Source code for smarts.core.argoverse_map

# Copyright (C) 2022. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
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import heapq
import logging
import random
import time
from functools import cached_property, lru_cache
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Set, Tuple

import numpy as np
from shapely.geometry import Point as SPoint
from shapely.geometry import Polygon

from smarts.core.coordinates import BoundingBox, Heading, Point, Pose, RefLinePoint
from smarts.core.lanepoints import LanePoint, LanePoints, LinkedLanePoint
from smarts.core.road_map import RoadMap, RoadMapWithCaches, Waypoint
from smarts.core.route_cache import RouteWithCache
from smarts.core.utils.core_math import (
from smarts.core.utils.glb import make_map_glb, make_road_line_glb
from smarts.sstudio.sstypes import MapSpec

    import rtree
    from av2.geometry.interpolate import interp_arc
    from import LaneMarkType, LaneSegment
    from import ArgoverseStaticMap
    raise ImportError(
        "Missing dependencies for Argoverse. Install them using the command `pip install -e .[argoverse]` at the source directory."

[docs]class ArgoverseMap(RoadMapWithCaches): """A road map for an `Argoverse 2` scenario.""" DEFAULT_LANE_SPEED = 16.67 # m/s LANE_MARKINGS = frozenset( { LaneMarkType.DASH_SOLID_WHITE, LaneMarkType.DASHED_WHITE, LaneMarkType.DOUBLE_SOLID_WHITE, LaneMarkType.DOUBLE_DASH_WHITE, LaneMarkType.SOLID_WHITE, LaneMarkType.SOLID_DASH_WHITE, LaneMarkType.NONE, } ) ROAD_MARKINGS = frozenset( { LaneMarkType.DASH_SOLID_YELLOW, LaneMarkType.DASHED_YELLOW, LaneMarkType.DOUBLE_SOLID_YELLOW, LaneMarkType.DOUBLE_DASH_YELLOW, LaneMarkType.SOLID_YELLOW, LaneMarkType.SOLID_DASH_YELLOW, LaneMarkType.SOLID_BLUE, } ) def __init__(self, map_spec: MapSpec, avm: ArgoverseStaticMap): super().__init__() self._log = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) self._avm = avm self._argoverse_scenario_id = avm.log_id self._map_spec = map_spec self._surfaces = dict() self._lanes: Dict[str, ArgoverseMap.Lane] = dict() self._roads: Dict[str, ArgoverseMap.Road] = dict() self._features = dict() self._lane_rtree = None self._load_map_data() self._waypoints_cache = ArgoverseMap._WaypointsCache()
[docs] @classmethod def from_spec(cls, map_spec: MapSpec): """Generate a road map from the given specification.""" scenario_dir = Path(map_spec.source) scenario_id = scenario_dir.stem map_path = scenario_dir / f"log_map_archive_{scenario_id}.json" if not map_path.exists(): logging.warning(f"Map not found: {map_path}") return None avm = ArgoverseStaticMap.from_json(map_path) assert avm.log_id == scenario_id, "Loaded map ID does not match expected ID" return cls(map_spec, avm)
def _compute_lane_intersections(self): intersections: Dict[str, Set[str]] = dict() lane_ids_todo = [lane_id for lane_id in self._lanes.keys()] # Build rtree lane_rtree = rtree.index.Index() lane_rtree.interleaved = True bboxes = dict() for idx, lane_id in enumerate(lane_ids_todo): # Using the centerline here is much faster than using the lane polygon lane_pts = self._lanes[lane_id]._centerline bbox = ( np.amin(lane_pts[:, 0]), np.amin(lane_pts[:, 1]), np.amax(lane_pts[:, 0]), np.amax(lane_pts[:, 1]), ) bboxes[lane_id] = bbox lane_rtree.add(idx, bbox) for lane_id in lane_ids_todo: lane = self._lanes[lane_id] lane_intersections = intersections.setdefault(lane_id, set()) # Filter out any lanes that don't intersect this lane's bbox indicies = lane_rtree.intersection(bboxes[lane_id]) # Filter out any other lanes we don't want to check against lanes_to_test = [] for idx in indicies: cand_id = lane_ids_todo[idx] if cand_id == lane_id: continue # Skip intersections we've already computed if cand_id in lane_intersections: continue # ... and sub-lanes of the same original lane cand_lane = self._lanes[cand_id] # Don't check intersection with incoming/outgoing lanes if cand_lane in lane.incoming_lanes or cand_lane in lane.outgoing_lanes: continue # ... or lanes in same road (TAI?) if lane.road == cand_lane.road: continue lanes_to_test.append(cand_id) if not lanes_to_test: continue # Main loop -- check each segment of