Source code for smarts.core.sumo_road_network

# Copyright (C) 2020. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
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from __future__ import annotations

import itertools
import logging
import math
import os
import random
from functools import cached_property, lru_cache
from pathlib import Path
from subprocess import check_output
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Set, Tuple, Union, overload

import numpy as np
from shapely.geometry import Point as shPoint
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
from shapely.ops import nearest_points, snap

from smarts.core.utils.core_logging import timeit
from smarts.sstudio.sstypes import MapSpec

from .coordinates import BoundingBox, Heading, Point, Pose, RefLinePoint
from .lanepoints import LanePoint, LanePoints, LinkedLanePoint
from .road_map import RoadMap, Waypoint
from .route_cache import RouteWithCache
from .utils.core_math import inplace_unwrap, radians_to_vec, vec_2d
from .utils.geometry import buffered_shape
from .utils.glb import make_map_glb, make_road_line_glb

from smarts.core.utils.sumo_utils import sumolib  # isort:skip

[docs]def pairwise(iterable): """Generates pairs of neighboring elements. >>> list(pairwise('ABCDEFG')) [('A', 'B'), ('B', 'C'), ('C', 'D'), ('D', 'E'), ('E', 'F'), ('F', 'G')] """ a, b = itertools.tee(iterable) next(b, None) return zip(a, b)
[docs]class SumoRoadNetwork(RoadMap): """A road network for a SUMO source.""" DEFAULT_LANE_WIDTH = 3.2 """3.2 is the default Sumo road network lane width if it's not specified explicitly in Sumo's NetEdit or the `` file. This corresponds on a 1:1 scale to lanes 3.2m wide, which is typical in North America (although US highway lanes are wider at ~3.7m).""" def __init__(self, graph:, net_file: str, map_spec: MapSpec): self._log = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) self._graph = graph self._net_file = net_file self._map_spec = map_spec self._default_lane_width = SumoRoadNetwork._spec_lane_width(map_spec) self._surfaces = dict() self._lanes: Dict[str, SumoRoadNetwork.Lane] = dict() self._roads: Dict[str, SumoRoadNetwork.Road] = dict() self._features = dict() self._waypoints_cache = SumoRoadNetwork._WaypointsCache() self._rtree_roads = None self._load_traffic_lights() def _init_rtree( self, shapeList: List[], includeJunctions=True ): import rtree result = rtree.index.Index() result.interleaved = True MAX_VAL = 1e100 for ri, shape in enumerate(shapeList): sumo_lanes: List[] = shape.getLanes() lane_bbs = list( lane.getBoundingBox(includeJunctions) for lane in sumo_lanes ) cxmin, cymin, cxmax, cymax = MAX_VAL, MAX_VAL, -MAX_VAL, -MAX_VAL for xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax in lane_bbs: cxmin = min(cxmin, xmin) cxmax = max(cxmax, xmax) cymin = min(cymin, ymin) cymax = max(cymax, ymax) bb = (cxmin, cymin, cxmax, cymax) result.add(ri, bb) return result def _update_rtree( self, rtree_, shapeList: List[], includeJunctions=True ): import rtree rtree_: rtree.index.Index MAX_VAL = 1e100 for ri, shape in enumerate(shapeList): sumo_lanes: List[] = shape.getLanes() lane_bbs = list( lane.getBoundingBox(includeJunctions) for lane in sumo_lanes ) cxmin, cymin, cxmax, cymax = MAX_VAL, MAX_VAL, -MAX_VAL, -MAX_VAL for xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax in lane_bbs: cxmin = min(cxmin, xmin) cxmax = max(cxmax, xmax) cymin = min(cymin, ymin) cymax = max(cymax, ymax) bb = (cxmin, cymin, cxmax, cymax) rtree_.add(ri, bb)
