Source code for smarts.core.scenario

# Copyright (C) 2020. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
from __future__ import annotations

import glob
import logging
import os
import pickle
import random
import uuid
import warnings
from functools import lru_cache
from itertools import cycle, product
from pathlib import Path
from typing import (

import cloudpickle
import numpy as np
import yaml

from smarts.core.coordinates import Heading, Point, RefLinePoint
from smarts.core.data_model import SocialAgent
from smarts.core.plan import (
from smarts.core.traffic_history import TrafficHistory
from smarts.core.utils.core_math import (
from smarts.core.utils.file import make_dir_in_smarts_log_dir, path2hash
from import SocialAgentId
from smarts.sstudio import sstypes as sstudio_types
from smarts.sstudio.sstypes import EntryTactic, MapSpec
from smarts.sstudio.sstypes import Via as SSVia

VehicleWindow = TrafficHistory.TrafficHistoryVehicleWindow

# Suppress trimesh deprecation warning

with warnings.catch_warnings():
        message="Please use `coo_matrix` from the `scipy.sparse` namespace, the `scipy.sparse.coo` namespace is deprecated.",
    import trimesh  # only suppress the warnings caused by trimesh

    from smarts.core.road_map import RoadMap

[docs]class Scenario: """The purpose of the Scenario is to provide an aggregate of all code/configuration/assets that is specialized to a scenario. Args: scenario_root: The scenario asset folder (i.e. './scenarios/trigger'.) traffic_specs: The social vehicle traffic specs. missions: agent_id to mission mapping. map_spec: If specified, allows specifying a :class:`~smarts.sstudio.sstypes.map_spec.MapSpec` at run-time to override any spec that may have been pre-specified in the scenario folder (or the default if none were). Also see comments around the :class:`~smarts.sstudio.sstypes.map_spec.MapSpec` definition. """ def __init__( self, scenario_root: str, traffic_specs: Sequence[str] = [], missions: Optional[Dict[str, NavigationMission]] = None, social_agents: Optional[Dict[str, Tuple[Any, SocialAgent]]] = None, log_dir: Optional[str] = None, surface_patches: Optional[Sequence[Dict[str, Any]]] = None, traffic_history: Optional[str] = None, map_spec: Optional[MapSpec] = None, route: Optional[str] = None, # deprecated: use traffic_specs instead ): self._logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) self._root = scenario_root self._traffic_specs = traffic_specs if route: warnings.warn( "Scenario route property has been deprecated in favor of traffic_specs. Please update your code.", category=DeprecationWarning, ) traffic_path = os.path.join(scenario_root, "build", "traffic") self._traffic_specs = [os.path.join(traffic_path, route)] self._missions = missions or {} self._bubbles = Scenario._discover_bubbles(scenario_root) self._metadata = Scenario._discover_metadata(scenario_root) self._social_agents = social_agents or {} self._surface_patches = surface_patches self._log_dir = self._resolve_log_dir(log_dir) if traffic_history: self._traffic_history = TrafficHistory(traffic_history) default_lane_width = self._traffic_history.lane_width else: self._traffic_history = None default_lane_width = None # XXX: using a map builder_fn supplied by users is a security risk # as SMARTS will be executing the code "as is". We are currently # trusting our users to not try to sabotage their own simulations. # In the future, this may need to be revisited if SMARTS is ever # shared in a multi-user mode. if not map_spec: map_spec = Scenario.discover_map(self._root, 1.0, default_lane_width) self._road_map, self._road_map_hash = map_spec.builder_fn(map_spec) self._scenario_hash = path2hash(str(Path(self.root_filepath).resolve())) os.makedirs(self._log_dir, exist_ok=True) def __repr__(self): return f"""Scenario( _root={self._root}, _traffic_specs={self._traffic_specs}, _missions={self._missions}, )"""