the lane polyline against the # polyline of each candidate lane (--> algorithm is O(l^2) line1 = lane._centerline for cand_id in lanes_to_test: line2 = np.array(self._lanes[cand_id]._centerline) C = np.roll(line2, 0, axis=0)[:-1] D = np.roll(line2, -1, axis=0)[:-1] for i in range(len(line1) - 1): a = line1[i] b = line1[i + 1] if line_intersect_vectorized(a, b, C, D): lane_intersections.add(cand_id) intersections.setdefault(cand_id, set()).add(lane_id) break for lane_id, intersect_ids in intersections.items(): self._lanes[lane_id]._intersections = [ self.lane_by_id(id) for id in intersect_ids ] def _load_map_data(self): start = time.time() all_ids = set(self._avm.get_scenario_lane_segment_ids()) processed_ids = set() for lane_seg in self._avm.get_scenario_lane_segments(): # If this is a rightmost lane, create a road with its neighbors if lane_seg.right_neighbor_id is None: neighbors: List[int] = [] cur_seg = lane_seg while True: left_mark = cur_seg.left_lane_marking.mark_type left_id = cur_seg.left_neighbor_id if ( left_id is not None and left_mark in ArgoverseMap.LANE_MARKINGS and left_id in self._avm.vector_lane_segments ): # There is a valid lane to the left, so add it and continue left_seg = self._avm.vector_lane_segments[left_id] # Edge case: sometimes there can be a cycle (2 lanes can have each other as their left neighbor) if left_seg.left_neighbor_id == break cur_seg = left_seg neighbors.append(left_id) else: break # This is the leftmost lane in the road, so stop # Create the lane objects road_id = "road" lanes = [] for index, seg_id in enumerate([] + neighbors): road_id += f"-{seg_id}" lane_id = f"lane-{seg_id}" seg = self._avm.vector_lane_segments[seg_id] lane = ArgoverseMap.Lane(self, lane_id, seg, index) assert lane_id not in self._lanes self._lanes[lane_id] = lane processed_ids.add(seg_id) lanes.append(lane) # Create the road and fill in references road = ArgoverseMap.Road(road_id, lanes) assert road_id not in self._roads self._roads[road_id] = road for lane in lanes: lane._road = road # Create lanes for the remaining lane segments, each with their own road remaining_ids = all_ids - processed_ids for seg_id in remaining_ids: lane_seg = self._avm.vector_lane_segments[seg_id] road_id = f"road-{}" lane_id = f"lane-{}" lane = ArgoverseMap.Lane(self, lane_id, lane_seg, 0) road = ArgoverseMap.Road(road_id, [lane]) lane._road = road assert road_id not in self._roads assert lane_id not in self._lanes self._roads[road_id] = road self._lanes[lane_id] = lane # Patch in incoming/outgoing lanes now that all lanes have been created for lane in self._lanes.values(): lane._incoming_lanes = [ self.lane_by_id(f"lane-{seg_id}") for seg_id in lane.lane_seg.predecessors if seg_id in all_ids ] lane._outgoing_lanes = [ self.lane_by_id(f"lane-{seg_id}") for seg_id in lane.lane_seg.successors if seg_id in all_ids ] self._compute_lane_intersections() end = time.time() elapsed = round((end - start) * 1000.0, 3)"Loading Argoverse map took: {elapsed} ms") @property def source(self) -> str: """Path to the directory containing the map JSON file.""" return self._map_spec.source @cached_property def bounding_box(self) -> Optional[BoundingBox]: xs, ys = np.array([]), np.array([]) for lane_seg in self._avm.get_scenario_lane_segments(): xs = np.concatenate((xs, lane_seg.polygon_boundary[:, 0])) ys = np.concatenate((ys, lane_seg.polygon_boundary[:, 1])) return BoundingBox( min_pt=Point(x=np.min(xs), y=np.min(ys)), max_pt=Point(x=np.max(xs), y=np.max(ys)), )
[docs] def is_same_map(self, map_spec) -> bool: return map_spec.source == self._map_spec.source