[docs] def nearest_roads(self, point: Point, radius: float): """Finds the nearest roads to the given point within the given radius.""" x = point[0] y = point[1] r = radius edges: List[] = sorted( self._graph.getEdges(), key=lambda e: e.getID() ) if self._rtree_roads is None: self._rtree_roads = self._init_rtree(edges) near_roads: List[RoadMap.Road] = [] for i in self._rtree_roads.intersection((x - r, y - r, x + r, y + r)): near_roads.append(self.road_by_id(edges[i].getID())) return near_roads
@staticmethod def _check_net_origin(bbox): assert len(bbox) == 4 return bbox[0] <= 0.0 and bbox[1] <= 0.0 and bbox[2] >= 0.0 and bbox[3] >= 0.0 shifted_net_file_name = ""
[docs] @classmethod def shifted_net_file_path(cls, net_file_path): """The path of the modified map file after coordinate normalization.""" net_file_folder = os.path.dirname(net_file_path) return os.path.join(net_file_folder, cls.shifted_net_file_name)
@classmethod @lru_cache(maxsize=1) def _shift_coordinates(cls, net_file_path: str, shifted_path: str): assert shifted_path != net_file_path logger = logging.getLogger(cls.__name__)"normalizing net coordinates into {shifted_path}...") ## Translate the map's origin to remove huge (imprecise) offsets. ## See ## for netconvert options description. try: stdout = check_output( [ "netconvert", "--offset.disable-normalization=FALSE", "--seed", f"{random.randint(0, 2147483648)}", "-s", net_file_path, "-o", shifted_path, ] ) logger.debug(f"netconvert output: {stdout}") return True except Exception as e: logger.warning( f"unable to use netconvert tool to normalize coordinates: {e}" ) return False @staticmethod def _check_junctions(file_path): # Validate that the file contains junctions with junction lanes. import mmap import re with open(file_path, "rb", 0) as file, mmap.mmap( file.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ ) as s: # pytype: disable=wrong-arg-types match = rb'(?i)((?:<junction id=".* type="(?!dead_end).* intLanes="".*>))', s, ) # pytype: enable=wrong-arg-types if match: logging.error( f"Junctions not included in map file. Simulation may get incomplete information: `{file_path}`" )
[docs] @classmethod def from_spec(cls, map_spec: MapSpec): """Generate a road network from the given map specification.""" net_file = SumoRoadNetwork._map_path(map_spec) import multiprocessing junction_check_proc = multiprocessing.Process( target=cls._check_junctions, args=(net_file,), daemon=True ) try: junction_check_proc.start() except AssertionError: cls._check_junctions(net_file) # Connections to internal lanes are implicit. If `withInternal=True` is # set internal junctions and the connections from internal lanes are # loaded into the network graph. # pytype: disable=module-attr G =, withInternal=True) # pytype: enable=module-attr if not cls._check_net_origin(G.getBoundary()): shifted_net_file = cls.shifted_net_file_path(net_file) if os.path.isfile(shifted_net_file) or ( map_spec.shift_to_origin and cls._shift_coordinates(net_file, shifted_net_file) ): # pytype: disable=module-attr G =, withInternal=True) # pytype: enable=module-attr assert cls._check_net_origin(G.getBoundary()) net_file = shifted_net_file # keep track of having shifted the graph by # injecting state into the network graph. # this is needed because some maps have been pre-shifted, # and will already have a locationOffset, but for those # the offset should not be used (because all their other # coordinates are relative to the origin). G._shifted_by_smarts = True if junction_check_proc.is_alive(): junction_check_proc.join(5) return cls(G, net_file, map_spec)