[docs] @staticmethod def get_scenario_list(scenarios_or_scenarios_dirs: Sequence[str]) -> Sequence[str]: """Find all specific scenario directories in the directory trees of the initial scenario directory. """ scenario_roots = [] for root in scenarios_or_scenarios_dirs: if Scenario.is_valid_scenario(root): # This is the single scenario mode, only training against a single scenario scenario_roots.append(root) else: scenario_roots.extend(Scenario.discover_scenarios(root)) return scenario_roots
[docs] @staticmethod def scenario_variations( scenarios_or_scenarios_dirs: Sequence[str], agents_to_be_briefed: Sequence[str], shuffle_scenarios: bool = True, circular: bool = True, ) -> Generator["Scenario", None, None]: """Generate a cycle of scenario configurations. Args: scenarios_or_scenarios_dirs (Sequence[str]): A sequence of either the scenario to run (see scenarios/ for some samples you can use) OR a directory of scenarios to sample from. agents_to_be_briefed: Agent IDs that will be assigned a mission ("briefed" on a mission). Returns: A generator that serves up Scenarios. """ scenario_roots = Scenario.get_scenario_list(scenarios_or_scenarios_dirs) if shuffle_scenarios: np.random.shuffle(scenario_roots) if circular: scenario_roots = cycle(scenario_roots) return Scenario.variations_for_all_scenario_roots( scenario_roots, agents_to_be_briefed, shuffle_scenarios )
[docs] @staticmethod def variations_for_all_scenario_roots( scenario_roots, agents_to_be_briefed, shuffle_scenarios=True ) -> Generator["Scenario", None, None]: """Convert scenario roots to concrete scenarios. Args: scenario_roots: Scenario directories containing scenario resource files. agents_to_be_briefed: Agent IDs that will be assigned a mission ("briefed" on a mission). shuffle_scenarios: Return scenarios in a pseudo-random order. Returns: A generator that serves up Scenarios. """ for scenario_root in scenario_roots: surface_patches = Scenario.discover_friction_map(scenario_root) agent_missions = Scenario.discover_agent_missions( scenario_root, agents_to_be_briefed ) social_agent_infos = Scenario._discover_social_agents_info(scenario_root) social_agents = [ { agent_id: (agent.to_agent_spec(), (agent, mission)) for agent_id, ( agent, mission, ) in per_episode_social_agent_infos.items() } for per_episode_social_agent_infos in social_agent_infos ] # `or [None]` so that product(...) will not return an empty result # but insted a [(..., `None`), ...]. agent_missions = agent_missions or [None] if len(agents_to_be_briefed) > len(agent_missions): warnings.warn( f"Scenario `{scenario_root}` has {len(agent_missions)} missions and" f" but there are {len(agents_to_be_briefed)} agents to assign" " missions to. The missions will be padded with random missions." ) mission_agent_groups = combination_pairs_with_unique_indices( agents_to_be_briefed, agent_missions ) social_agents = social_agents or [None] traffic_histories = Scenario.discover_traffic_histories(scenario_root) or [ None ] traffic = Scenario.discover_traffic(scenario_root) or [[]] roll_traffic = 0 roll_social_agents = 0 roll_traffic_histories = 0 if shuffle_scenarios: roll_traffic = random.randint(0, len(traffic)) roll_social_agents = random.randint(0, len(social_agents)) roll_traffic_histories = 0 # random.randint(0, len(traffic_histories)) for ( concrete_traffic, concrete_agent_missions, concrete_social_agents, concrete_traffic_history, ) in product( np.roll(traffic, roll_traffic, 0), mission_agent_groups, np.roll(social_agents, roll_social_agents, 0), np.roll(traffic_histories, roll_traffic_histories, 0), ): concrete_social_agent_missions = { agent_id: mission for agent_id, (_, (_, mission)) in ( concrete_social_agents or {} ).items() } # Filter out mission concrete_social_agents = { agent_id: (_agent_spec, social_agent) for agent_id, (_agent_spec, (social_agent, _)) in ( concrete_social_agents or {} ).items() } yield Scenario( scenario_root, traffic_specs=concrete_traffic, missions={ **{a_id: mission for a_id, mission in concrete_agent_missions}, **concrete_social_agent_missions, }, social_agents=concrete_social_agents, surface_patches=surface_patches, traffic_history=concrete_traffic_history, )