def _compute_traffic_dividers(self) -> Tuple[List, List]: lane_dividers = [] # divider between lanes with same traffic direction road_dividers = [] # divider between roads with opposite traffic direction processed_ids = [] for lane_seg in self._avm.get_scenario_lane_segments(): if in processed_ids or lane_seg.is_intersection: continue if lane_seg.right_neighbor_id is None: cur_seg = lane_seg while True: if ( cur_seg.left_neighbor_id is None or in processed_ids or ( cur_seg.left_neighbor_id not in self._avm.vector_lane_segments ) ): break # This is the leftmost lane in the road, so stop else: left_mark = cur_seg.left_lane_marking.mark_type lane = self.lane_by_id(f"lane-{}") left_boundary = [(p[0], p[1]) for p in lane.left_pts] lane_cl = self._avm.get_lane_segment_centerline( left_cl = self._avm.get_lane_segment_centerline( cur_seg.left_neighbor_id ) lane_dir = lane_cl[1] - lane_cl[0] left_dir = left_cl[1] - left_cl[0] angle = np.arccos(, left_dir) / (np.linalg.norm(lane_dir) * np.linalg.norm(left_dir)) ) same_dir = angle < 0.1 if left_mark in ArgoverseMap.LANE_MARKINGS and same_dir: lane_dividers.append(left_boundary) else: road_dividers.append(left_boundary) processed_ids.append( cur_seg = self._avm.vector_lane_segments[ cur_seg.left_neighbor_id ] return lane_dividers, road_dividers
[docs] def to_glb(self, glb_dir): polygons = [] for lane_id, lane in self._lanes.items(): metadata = { "road_id": lane.road.road_id, "lane_id": lane_id, "lane_index": lane.index, } polygons.append((lane.shape(), metadata)) lane_dividers, edge_dividers = self._compute_traffic_dividers() map_glb = make_map_glb( polygons, self.bounding_box, lane_dividers, edge_dividers ) map_glb.write_glb(Path(glb_dir) / "map.glb") road_lines_glb = make_road_line_glb(edge_dividers) road_lines_glb.write_glb(Path(glb_dir) / "road_lines.glb") lane_lines_glb = make_road_line_glb(lane_dividers) lane_lines_glb.write_glb(Path(glb_dir) / "lane_lines.glb")
[docs] class Surface(RoadMapWithCaches.Surface): """Surface representation for `Argoverse` maps.""" def __init__(self, surface_id: str, road_map): self._surface_id = surface_id @property def surface_id(self) -> str: return self._surface_id @property def is_drivable(self) -> bool: return True
[docs] def surface_by_id(self, surface_id: str) -> Optional[RoadMap.Surface]: return self._surfaces.get(surface_id)
[docs] class Lane(RoadMapWithCaches.Lane, Surface): """Lane representation for `Argoverse` maps.""" def __init__( self, map: "ArgoverseMap", lane_id: str, lane_seg: LaneSegment, index: int ): super().__init__(lane_id, map) self._map = map self._lane_id = lane_id self.lane_seg = lane_seg self._index = index self._road = None self._incoming_lanes = None self._outgoing_lanes = None self._intersections = None self._polygon = lane_seg.polygon_boundary[:, :2] self._centerline = self._map._avm.get_lane_segment_centerline([ :, :2 ] xs = self._polygon[:, 0] ys = self._polygon[:, 1] self._bbox = BoundingBox( min_pt=Point(x=np.amin(xs), y=np.amin(ys)), max_pt=Point(x=np.amax(xs), y=np.amax(ys)), ) # Compute equally-spaced points for lane boundaries by interpolating n = len(self._centerline) self.left_pts = interp_arc( n,[:, :2] ) self.right_pts = interp_arc( n,[:, :2] ) def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(self.lane_id) @property def bounding_box(self): return self._bbox @property def lane_id(self) -> str: return self._lane_id @property def road(self) -> RoadMap.Road: return self._road @property def speed_limit(self) -> Optional[float]: return ArgoverseMap.DEFAULT_LANE_SPEED
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=1024) def width_at_offset(self, lane_point_s: float) -> Tuple[float, float]: world_point = self.from_lane_coord( RefLinePoint(lane_point_s, 0) ).as_np_array[:2] deltas = self._centerline - world_point dists = np.linalg.norm(deltas, axis=1) closest_index = np.argmin(dists) p1 = self.left_pts[closest_index] p2 = self.right_pts[closest_index] width = np.linalg.norm(np.subtract(p2, p1)) return width, 1.0
@cached_property def length(self) -> float: length = 0 for p1, p2 in zip(self._centerline, self._centerline[1:]): length += np.linalg.norm(np.subtract(p2, p1)) return length @cached_property def center_polyline(self) -> List[Point]: return [Point(p[0], p[1]) for p in self._centerline] @property def in_junction(self) -> bool: return self.lane_seg.is_intersection @property def index(self) -> int: return self._index
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=4) def shape( self, buffer_width: float = 0.0, default_width: Optional[float] = None ) -> Polygon: return Polygon(self._polygon)