def _load_traffic_lights(self): for tls in self._graph.getTrafficLights(): tls_id = tls.getID() for s, cnxn in enumerate(tls.getConnections()): in_lane, to_lane, link_ind = cnxn feature_id = f"tls_{tls_id}-{link_ind}" via = in_lane.getConnection(to_lane).getViaLaneID() via = self.lane_by_id(via) feature = SumoRoadNetwork.Feature(self, feature_id, cnxn) self._features[feature_id] = feature via._features[feature_id] = feature @property def source(self) -> str: """This is the `.net.xml` file that corresponds with our possibly-offset coordinates.""" return self._net_file @staticmethod def _spec_lane_width(map_spec: MapSpec) -> float: return ( map_spec.default_lane_width if map_spec.default_lane_width is not None else SumoRoadNetwork.DEFAULT_LANE_WIDTH ) @staticmethod def _map_path(map_spec: MapSpec) -> str: if os.path.isdir(map_spec.source): # is the default Sumo map name; try that: return os.path.join(map_spec.source, "") return map_spec.source
[docs] def is_same_map(self, map_or_spec: Union[MapSpec, RoadMap]) -> bool: if self is map_or_spec: return True self_map_spec = self.map_spec if self_map_spec is None: return False if isinstance(map_or_spec, SumoRoadNetwork): map_spec = map_or_spec._map_spec elif isinstance(map_or_spec, MapSpec): map_spec = map_or_spec else: return False if map_spec is None: return False # pytype: disable=attribute-error return ( ( map_spec.source == self_map_spec.source or SumoRoadNetwork._map_path(map_spec) == SumoRoadNetwork._map_path(self_map_spec) ) and map_spec.lanepoint_spacing == self_map_spec.lanepoint_spacing and ( map_spec.default_lane_width == self_map_spec.default_lane_width or SumoRoadNetwork._spec_lane_width(map_spec) == SumoRoadNetwork._spec_lane_width(self_map_spec) ) and ( map_spec.shift_to_origin == self_map_spec.shift_to_origin or ( not map_spec.shift_to_origin and not getattr(self._graph, "_shifted_by_smarts", False) ) ) )
# pytype: enable=attribute-error @cached_property def bounding_box(self) -> BoundingBox: # maps are assumed to start at the origin bb = self._graph.getBoundary() # 2D bbox in format (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) return BoundingBox( min_pt=Point(x=bb[0], y=bb[1]), max_pt=Point(x=bb[2], y=bb[3]) ) @cached_property def dynamic_features(self) -> List[RoadMap.Feature]: return [f for f in self._features.values() if f.is_dynamic] @property def scale_factor(self) -> float: # map units per meter return self._default_lane_width / SumoRoadNetwork.DEFAULT_LANE_WIDTH
[docs] def to_glb(self, glb_dir): polys = self._compute_road_polygons() lane_dividers, edge_dividers = self._compute_traffic_dividers() map_glb = make_map_glb(polys, self.bounding_box, lane_dividers, edge_dividers) map_glb.write_glb(Path(glb_dir) / "map.glb") road_lines_glb = make_road_line_glb(edge_dividers) road_lines_glb.write_glb(Path(glb_dir) / "road_lines.glb") lane_lines_glb = make_road_line_glb(lane_dividers) lane_lines_glb.write_glb(Path(glb_dir) / "lane_lines.glb")
[docs] class Surface(RoadMap.Surface): """Describes a Sumo surface.""" def __init__(self, surface_id: str, road_map): self._surface_id = surface_id self._map = road_map self._features = dict() @property def surface_id(self) -> str: return self._surface_id @property def is_drivable(self) -> bool: # all surfaces on Sumo road networks are drivable return True @property def features(self) -> List[RoadMap.Feature]: return list(self._features.values())
[docs] def features_near(self, pose: Pose, radius: float) -> List[RoadMap.Feature]: pt = pose.point return [ feat for feat in self._features.values() if radius >= feat.min_dist_from(pt) ]
[docs] def surface_by_id(self, surface_id: str) -> Optional[RoadMap.Surface]: return self._surfaces.get(surface_id)