[docs] @staticmethod def discover_agent_missions_count(scenario_root): """Retrieve the agent missions from the given scenario directory.""" missions_file = os.path.join(scenario_root, "build", "missions.pkl") if os.path.exists(missions_file): with open(missions_file, "rb") as f: return len(pickle.load(f)) return 0
[docs] @staticmethod def discover_agent_missions(scenario_root, agents_to_be_briefed): """Returns a sequence of {agent_id: mission} mappings. If no missions are discovered we generate random ones. If there is only one agent to be briefed we return a list of `{agent_id: mission}` cycling through each mission. If there are multiple agents to be briefed we assume that each one is intended to get its own mission and that `len(agents_to_be_briefed) == len(missions)`. In this case a list of one dictionary is returned. """ road_map, _ = Scenario.build_map(scenario_root) missions = [] missions_file = os.path.join(scenario_root, "build", "missions.pkl") if os.path.exists(missions_file): with open(missions_file, "rb") as f: missions = pickle.load(f) missions = [ Scenario._extract_mission(actor_and_mission.mission, road_map) for actor_and_mission in missions ] if not missions: missions = [None for _ in range(len(agents_to_be_briefed))] return missions
[docs] @staticmethod def discover_friction_map(scenario_root) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Returns the list of surface patches parameters defined in scenario file. Each element of the list contains the parameters of the specified surface patch. """ surface_patches = [] friction_map_file = os.path.join(scenario_root, "build", "friction_map.pkl") if os.path.exists(friction_map_file): with open(friction_map_file, "rb") as f: map_surface_patches = pickle.load(f) for surface_patch in map_surface_patches: surface_patches.append( { "zone":, "begin_time": surface_patch.begin_time, "end_time": surface_patch.end_time, "friction coefficient": surface_patch.friction_coefficient, } ) return surface_patches
@staticmethod @lru_cache(maxsize=16) def _discover_social_agents_info( scenario: Union[str, Scenario], ) -> Sequence[Dict[str, Tuple[SocialAgent, NavigationMission]]]: """Loops through the social agent mission pickles, instantiating corresponding implementations for the given types. The output is a list of {agent_id: (mission, locator)}, where each dictionary corresponds to the social agents to run for a given concrete Scenario (which translates to "per episode" when swapping). """ scenario_root = ( scenario.root_filepath if isinstance(scenario, Scenario) else scenario ) road_map, _ = Scenario.build_map(scenario_root) social_agents_path = os.path.join(scenario_root, "build", "social_agents") if not os.path.exists(social_agents_path): return [] # [ ( missions_file, agent_actor, Mission ) ] agent_bucketer = [] # like dict.setdefault def setdefault(l: list, index: int, default): while len(l) < index + 1: l.append([]) return l[index] file_match = os.path.join(social_agents_path, "*.pkl") for missions_file_path in glob.glob(file_match): with open(missions_file_path, "rb") as missions_file: count = 0 missions = pickle.load(missions_file) for mission_and_actor in missions: # Each pickle file will contain a list of actor/mission pairs. The pairs # will most likely be generated in an M:N fashion # (i.e. A1: M1, A1: M2, A2: M1, A2: M2). The desired behavior is to have # a single pair per concrete Scenario (which would translate to # "per episode" when swapping) assert isinstance(, sstudio_types.SocialAgentActor ) actor = extracted_mission = Scenario._extract_mission( mission_and_actor.mission, road_map ) namespace = os.path.basename(missions_file_path) namespace = os.path.splitext(namespace)[0] setdefault(agent_bucketer, count, []).append( ( SocialAgent(, group=namespace),, is_boid=False, is_boid_keep_alive=False, agent_locator=actor.agent_locator, policy_kwargs=actor.policy_kwargs, initial_speed=actor.initial_speed, ), extracted_mission, ) ) count += 1 social_agents_info = [] for l in agent_bucketer: social_agents_info.append( { (agent, mission) for agent, mission in l} ) return social_agents_info