@cached_property def lanes_in_same_direction(self) -> List[RoadMap.Lane]: return [lane for lane in self.road.lanes if lane.lane_id != self.lane_id] @cached_property def lane_to_left(self) -> Tuple[Optional[RoadMap.Lane], bool]: result = None for other in self.lanes_in_same_direction: if other.index > self.index and ( not result or other.index < result.index ): result = other return result, True @cached_property def lane_to_right(self) -> Tuple[Optional[RoadMap.Lane], bool]: result = None for other in self.lanes_in_same_direction: if other.index < self.index and ( not result or other.index > result.index ): result = other return result, True @property def incoming_lanes(self) -> List[RoadMap.Lane]: return self._incoming_lanes @property def outgoing_lanes(self) -> List[RoadMap.Lane]: return self._outgoing_lanes
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=16) def oncoming_lanes_at_offset(self, offset: float) -> List[RoadMap.Lane]: result = [] radius = 1.1 * self.width_at_offset(offset)[0] pt = self.from_lane_coord(RefLinePoint(offset)) nearby_lanes = self._map.nearest_lanes(pt, radius=radius) if not nearby_lanes: return result my_vect = self.vector_at_offset(offset) my_norm = np.linalg.norm(my_vect) if my_norm == 0: return result threshold = -0.995562 # cos(175*pi/180) for lane, _ in nearby_lanes: if lane == self: continue lane_refline_pt = lane.to_lane_coord(pt) lv = lane.vector_at_offset(lane_refline_pt.s) lv_norm = np.linalg.norm(lv) if lv_norm == 0: continue lane_angle =, lv) / (my_norm * lv_norm) if lane_angle < threshold: result.append(lane) return result
@cached_property def foes(self) -> List[RoadMap.Lane]: foes = set(self._intersections) foes |= { incoming for outgoing in self.outgoing_lanes for incoming in outgoing.incoming_lanes if incoming != self } return list(foes)
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=8) def contains_point(self, point: Point) -> bool: assert type(point) == Point if ( self._bbox.min_pt.x <= point[0] <= self._bbox.max_pt.x and self._bbox.min_pt.y <= point[1] <= self._bbox.max_pt.y ): return self.shape().contains(point.as_shapely) return False
[docs] def waypoint_paths_for_pose( self, pose: Pose, lookahead: int, route: Optional[RoadMap.Route] = None ) -> List[List[Waypoint]]: if not self.is_drivable: return [] road_ids = [road.road_id for road in route.roads] if route else None return self._waypoint_paths_at(pose.point, lookahead, road_ids)
[docs] def waypoint_paths_at_offset( self, offset: float, lookahead: int = 30, route: Optional[RoadMap.Route] = None, ) -> List[List[Waypoint]]: if not self.is_drivable: return [] wp_start = self.from_lane_coord(RefLinePoint(offset)) road_ids = [road.road_id for road in route.roads] if route else None return self._waypoint_paths_at(wp_start, lookahead, road_ids)
def _waypoint_paths_at( self, point: Point, lookahead: int, filter_road_ids: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, ) -> List[List[Waypoint]]: if not self.is_drivable: return [] closest_linked_lp = ( self._map._lanepoints.closest_linked_lanepoint_on_lane_to_point( point, self._lane_id ) ) return self._map._waypoints_starting_at_lanepoint( closest_linked_lp, lookahead, tuple(filter_road_ids) if filter_road_ids else (), point, )
[docs] def lane_by_id(self, lane_id: str) -> "ArgoverseMap.Lane": lane = self._lanes.get(lane_id) assert lane, f"ArgoverseMap got request for unknown lane_id: '{lane_id}'" return lane
def _build_lane_r_tree(self): result = rtree.index.Index() result.interleaved = True for idx, lane in enumerate(self._lanes.values()): xs = lane._polygon[:, 0] ys = lane._polygon[:, 1] bounding_box = ( np.amin(xs), np.amin(ys), np.amax(xs), np.amax(ys), ) result.add(idx, bounding_box) return result def _get_neighboring_lanes( self, x: float, y: float, r: float = 0.1 ) -> List[Tuple[RoadMapWithCaches.Lane, float]]: neighboring_lanes = [] if self._lane_rtree is None: self._lane_rtree = self._build_lane_r_tree() spt = SPoint(x, y) lanes = list(self._lanes.values()) for i in self._lane_rtree.intersection((x - r, y - r, x + r, y + r)): lane = lanes[i] d = lane.shape().distance(spt) if d < r: neighboring_lanes.append((lane, d)) return neighboring_lanes