[docs] class Lane(RoadMap.Lane, Surface): """Describes a Sumo lane surface.""" def __init__( self, lane_id: str, sumo_lane:, road_map: SumoRoadNetwork, ): super().__init__(lane_id, road_map) self._lane_id = lane_id self._sumo_lane = sumo_lane self._road = road_map.road_by_id(sumo_lane.getEdge().getID()) assert self._road self._rtree_lane_fragments = None self._lane_shape_for_rtree: Optional[List[Tuple[float, float]]] = None def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(self.lane_id) ^ hash(self._map) def _init_rtree(self, lines): import rtree rtree.index.Property() result = rtree.index.Index() result.interleaved = True for ri, (s, e) in enumerate(lines): result.add( ri, ( min(e[0], s[0]), min(e[1], s[1]), max(e[0], s[0]), max(e[1], s[1]), ), ) return result def _ensure_rtree(self): if self._rtree_lane_fragments is None: self._lane_shape_for_rtree = self._sumo_lane.getShape(False) lane_fragments = list(pairwise(self._sumo_lane.getShape(False))) self._rtree_lane_fragments = self._init_rtree(lane_fragments) @lru_cache(maxsize=128) def _segment_offset(self, end_index: int, start_index: int = 0) -> float: dist = 0.0 for index in range(start_index, end_index): dist += np.linalg.norm( np.subtract( self._lane_shape_for_rtree[index + 1], self._lane_shape_for_rtree[index], ) ) return dist @overload def get_distance(self, point: Point, radius: float) -> float: ... @overload def get_distance( self, point: Point, radius: float, *, get_offset: bool ) -> Tuple[float, Optional[float]]: ... @overload def get_distance( self, point: Point, radius: float, *, perpendicular: bool ) -> float: ... @overload def get_distance( self, point: Point, radius: float, /, get_offset: bool, perpendicular: bool ) -> Tuple[float, Optional[float]]: ...
[docs] def get_distance( self, point: Point, radius: float, get_offset=..., perpendicular: bool = False, ) -> Union[float, Tuple[float, Optional[float]]]: """Get the distance on the lane from the given point within the given radius. Specifying to get the offset returns the offset value. """ x = point[0] y = point[1] r = radius self._ensure_rtree() dist = math.inf INVALID_DISTANCE = -1 INVALID_INDEX = -1 found_index = INVALID_INDEX for i in self._rtree_lane_fragments.intersection( (x - r, y - r, x + r, y + r) ): d = sumolib.geomhelper.distancePointToLine( point, self._lane_shape_for_rtree[i], self._lane_shape_for_rtree[i + 1], perpendicular=perpendicular, ) if d == INVALID_DISTANCE and i != 0 and dist == math.inf: # distance to inner corner dist = min( sumolib.geomhelper.distance( point, self._lane_shape_for_rtree[i] ), sumolib.geomhelper.distance( point, self._lane_shape_for_rtree[i + 1] ), ) found_index = i elif d != INVALID_DISTANCE and (dist is None or d < dist): dist = d found_index = i if get_offset is not ...: if get_offset is False: return dist, None offset = 0.0 if found_index != INVALID_INDEX: offset = self._segment_offset(found_index) offset += sumolib.geomhelper.lineOffsetWithMinimumDistanceToPoint( point, self._lane_shape_for_rtree[found_index], self._lane_shape_for_rtree[found_index + 1], False, ) assert isinstance(offset, float) return dist, offset return dist
@cached_property def bounding_box(self): xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = self._sumo_lane.getBoundingBox(False) return BoundingBox(Point(xmin, ymin), Point(xmax, ymax)) @property def lane_id(self) -> str: return self._lane_id @property def road(self) -> "SumoRoadNetwork.Road": return self._road @cached_property def speed_limit(self) -> Optional[float]: return self._sumo_lane.getSpeed() @cached_property def length(self) -> float: # self._sumo_lane.getLength() is not accurate because it gets the length # of the outermost lane on the edge, not the lane you query. length = 0 shape = self._sumo_lane.getShape() for p1, p2 in zip(shape, shape[1:]): length += np.linalg.norm(np.subtract(p2, p1)) return length @cached_property def _width(self) -> float: return self._sumo_lane.getWidth() @property def in_junction(self) -> bool: return self._road.is_junction @cached_property def index(self) -> int: return self._sumo_lane.getIndex() @cached_property def lanes_in_same_direction(self) -> List[RoadMap.Lane]: if not self.in_junction: # When