),

The step interface is similar to gym but with a few notable differences mainly due to the multi-agent nature of smarts.

from smarts.core.smarts import SMARTS
# Instantiate the simulator
obs = smarts.reset()
dones = {"__all__": False}
while not dones["__all__"]
  actions = {"A-007": "keep_lane"}
  obs, rewards, dones, extras = smarts.step(
    actions, # a dictionary of agent_id -> action pairs
    time_delta_since_last_step=0.1 # a variable

The SMARTS simulator has the explicit requirement to call destroy() before deleting the instance.

from smarts.core.smarts import SMARTSDestroyedError
smarts = SMARTS()
  del smarts # Raises
except SMARTSDestroyedError as e:

smarts = SMARTS()
## Manual call to clean up SMARTS resources
## Now works
del smarts

smarts = SMARTS()
  exit() # Raises
except SMARTSDestroyedError as e:

smarts = SMARTS()
# Program end # Asserts