[docs] @staticmethod def discover_scenarios(scenario_or_scenarios_dir): """Retrieve all specific scenarios in the directory tree of the given scenario directory. Args: scenario_or_scenario_dir: A directory that either immediately contains a scenario or the root of a directory tree that contains multiple scenarios. Returns: All specific scenarios. """ if Scenario.is_valid_scenario(scenario_or_scenarios_dir): # This is the single scenario mode, only training against a single scenario scenario = scenario_or_scenarios_dir discovered_scenarios = [scenario] else: # Find all valid scenarios in the given scenarios directory discovered_scenarios = [] for scenario_file in os.listdir(scenario_or_scenarios_dir): scenario_root = os.path.join(scenario_or_scenarios_dir, scenario_file) if Scenario.is_valid_scenario(scenario_root): discovered_scenarios.append(scenario_root) assert ( len(discovered_scenarios) > 0 ), f"No valid scenarios found in {scenario_or_scenarios_dir}" return discovered_scenarios
[docs] @staticmethod def build_map(scenario_root: str) -> Tuple[Optional[RoadMap], Optional[str]]: """Builds a road map from the given scenario's resources.""" # XXX: using a map builder_fn supplied by users is a security risk # as SMARTS will be executing the code "as is". We are currently # trusting our users to not try to sabotage their own simulations. # In the future, this may need to be revisited if SMARTS is ever # shared in a multi-user mode. map_spec = Scenario.discover_map(scenario_root) return map_spec.builder_fn(map_spec)
[docs] @staticmethod def discover_map( scenario_root: str, lanepoint_spacing: Optional[float] = None, default_lane_width: Optional[float] = None, shift_to_origin: bool = False, ) -> MapSpec: """Generates the map specification from the given scenario's file resources. Args: scenarios_root: A specific scenario to run (e.g. scenarios/sumo/loop) lanepoint_spacing: The distance between lane-points that represent a lane's geometry. default_lane_width: The default width of a lane from its center if it does not have a specific width. shift_to_origin: Shifts the map location to near the simulation origin so that the map contains (0, 0). Returns: A new map spec. """ path = os.path.join(scenario_root, "build", "map", "map_spec.pkl") if not os.path.exists(path): # Use our default map builder if none specified by scenario... return MapSpec( scenario_root, lanepoint_spacing, default_lane_width, shift_to_origin, ) with open(path, "rb") as f: road_map = cloudpickle.load(f) return road_map
[docs] @staticmethod def discover_routes(scenario_root): """Discover the route files in the given scenario. >>> Scenario.discover_routes("scenarios/sumo/intersections/2lane") ['all.rou.xml', 'horizontal.rou.xml', 'turns.rou.xml', 'unprotected_left.rou.xml', 'vertical.rou.xml'] >>> Scenario.discover_routes("scenarios/sumo/loop") # loop does not have any routes ['basic.rou.xml'] """ warnings.warn( "Scenario.discover_routes() has been deprecated in favor of Scenario.discover_traffic(). Please update your code.", category=DeprecationWarning, ) return sorted( [ os.path.basename(r) for r in glob.glob( os.path.join(scenario_root, "build", "traffic", "*.rou.xml") ) ] )
[docs] @staticmethod def discover_traffic(scenario_root: str) -> List[Optional[List[str]]]: """Discover the traffic spec files in the given scenario.""" traffic_path = os.path.join(scenario_root, "build", "traffic") # combine any SMARTS and SUMO traffic together... sumo_traffic = glob.glob(os.path.join(traffic_path, "*.rou.xml")) smarts_traffic = glob.glob(os.path.join(traffic_path, "*.smarts.xml")) if sumo_traffic and not smarts_traffic: return [[ts] for ts in sumo_traffic] elif not sumo_traffic and smarts_traffic: return [[ts] for ts in smarts_traffic] return [list(ts) for ts in product(sumo_traffic, smarts_traffic)]
@staticmethod def _discover_bubbles(scenario_root): path = os.path.join(scenario_root, "build", "bubbles.pkl") if not os.path.exists(path): return [] with open(path, "rb") as f: bubbles = pickle.load(f) return bubbles @staticmethod def _discover_metadata(scenario_root): path = os.path.join(scenario_root, "build", "scenario_metadata.yaml") if not os.path.exists(path): return dict() with open(path, "r") as f: metadata = yaml.load(f, yaml.Loader) return metadata