not in an intersection, all SUMO Lanes for an Edge go in the same direction. return [l for l in self.road.lanes if l != self] result = [] in_roads = set(il.road for il in self.incoming_lanes) out_roads = set(il.road for il in self.outgoing_lanes) for lane in self.road.lanes: if self == lane: continue other_in_roads = set(il.road for il in lane.incoming_lanes) if in_roads & other_in_roads: other_out_roads = set(il.road for il in self.outgoing_lanes) if out_roads & other_out_roads: result.append(lane) return result @cached_property def lane_to_left(self) -> Tuple[Optional[RoadMap.Lane], bool]: result = None for other in self.lanes_in_same_direction: if other.index > self.index and ( not result or other.index < result.index ): result = other return result, True @cached_property def lane_to_right(self) -> Tuple[Optional[RoadMap.Lane], bool]: result = None for other in self.lanes_in_same_direction: if other.index < self.index and ( not result or other.index > result.index ): result = other return result, True @cached_property def incoming_lanes(self) -> List[RoadMap.Lane]: # XXX: we bias these to direct connections first, so we don't skip over # the internal connection lanes coming into this one. However, I've # encountered bugs with this within "compound junctions", so we # also allow for indirect if there are no direct. incoming_lanes = self._sumo_lane.getIncoming( onlyDirect=True ) or self._sumo_lane.getIncoming(onlyDirect=False) return sorted( (self._map.lane_by_id(incoming.getID()) for incoming in incoming_lanes), key=lambda l: l.lane_id, ) @cached_property def outgoing_lanes(self) -> List[RoadMap.Lane]: return sorted( ( self._map.lane_by_id( outgoing.getViaLaneID() or outgoing.getToLane().getID() ) for outgoing in self._sumo_lane.getOutgoing() ), key=lambda l: l.lane_id, ) @cached_property def entry_surfaces(self) -> List[RoadMap.Surface]: return self.incoming_lanes @cached_property def exit_surfaces(self) -> List[RoadMap.Surface]: return self.outgoing_lanes
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=16) def oncoming_lanes_at_offset(self, offset: float) -> List[RoadMap.Lane]: result = [] radius = 1.1 * self.width_at_offset(offset)[0] pt = self.from_lane_coord(RefLinePoint(offset)) nearby_lanes = self._map.nearest_lanes(pt, radius=radius) if not nearby_lanes: return result my_vect = self.vector_at_offset(offset) my_norm = np.linalg.norm(my_vect) if my_norm == 0: return result threshold = -0.995562 # cos(175*pi/180) for lane, _ in nearby_lanes: if lane == self: continue lane_refline_pt = lane.to_lane_coord(pt) lv = lane.vector_at_offset(lane_refline_pt.s) lv_norm = np.linalg.norm(lv) if lv_norm == 0: continue lane_angle =, lv) / (my_norm * lv_norm) if lane_angle < threshold: result.append(lane) return result
@cached_property def foes(self) -> List[RoadMap.Lane]: # TODO: we might do better here since Sumo/Traci determines right-of-way for their connections/links. See: # result = [ incoming for outgoing in self.outgoing_lanes for incoming in outgoing.incoming_lanes if incoming != self ] if self.in_junction: in_roads = set(il.road for il in self.incoming_lanes) for foe in self.road.lanes: foe_in_roads = set(il.road for il in foe.incoming_lanes) if not bool(in_roads & foe_in_roads): result.append(foe) node = self.road._from_node int_lanes = node.getInternal() try: mi = int_lanes.index(self.lane_id) for fi, foe_id in enumerate(int_lanes): if node.areFoes(mi, fi): foe = self._map.lane_by_id(foe_id) result.append(foe) except ValueError: pass return list(set(result))
[docs] def waypoint_paths_for_pose( self, pose: Pose, lookahead: int, route: Optional[RoadMap.Route] = None ) -> List[List[Waypoint]]: road_ids = [road.road_id for road in route.roads] if route else None return self._waypoint_paths_at(pose.point, lookahead, road_ids)