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=1024) def nearest_lanes( self, point: Point, radius: Optional[float] = None, include_junctions: bool = False, ) -> List[Tuple[RoadMapWithCaches.Lane, float]]: if radius is None: radius = 5 candidate_lanes = self._get_neighboring_lanes(point[0], point[1], r=radius) candidate_lanes.sort(key=lambda lane_dist_tup: lane_dist_tup[1]) return candidate_lanes
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=16) def road_with_point( self, point: Point, *, lanes_to_search: Optional[Sequence["RoadMap.Lane"]] = None, ) -> Optional[RoadMap.Road]: # Lookup nearest lanes if no search lanes were provided if not lanes_to_search: radius = 5 lanes = [nl for (nl, _) in self.nearest_lanes(point, radius)] else: lanes = lanes_to_search for lane in lanes: if lane.contains_point(point): return lane.road return None
[docs] class Road(RoadMapWithCaches.Road, Surface): """Road representation for `Argoverse` maps.""" def __init__(self, road_id: str, lanes: List[RoadMap.Lane]): super().__init__(road_id, None) self._road_id = road_id self._lanes = lanes x_mins, y_mins, x_maxs, y_maxs = [], [], [], [] for lane in self._lanes: # pytype: disable=attribute-error x_mins.append(lane.bounding_box.min_pt.x) y_mins.append(lane.bounding_box.min_pt.y) x_maxs.append(lane.bounding_box.max_pt.x) y_maxs.append(lane.bounding_box.max_pt.y) # pytype: enable=attribute-error self._bbox = BoundingBox( min_pt=Point(x=min(x_mins), y=min(y_mins)), max_pt=Point(x=max(x_maxs), y=max(y_maxs)), ) def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(self.road_id) @property def road_id(self) -> str: return self._road_id @property def composite_road(self) -> RoadMap.Road: """Return an abstract Road composed of one or more RoadMap.Road segments (including this one) that has been inferred to correspond to one continuous real-world road. May return same object as self.""" return self @property def is_composite(self) -> bool: """Returns True if this Road object was inferred and composed out of subordinate Road objects.""" return False @cached_property def is_junction(self) -> bool: for lane in self.lanes: if lane.foes or len(lane.incoming_lanes) > 1: return True return False @cached_property def length(self) -> float: # Neighbouring lanes in Argoverse can be different lengths. Since this is # just used for routes, we take the average lane length in this road. return sum([lane.length for lane in self.lanes]) / len(self.lanes) @property def incoming_roads(self) -> List[RoadMap.Road]: return list( {in_lane.road for lane in self.lanes for in_lane in lane.incoming_lanes} ) @property def outgoing_roads(self) -> List[RoadMap.Road]: return list( { out_lane.road for lane in self.lanes for out_lane in lane.outgoing_lanes } )
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=16) def oncoming_roads_at_point(self, point: Point) -> List[RoadMap.Road]: result = [] for lane in self.lanes: offset = lane.to_lane_coord(point).s result += [ ol.road for ol in lane.oncoming_lanes_at_offset(offset) if ol.road != self ] return result
@property def parallel_roads(self) -> List[RoadMap.Road]: return [] @property def lanes(self) -> List[RoadMap.Lane]: return self._lanes
[docs] def lane_at_index(self, index: int) -> RoadMap.Lane: return self.lanes[index]
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=8) def contains_point(self, point: Point) -> bool: if ( self._bbox.min_pt.x <= point[0] <= self._bbox.max_pt.x and self._bbox.min_pt.y <= point[1] <= self._bbox.max_pt.y ): for lane in self._lanes: if lane.contains_point(point): return True return False
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=4) def shape( self, buffer_width: float = 0.0, default_width: Optional[float] = None ) -> Polygon: leftmost_lane = self.lane_at_index(len(self.lanes) - 1) rightmost_lane = self.lane_at_index(0) left_pts =[:, :2] right_pts =[:, :2] polygon_pts = np.concatenate( (left_pts, right_pts[::-1], np.array([left_pts[0]])) ) return Polygon(polygon_pts)
[docs] def road_by_id(self, road_id: str) -> RoadMap.Road: road = self._roads.get(road_id) assert ( road ), f"{ArgoverseMap.__name__} got request for unknown road_id: '{road_id}'" return road