[docs] def set_ego_missions(self, ego_missions: Dict[str, NavigationMission]): """Replaces the ego missions within the scenario. Args: ego_missions: Ego agent ids mapped to missions. """ self._missions = ego_missions
[docs] def get_vehicle_start_at_time( self, vehicle_id: str, start_time: float ) -> Tuple[Start, float]: """Returns a Start object that can be used to create a Mission for a vehicle from a traffic history dataset starting at its location at start_time. Also returns its speed at that time.""" pphs = self._traffic_history.vehicle_pose_at_time(vehicle_id, start_time) assert pphs pos_x, pos_y, heading, speed = pphs # missions start from front bumper, but pos is center of vehicle veh_dims = self._traffic_history.vehicle_dims(vehicle_id) hhx, hhy = radians_to_vec(heading) * (0.5 * veh_dims.length) return ( Start( np.array([pos_x + hhx, pos_y + hhy]), Heading(heading), from_front_bumper=True, ), speed, )
[docs] def get_vehicle_goal(self, vehicle_id: str) -> Point: """Get the final position for a history vehicle.""" final_exit_time = self._traffic_history.vehicle_final_exit_time(vehicle_id) final_pose = self._traffic_history.vehicle_pose_at_time( vehicle_id, final_exit_time ) assert final_pose final_pos_x, final_pos_y, _, _ = final_pose return Point(final_pos_x, final_pos_y)
[docs] def discover_missions_of_traffic_histories(self) -> Dict[str, NavigationMission]: """Retrieves the missions of traffic history vehicles.""" vehicle_missions = {} for row in self._traffic_history.first_seen_times(): v_id = str(row[0]) start_time = float(row[1]) start, speed = self.get_vehicle_start_at_time(v_id, start_time) entry_tactic = default_entry_tactic(speed) veh_config_type = self._traffic_history.vehicle_config_type(v_id) veh_dims = self._traffic_history.vehicle_dims(v_id) vehicle_missions[v_id] = NavigationMission( start=start, entry_tactic=entry_tactic, goal=TraverseGoal(self.road_map), start_time=start_time, vehicle_spec=VehicleSpec( veh_id=v_id, veh_config_type=veh_config_type, dimensions=veh_dims, ), ) return vehicle_missions
[docs] def create_dynamic_traffic_history_mission( self, vehicle_id: str, trigger_time: float, positional_radius: int ) -> Tuple[NavigationMission, NavigationMission]: """Builds missions out of the given vehicle information. Args: vehicle_id: The id of a vehicle in the traffic history dataset. trigger_time: The time that this mission should become active. positional_radius: The goal radius for the positional goal. Returns: (smarts.core.plan.NavigationMission, smarts.core.plan.NavigationMission): A positional mission that follows the initial original vehicle's travel as well as a traverse style mission which is done when the vehicle leaves the map. """ start, speed = self.get_vehicle_start_at_time(vehicle_id, trigger_time) veh_goal = self.get_vehicle_goal(vehicle_id) entry_tactic = default_entry_tactic(speed) # create a positional mission and a traverse mission positional_mission = NavigationMission( start=start, entry_tactic=entry_tactic, goal=PositionalGoal(veh_goal, radius=positional_radius), ) traverse_mission = NavigationMission( start=start, entry_tactic=entry_tactic, goal=TraverseGoal(self._road_map), ) return positional_mission, traverse_mission
[docs] def history_missions_for_window( self, exists_at_or_after: float, ends_before: float, minimum_vehicle_window: float, filter: Optional[ Callable[ [Iterable[VehicleWindow]], Iterable[VehicleWindow], ] ] = None, ) -> Sequence[NavigationMission]: """Discovers vehicle missions for the given window of time. :param exists_at_or_after: The starting time of any vehicles to query for. :type exists_at_or_after: float :param ends_before: The last point in time a vehicle should be in the simulation. Vehicles ending after that time are not considered. :type ends_before: float :param minimum_vehicle_window: The minimum time