[docs] def waypoint_paths_at_offset( self, offset: float, lookahead: int = 30, route: Optional[RoadMap.Route] = None, ) -> List[List[Waypoint]]: wp_start = self.from_lane_coord(RefLinePoint(offset)) road_ids = [road.road_id for road in route.roads] if route else None return self._waypoint_paths_at(wp_start, lookahead, road_ids)
def _waypoint_paths_at( self, point: Point, lookahead: int, filter_road_ids: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, ) -> List[List[Waypoint]]: """Waypoints on this lane leading on from the given point.""" closest_linked_lp = ( self._map._lanepoints.closest_linked_lanepoint_on_lane_to_point( point, self._lane_id ) ) return self._map._waypoints_starting_at_lanepoint( closest_linked_lp, lookahead, tuple(filter_road_ids) if filter_road_ids else (), point, )
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=4) def shape( self, buffer_width: float = 0.0, default_width: Optional[float] = None ) -> Polygon: new_width = buffer_width if default_width: new_width += default_width else: new_width += self._width assert new_width >= 0.0 assert new_width >= 0.0 if new_width > 0: return buffered_shape(self._sumo_lane.getShape(), new_width) line = self._sumo_lane.getShape() bline = buffered_shape(line, 0.0) return line if bline.is_empty else bline
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=8) def contains_point(self, point: Point) -> bool: # TAI: could use (cached) self._sumo_lane.getBoundingBox(...) as a quick first-pass check... lane_point = self.to_lane_coord(point) return ( abs(lane_point.t) <= self._width / 2 and 0 <= lane_point.s < self.length )
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=1024) def offset_along_lane(self, world_point: Point) -> float: shape = self._sumo_lane.getShape(False) point = world_point[:2] if point not in shape: if self._lane_shape_for_rtree is None and len(shape) < 5: offset = sumolib.geomhelper.polygonOffsetWithMinimumDistanceToPoint( point, shape, perpendicular=False ) else: _, offset = self.get_distance( world_point, 8, get_offset=True, perpendicular=False ) return offset # SUMO geomhelper.polygonOffset asserts when the point is part of the shape. # We get around the assertion with a check if the point is part of the shape. offset = 0 for i in range(len(shape) - 1): if shape[i] == point: break offset += sumolib.geomhelper.distance(shape[i], shape[i + 1]) return offset
[docs] def width_at_offset(self, offset: float) -> Tuple[float, float]: return self._width, 1.0
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=8) def project_along( self, start_offset: float, distance: float ) -> Set[Tuple[RoadMap.Lane, float]]: return super().project_along(start_offset, distance)
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=1024) def from_lane_coord(self, lane_point: RefLinePoint) -> Point: shape = self._sumo_lane.getShape(False) x, y = sumolib.geomhelper.positionAtShapeOffset(shape, lane_point.s) if lane_point.t != 0 and lane_point.t is not None: dv = 1 if lane_point.s < self.length else -1 x2, y2 = sumolib.geomhelper.positionAtShapeOffset( shape, lane_point.s + dv ) dx = dv * (x2 - x) dy = dv * (y2 - y) dd = (lane_point.t or 0) / np.linalg.norm((dx, dy)) x -= dy * dd y += dx * dd return Point(x=x, y=y)
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=1024) def to_lane_coord(self, world_point: Point) -> RefLinePoint: return super().to_lane_coord(world_point)
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=8) def center_at_point(self, point: Point) -> Point: return super().center_at_point(point)