[docs] class Route(RouteWithCache): """Describes a route between `Argoverse` roads.""" def __init__( self, road_map: RoadMap, roads: List[RoadMap.Road] = [], start_lane: Optional[RoadMap.Lane] = None, end_lane: Optional[RoadMap.Lane] = None, ): super().__init__(road_map, start_lane, end_lane) self._roads = roads self._length = sum([road.length for road in roads]) @property def roads(self) -> List[RoadMap.Road]: return self._roads @property def road_length(self) -> float: return self._length @cached_property def geometry(self) -> Sequence[Sequence[Tuple[float, float]]]: return [list(road.shape(0.0).exterior.coords) for road in self.roads]
@staticmethod def _shortest_route(start: RoadMap.Road, end: RoadMap.Road) -> List[RoadMap.Road]: queue = [(start.length, start.road_id, start)] came_from = dict() came_from[start] = None cost_so_far = dict() cost_so_far[start] = start.length current: Optional[RoadMap.Road] = None # Dijkstra’s Algorithm while queue: (_, _, current) = heapq.heappop(queue) if current == end: break for out_road in current.outgoing_roads: new_cost = cost_so_far[current] + out_road.length if out_road not in cost_so_far or new_cost < cost_so_far[out_road]: cost_so_far[out_road] = new_cost came_from[out_road] = current heapq.heappush(queue, (new_cost, out_road.road_id, out_road)) # This means we couldn't find a valid route since the queue is empty if current != end: return [] # Reconstruct path current = end path = [] while current != start: if current is not None: path.append(current) current = came_from[current] path.append(start) path.reverse() return path def _generate_routes( self, start_road: RoadMap.Road, start_lane: RoadMap.Lane, end_road: RoadMap.Road, end_lane: RoadMap.Lane, via: Optional[Sequence[RoadMap.Road]], max_to_gen: int, ) -> List[RoadMap.Route]: assert ( max_to_gen == 1 ), "multiple route generation not yet supported for Argoverse" roads = [start_road] if via: roads += via if end_road != start_road: roads.append(end_road) route_roads = [] for cur_road, next_road in zip(roads, roads[1:] + [None]): if not next_road: route_roads.append(cur_road) break sub_route = ArgoverseMap._shortest_route(cur_road, next_road) or [] if len(sub_route) < 2: self._log.warning( f"Unable to find valid path between {(cur_road.road_id, next_road.road_id)}." ) return [ArgoverseMap.Route(road_map=self)] # The sub route includes the boundary roads (cur_road, next_road). # We clip the latter to prevent duplicates route_roads.extend(sub_route[:-1]) return [ ArgoverseMap.Route( road_map=self, roads=route_roads, start_lane=start_lane, end_lane=end_lane, ) ]
[docs] def random_route( self, max_route_len: int = 10, starting_road: Optional[RoadMap.Road] = None, only_drivable: bool = True, ) -> RoadMap.Route: assert not starting_road or not only_drivable or starting_road.is_drivable next_roads = [starting_road] if starting_road else list(self._roads.values()) route_roads = [] if only_drivable: next_roads = [r for r in next_roads if r.is_drivable] while next_roads and len(route_roads) < max_route_len: cur_road = random.choice(next_roads) route_roads.append(cur_road) next_roads = list(cur_road.outgoing_roads) return ArgoverseMap.Route(road_map=self, roads=route_roads)
[docs] def empty_route(self) -> RoadMap.Route: return ArgoverseMap.Route(self)
[docs] def route_from_road_ids( self, road_ids: Sequence[str], resolve_intermediaries: bool = False ) -> RoadMap.Route: return ArgoverseMap.Route.from_road_ids(self, road_ids, resolve_intermediaries)
class _WaypointsCache: def __init__(self): self.lookahead = 0 self.point = Point(0, 0) self.filter_road_ids = () self._starts = {} # XXX: all vehicles share this cache now (as opposed to before # when it was in and each vehicle had its own cache). # TODO: probably need to add vehicle_id to the key somehow (or just make it bigger) def _match(self, lookahead, point, filter_road_ids) -> bool: return ( lookahead <= self.lookahead and point[0] == self.point[0] and point[1] == self.point[1] and filter_road_ids == self.filter_road_ids ) def update( self, lookahead: int, point: Point, filter_road_ids: tuple, llp, paths: List[List[Waypoint]], ): """Update the current cache if not already cached.""" if not self._match(lookahead, point, filter_road_ids): self.lookahead = lookahead