that a vehicle must be in the simulation to be considered for a mission. :type minimum_vehicle_window: float :param filter: A filter in the form of ``(func(Sequence[TrafficHistoryVehicleWindow]) -> Sequence[TrafficHistoryVehicleWindow])``, which passes in traffic vehicle information and then should be used purely to filter the sequence down. :return: A set of missions derived from the traffic history. :rtype: List[smarts.core.plan.NavigationMission] """ vehicle_windows = self._traffic_history.vehicle_windows_in_range( exists_at_or_after, ends_before, minimum_vehicle_window ) def _gen_mission(vw: TrafficHistory.TrafficHistoryVehicleWindow): assert isinstance( vw, TrafficHistory.TrafficHistoryVehicleWindow ), "`filter(..)` likely returns malformed data." v_id = str(vw.vehicle_id) start_time = float(vw.start_time) start = Start( np.array(vw.axle_start_position), Heading(vw.start_heading), ) entry_tactic = default_entry_tactic(vw.start_speed) veh_config_type = vw.vehicle_type veh_dims = vw.dimensions vehicle_mission = NavigationMission( start=start, entry_tactic=entry_tactic, goal=TraverseGoal(self.road_map), start_time=start_time, vehicle_spec=VehicleSpec( veh_id=v_id, veh_config_type=veh_config_type, dimensions=veh_dims, ), ) return vehicle_mission if filter is not None: vehicle_windows = filter(vehicle_windows) return [_gen_mission(vw) for vw in vehicle_windows]
[docs] @staticmethod def discover_traffic_histories(scenario_root: str): """Finds all existing traffic history files in the specific scenario.""" build_dir = Path(scenario_root) / "build" return [ entry for entry in os.scandir(str(build_dir)) if entry.is_file() and entry.path.endswith(".shf") ]
@staticmethod def _extract_mission(mission, road_map): """Takes a sstudio.sstypes.(Mission, EndlessMission, etc.) and converts it to the corresponding SMARTS mission types. """ def resolve_offset(offset: Union[str, float], lane_length: float): # epsilon to ensure we are within this edge and not the subsequent one epsilon = 1e-6 lane_length -= epsilon if offset == "base": return epsilon elif offset == "max": return lane_length elif offset == "random": return random.uniform(epsilon, lane_length) else: return float(offset) def to_position_and_heading( road_id: str, lane_index: int, offset: Union[str, float], road_map: RoadMap ): road = road_map.road_by_id(road_id) lane = road.lane_at_index(lane_index) offset = resolve_offset(offset, lane.length) position = lane.from_lane_coord(RefLinePoint(s=offset)) lane_vector = lane.vector_at_offset(offset) heading = vec_to_radians(lane_vector[:2]) return position, Heading(heading) def to_scenario_via( vias: Tuple[SSVia, ...], road_map: RoadMap ) -> Tuple[Via, ...]: s_vias = [] for via in vias: road = road_map.road_by_id(via.road_id) lane = road.lane_at_index(via.lane_index) lane_width, _ = lane.width_at_offset(via.lane_offset) hit_distance = ( via.hit_distance if via.hit_distance > 0 else lane_width / 2 ) via_position = lane.from_lane_coord(RefLinePoint(via.lane_offset)) s_vias.append( Via( lane_id=lane.lane_id, lane_index=via.lane_index, road_id=via.road_id, position=tuple(via_position[:2]), hit_distance=hit_distance, required_speed=via.required_speed, ) ) return tuple(s_vias) # XXX: For now we discard the route and just take the start and end to form our missions. # In the future, we could create a Plan object here too when there's a route specified. if isinstance(mission, sstudio_types.Mission): position, heading = to_position_and_heading( *mission.route.begin, road_map, ) start = Start(position, heading) position, _ = to_position_and_heading( *mission.route.end, road_map, ) goal = PositionalGoal(position, radius=2) entry_tactic = mission.entry_tactic start_time = Scenario._extract_mission_start_time(mission, entry_tactic) return NavigationMission( start=start, route_vias=mission.route.via, goal=goal, start_time=start_time, entry_tactic=entry_tactic, via=to_scenario_via(mission.via, road_map), ) elif isinstance(mission, sstudio_types.EndlessMission): position, heading = to_position_and_heading( *mission.begin, road_map, ) start = Start(position, heading) entry_tactic = mission.entry_tactic start_time = Scenario._extract_mission_start_time(mission, entry_tactic) return NavigationMission( start=start, goal=EndlessGoal(), start_time=start_time, entry_tactic=entry_tactic, via=to_scenario_via(mission.via, road_map), ) elif isinstance(mission, sstudio_types.LapMission): start_road_id, start_lane, start_road_offset = mission.route.begin end_road_id, end_lane, end_road_offset = mission.route.end travel_road = road_map.road_by_id(start_road_id) if start_road_id == end_road_id: travel_road = travel_road.outgoing_roads[0] end_road = road_map.road_by_id(end_road_id) via_roads = [road_map.road_by_id(r) for r in mission.route.via] route = road_map.generate_routes(travel_road, end_road, via_roads, 1)[0] start_position, start_heading = to_position_and_heading( *mission.route.begin, road_map, ) end_position, _ = to_position_and_heading( *mission.route.end, road_map, ) entry_tactic = mission.entry_tactic start_time = Scenario._extract_mission_start_time(mission, entry_tactic) return LapMission( start=Start(start_position, start_heading), goal=PositionalGoal(end_position, radius=2), route_vias=mission.route.via, start_time=start_time, entry_tactic=entry_tactic, via=to_scenario_via(mission.via, road_map), num_laps=mission.num_laps, route_length=route.road_length, ) raise RuntimeError( f"sstudio mission={mission} is an invalid type={type(mission)}" ) @staticmethod def _extract_mission_start_time(mission, entry_tactic: Optional[EntryTactic]): return ( mission.start_time if mission.start_time != sstudio_types.MISSING else entry_tactic.start_time if entry_tactic else 0 )
[docs] @staticmethod def is_valid_scenario(scenario_root) -> bool: """Checks if the scenario_root directory matches our expected scenario structure >>> Scenario.is_valid_scenario("scenarios/sumo/loop") True >>> Scenario.is_valid_scenario("scenarios/non_existant") False """ # just make sure we can load the map try: road_map, _ = Scenario.build_map(scenario_root) except FileNotFoundError: return False return road_map is not None
[docs] @staticmethod def next(scenario_iterator, log_id="") -> "Scenario": """Utility to override specific attributes from a scenario iterator""" scenario = next(scenario_iterator) scenario._log_id = log_id return scenario
@property def name(self) -> str: """The name of the scenario.""" return os.path.normpath(self._root) @property def root_filepath(self) -> str: """The root directory of the scenario.""" return self._root @property def surface_patches(self): """A list of surface areas with dynamics implications (e.g. icy road.)""" return self._surface_patches @property def road_map_hash(self): """A hash value of this road map.""" return self._road_map_hash @property def plane_filepath(self) -> str: """The ground plane.""" return os.path.join(self._root, "plane.urdf") @property def vehicle_filepath(self) -> Optional[str]: """The file-path of the vehicle's physics model.""" warnings.warn( "tire_parameters_filepath is no longer in use. Please update your code.", category=DeprecationWarning, ) if not os.path.isdir(self._root): return None for fname in os.listdir(self._root): if fname.endswith("vehicle.urdf"): return os.path.join(self._root, fname) return None @property def tire_parameters_filepath(self) -> str: """The path of the tire model's parameters.""" warnings.warn( "tire_parameters_filepath is no longer in use. Please update your code.", category=DeprecationWarning, ) return os.path.join(self._root, "tire_parameters.yaml") @property def controller_parameters_filepath(self) -> str: """The path of the vehicle controller parameters.""" warnings.warn( "controller_parameters_filepath is no longer in use. Please update your code.", category=DeprecationWarning, ) return os.path.join(self._root, "controller_parameters.yaml") @property def vehicle_definitions_filepath(self) -> str: """The path to the default list of vehicle definitions.""" return os.path.join(self._root, "vehicle_definitions_list.yaml") @property def traffic_specs(self) -> Sequence[str]: """The traffic spec file names to use for this scenario.""" return self._traffic_specs @property def route(self) -> Optional[str]: """The traffic route file name.""" warnings.warn( "Scenario route property has been deprecated in favor of traffic_specs. Please update your code.", category=DeprecationWarning, ) assert len(self._traffic_specs) <= 1 return ( os.path.basename(self._traffic_specs[0]) if len(self._traffic_specs) == 1 else None ) @property def route_files_enabled(self): """If there is a traffic route file.""" warnings.warn( "Scenario route_file_enabled property has been deprecated in favor of traffic_specs. Please update your code.", category=DeprecationWarning, ) return bool(self._traffic_specs) @property def route_filepath(self): """The file-path to the traffic route file.""" warnings.warn( "Scenario route_filepath property has been deprecated in favor of traffic_specs. Please update your code.", category=DeprecationWarning, ) assert len(self._traffic_specs) == 1 return self._traffic_specs[0] @property def map_glb_filepath(self): """The map geometry file-path.""" return os.path.join(self._root, "build", "map", "map.glb") @property def map_glb_metadata(self): """The metadata for the current map `.glb` file.""" metadata = self.map_glb_meta_for_file(self.map_glb_filepath) return metadata
[docs] @staticmethod @lru_cache(1) def map_glb_meta_for_file(filepath): """The map metadata given a file.""" scene = trimesh.load(filepath) return scene.metadata
[docs] def unique_sumo_log_file(self): """A unique logging file for SUMO logging.""" return os.path.join(self._log_dir, f"sumo-{str(uuid.uuid4())[:8]}")
@property def road_map(self) -> RoadMap: """The road map of the scenario.""" return self._road_map @property def map_spec(self) -> Optional[MapSpec]: """The map spec for the road map used in this scenario.""" return self.road_map.map_spec @property def supports_sumo_traffic(self) -> bool: """Returns True if this scenario uses a Sumo road network.""" from smarts.core.sumo_road_network import SumoRoadNetwork return isinstance(self._road_map, SumoRoadNetwork)
[docs] @staticmethod def any_support_sumo_traffic(scenarios: Sequence[str]) -> bool: """Determines if any of the given scenarios support Sumo traffic simulation.""" from smarts.core.default_map_builder import MapType, find_mapfile_in_dir for scenario_root in Scenario.get_scenario_list(scenarios): map_type, _ = find_mapfile_in_dir(scenario_root) if map_type == MapType.Sumo: return True return False
[docs] @staticmethod def all_support_sumo_traffic(scenarios: Sequence[str]) -> bool: """Determines if all given scenarios support Sumo traffic simulation.""" from smarts.core.sumo_road_network import SumoRoadNetwork for scenario_root in Scenario.get_scenario_list(scenarios): try: road_map, _ = Scenario.build_map(scenario_root) except FileNotFoundError: raise FileNotFoundError( f"Unable to find network file in map_source={scenario_root}." ) if not isinstance(road_map, SumoRoadNetwork): return False return True
@property def missions(self) -> Dict[str, NavigationMission]: """Agent missions contained within this scenario.""" return self._missions @property def social_agents(self) -> Dict[str, Tuple[Any, SocialAgent]]: """Managed social agents within this scenario.""" return self._social_agents @property def bubbles(self): """Bubbles within this scenario.""" return self._bubbles
[docs] def mission(self, agent_id) -> Optional[NavigationMission]: """Get the mission assigned to the given agent.""" return self._missions.get(agent_id, None)
def _resolve_log_dir(self, log_dir): if log_dir is None: log_dir = make_dir_in_smarts_log_dir("_sumo_run_logs") return os.path.abspath(log_dir) @property def traffic_history(self) -> Optional[TrafficHistory]: """Traffic history contained within this scenario.""" return self._traffic_history @property def scenario_hash(self) -> str: """A hash of the scenario.""" return self._scenario_hash @property def metadata(self) -> Dict: """Scenario metadata values. Returns: Dict: The values. """ return self._metadata or {}