

SMARTS docker images are hosted at dockerhub.

$ cd </path/to/SMARTS>
$ docker run --rm -it -v $PWD:/src -p 8081:8081 huaweinoah/smarts:<version>
# E.g. docker run --rm -it -v $PWD:/src -p 8081:8081 huaweinoah/smarts:v0.5.1

# If visualization is needed, run Envision server in the background.
$ scl envision start -p 8081 &

# Build the scenario.
# This step is required on the first time, and whenever the scenario is modified.
$ scl scenario build scenarios/sumo/loop --clean

# Run an example.
# Add --headless if visualisation is not needed.
$ python examples/ scenarios/sumo/loop

# Visit http://localhost:8081 in the host machine to see the running simulation in Envision.

Singularity (Apptainer)

Instructions for running SMARTS within a singularity container.

$ cd </path/to/SMARTS>

# Build container from definition file.
$ sudo singularity build ./utils/singularity/smarts.sif ./utils/singularity/smarts.def

# Use the container to build the required scenarios.
$ singularity shell --containall --bind ../SMARTS:/src ./utils/singularity/smarts.sif
# Inside the container
Singularity> scl scenario build /src/scenarios/sumo/loop/
Singularity> exit

# Then, run the container using one of the following methods.

# 1. Run container in interactive mode.
$ singularity shell --containall --bind ../SMARTS:/src ./utils/singularity/smarts.sif
# Inside the container
Singularity> python3.8 /src/examples/ /src/scenarios/sumo/loop/ --headless

# 2. Run commands within the container from the host system.
$ singularity exec --containall --bind ../SMARTS:/src ./utils/singularity/smarts.sif python3.8 /src/examples/ /src/scenarios/sumo/loop/ --headless

# 3. Run container instance in the background.
$ singularity instance start --containall --bind ../SMARTS:/src ./utils/singularity/smarts.sif smarts_train /src/examples/ /src/scenarios/sumo/loop/ --headless