self.point = point self.filter_road_ids = filter_road_ids self._starts = {} self._starts[llp.lp.lane.lane_id] = paths def query( self, lookahead: int, point: Point, filter_road_ids: tuple, llp, ) -> Optional[List[List[Waypoint]]]: """Attempt to find previously cached waypoints""" if self._match(lookahead, point, filter_road_ids): hit = self._starts.get(llp.lp.lane.lane_id, None) if hit: # consider just returning all of them (not slicing)? return [path[: (lookahead + 1)] for path in hit] return None @cached_property def _lanepoints(self): assert self._map_spec.lanepoint_spacing > 0 return LanePoints.from_argoverse(self, spacing=self._map_spec.lanepoint_spacing) def _resolve_in_junction(self, junction_lane: RoadMap.Lane) -> List[RoadMap.Lane]: # There are no paths we can trace back through the junction, so return if len(junction_lane.road.incoming_roads) == 0: return [] # Trace back to the road that leads into the junction inc_road: RoadMap.Road = junction_lane.road.incoming_roads[0] lanes = [] for out_road in inc_road.outgoing_roads: lanes.extend([lane for lane in out_road.lanes]) return lanes
[docs] def waypoint_paths( self, pose: Pose, lookahead: int, within_radius: float = 5, route: Optional[RoadMap.Route] = None, ) -> List[List[Waypoint]]: road_ids = [] if route and route.roads: road_ids = [road.road_id for road in route.roads] if road_ids: return self._waypoint_paths_along_route(pose.point, lookahead, road_ids) # No route provided, so generate paths based on the closest lanepoints waypoint_paths = [] closest_lps: List[LanePoint] = self._lanepoints.closest_lanepoints( pose, maximum_count=15 ) closest_lane: RoadMap.Lane = closest_lps[0].lane # First, see if we are in a junction and need to do something special if closest_lane.in_junction: # Get the set of all nearby junction lanes with similar heading junction_lanes: Set[RoadMap.Lane] = set() for lp in closest_lps: rel_heading = lp.pose.heading.relative_to(pose.heading) if lp.lane.in_junction and abs(rel_heading) < np.pi / 2: junction_lanes.add(lp.lane) # Get set of all lanes leading through the junction wp_lanes = set() for junction_lane in junction_lanes: wp_lanes = wp_lanes.union(set(self._resolve_in_junction(junction_lane))) # Generate waypoints for each junction lane for wp_lane in wp_lanes: new_paths = [ path for path in wp_lane._waypoint_paths_at(pose.point, lookahead) if path[0].lane_id == wp_lane.lane_id ] for path in new_paths: if ( len(path) > 0 and np.linalg.norm(np.subtract(path[0].pos, pose.position[:2])) < 8 and abs(path[0].heading.relative_to(pose.heading)) < np.pi / 3 ): waypoint_paths.append(path) # Otherwise, just generate waypoints for the closest lane if len(waypoint_paths) < 1: for lane in closest_lane.road.lanes: waypoint_paths += lane._waypoint_paths_at(pose.point, lookahead) result = sorted(waypoint_paths, key=lambda p: p[0].lane_id) assert len(result) > 0, "Waypoint paths should not be empty" return result
def _waypoint_paths_along_route( self, point: Point, lookahead: int, route: Sequence[str] ) -> List[List[Waypoint]]: """finds the closest lane to vehicle's position that is on its route, then gets waypoint paths from all lanes in its road there.""" assert len(route) > 0, f"Expected at least 1 road in the route, got: {route}" closest_llp_on_each_route_road = [ self._lanepoints.closest_linked_lanepoint_on_road(point, road) for road in route ] closest_linked_lp = min( closest_llp_on_each_route_road, key=lambda l_lp: np.linalg.norm( vec_2d(l_lp.lp.pose.position) - vec_2d(point) ), ) closest_lane = closest_linked_lp.lp.lane waypoint_paths = [] for lane in closest_lane.road.lanes: waypoint_paths += lane._waypoint_paths_at(point, lookahead, route) return sorted(waypoint_paths, key=len, reverse=True) @staticmethod def _equally_spaced_path( path: Sequence[LinkedLanePoint], point: Point, lp_spacing: float, ) -> List[Waypoint]: """given a list of LanePoints starting near point, return corresponding Waypoints that may not be evenly spaced (due to lane change) but start at point. """ continuous_variables = [ "positions_x", "positions_y", "headings", "lane_width", "speed_limit", "lane_offset", ] discrete_variables = ["lane_id", "lane_index"] ref_lanepoints_coordinates = { parameter: [] for parameter in (continuous_variables + discrete_variables) } for idx, lanepoint in enumerate(path): if lanepoint.is_inferred and 0 < idx < len(path) - 1: continue ref_lanepoints_coordinates["positions_x"].append( lanepoint.lp.pose.position[0] ) ref_lanepoints_coordinates["positions_y"].append( lanepoint.lp.pose.position[1] ) ref_lanepoints_coordinates["headings"].append( lanepoint.lp.pose.heading.as_bullet ) ref_lanepoints_coordinates["lane_id"].append(lanepoint.lp.lane.lane_id) ref_lanepoints_coordinates["lane_index"].append(lanepoint.lp.lane.index) ref_lanepoints_coordinates["lane_width"].append(lanepoint.lp.lane_width) ref_lanepoints_coordinates["lane_offset"].append( lanepoint.lp.lane.offset_along_lane(lanepoint.lp.pose.point) ) ref_lanepoints_coordinates["speed_limit"].append( lanepoint.lp.lane.speed_limit ) ref_lanepoints_coordinates["headings"] = inplace_unwrap( ref_lanepoints_coordinates["headings"] ) first_lp_heading = ref_lanepoints_coordinates["headings"][0] lp_position = path[0].lp.pose.point.as_np_array[:2] vehicle_pos = point.as_np_array[:2] heading_vec = radians_to_vec(first_lp_heading) projected_distant_lp_vehicle = np.inner( (vehicle_pos - lp_position), heading_vec ) ref_lanepoints_coordinates["positions_x"][0] = ( lp_position[0] + projected_distant_lp_vehicle * heading_vec[0] ) ref_lanepoints_coordinates["positions_y"][0] = ( lp_position[1] + projected_distant_lp_vehicle * heading_vec[1] ) cumulative_path_dist = np.cumsum( np.sqrt( np.ediff1d(ref_lanepoints_coordinates["positions_x"], to_begin=0) ** 2 + np.ediff1d(ref_lanepoints_coordinates["positions_y"], to_begin=0) ** 2 ) ) if len(cumulative_path_dist) <= lp_spacing: lp = path[0].lp return [ Waypoint( pos=lp.pose.position[:2], heading=lp.pose.heading, lane_width=lp.lane.width_at_offset(0)[0], speed_limit=lp.lane.speed_limit, lane_id=lp.lane.lane_id, lane_index=lp.lane.index, lane_offset=lp.lane.offset_along_lane(lp.pose.point), ) ] evenly_spaced_cumulative_path_dist = np.linspace( 0, cumulative_path_dist[-1], len(path) ) evenly_spaced_coordinates = {} for variable in continuous_variables: evenly_spaced_coordinates[variable] = np.interp( evenly_spaced_cumulative_path_dist, cumulative_path_dist, ref_lanepoints_coordinates[variable], ) for variable in discrete_variables: ref_coordinates = ref_lanepoints_coordinates[variable] evenly_spaced_coordinates[variable] = [] jdx = 0 for idx in range(len(path)): while ( jdx + 1 < len(cumulative_path_dist) and evenly_spaced_cumulative_path_dist[idx] > cumulative_path_dist[jdx + 1] ): jdx += 1 evenly_spaced_coordinates[variable].append(ref_coordinates[jdx]) evenly_spaced_coordinates[variable].append(ref_coordinates[-1]) waypoint_path = [] for idx in range(len(path)): waypoint_path.append( Waypoint( pos=np.array( [ evenly_spaced_coordinates["positions_x"][idx], evenly_spaced_coordinates["positions_y"][idx], ] ), heading=Heading(evenly_spaced_coordinates["headings"][idx]), lane_width=evenly_spaced_coordinates["lane_width"][idx], speed_limit=evenly_spaced_coordinates["speed_limit"][idx], lane_id=evenly_spaced_coordinates["lane_id"][idx], lane_index=evenly_spaced_coordinates["lane_index"][idx], lane_offset=evenly_spaced_coordinates["lane_offset"][idx], ) ) return waypoint_path def _waypoints_starting_at_lanepoint( self, lanepoint: LinkedLanePoint, lookahead: int, filter_road_ids: tuple, point: Point, ) -> List[List[Waypoint]]: """computes equally-spaced Waypoints for all lane paths starting at lanepoint up to lookahead waypoints ahead, constrained to filter_road_ids if specified.""" # The following acts sort of like lru_cache(1), but it allows # for lookahead to be <= to the cached value... cache_paths = self._waypoints_cache.query( lookahead, point, filter_road_ids, lanepoint ) if cache_paths: return cache_paths lanepoint_paths = self._lanepoints.paths_starting_at_lanepoint( lanepoint, lookahead, filter_road_ids ) result = [ ArgoverseMap._equally_spaced_path( path, point, self._map_spec.lanepoint_spacing, ) for path in lanepoint_paths ] self._waypoints_cache.update( lookahead, point, filter_road_ids, lanepoint, result ) return result