@lru_cache(8) def _edges_at_point(self, point: Point) -> Tuple[Point, Point]: """Get the boundary points perpendicular to the center of the lane closest to the given world coordinate. Args: point: A world coordinate point. Returns: A pair of points indicating the left boundary and right boundary of the lane. """ offset = self.offset_along_lane(point) width, _ = self.width_at_offset(offset) left_edge = RefLinePoint(s=offset, t=width / 2) right_edge = RefLinePoint(s=offset, t=-width / 2) return self.from_lane_coord(left_edge), self.from_lane_coord(right_edge)
[docs] @lru_cache(1024) def vector_at_offset(self, start_offset: float) -> np.ndarray: return super().vector_at_offset(start_offset)
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=8) def center_pose_at_point(self, point: Point) -> Pose: return super().center_pose_at_point(point)
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=1024) def curvature_radius_at_offset( self, offset: float, lookahead: int = 5 ) -> float: return super().curvature_radius_at_offset(offset, lookahead)
[docs] def lane_by_id(self, lane_id: str) -> "SumoRoadNetwork.Lane": lane = self._lanes.get(lane_id) if lane: return lane sumo_lane = self._graph.getLane(lane_id) assert ( sumo_lane ), f"SumoRoadNetwork got request for unknown lane_id: '{lane_id}'" lane = SumoRoadNetwork.Lane(lane_id, sumo_lane, self) self._lanes[lane_id] = lane assert lane_id not in self._surfaces self._surfaces[lane_id] = lane return lane
[docs] class Road(RoadMap.Road, Surface): """This is akin to a 'road segment' in real life. Many of these might correspond to a single named road in reality.""" def __init__( self, road_id: str, sumo_edge:, road_map: SumoRoadNetwork, ): super().__init__(road_id, road_map) self._road_id = road_id self._sumo_edge = sumo_edge def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(self.road_id) + hash(self._map) @cached_property def is_junction(self) -> bool: return self._sumo_edge.isSpecial() @property def _to_node(self): return self._sumo_edge.getToNode() @property def _from_node(self): return self._sumo_edge.getFromNode() @cached_property def length(self) -> float: return self._sumo_edge.getLength() @property def road_id(self) -> str: return self._road_id @cached_property def incoming_roads(self) -> List[RoadMap.Road]: return [ self._map.road_by_id(edge.getID()) for edge in self._sumo_edge.getIncoming().keys() ] @cached_property def outgoing_roads(self) -> List[RoadMap.Road]: return [ self._map.road_by_id(edge.getID()) for edge in self._sumo_edge.getOutgoing().keys() ] @cached_property def entry_surfaces(self) -> List[RoadMap.Surface]: # TAI: also include lanes here? return self.incoming_roads @cached_property def exit_surfaces(self) -> List[RoadMap.Surface]: # TAI: also include lanes here? return self.outgoing_roads
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=16) def oncoming_roads_at_point(self, point: Point) -> List[RoadMap.Road]: result = [] for lane in self.lanes: offset = lane.to_lane_coord(point).s result += [ ol.road for ol in lane.oncoming_lanes_at_offset(offset) if ol.road != self ] return result
@cached_property def parallel_roads(self) -> List[RoadMap.Road]: from_node, to_node = ( self._sumo_edge.getFromNode(), self._sumo_edge.getToNode(), ) # XXX: not that in most junctions from_node==to_node, so the following will # include ALL internal edges within a junction (even those crossing this one). return [ self._map.road_by_id(edge.getID()) for edge in from_node.getOutgoing() if self.road_id != edge.getID() and edge.getToNode().getID() == to_node.getID() ] @cached_property def lanes(self) -> List[RoadMap.Lane]: return [ self._map.lane_by_id(sumo_lane.getID()) for sumo_lane in self._sumo_edge.getLanes() ]
[docs] def lane_at_index(self, index: int) -> RoadMap.Lane: return self.lanes[index]
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=8) def contains_point(self, point: Point) -> bool: # TAI: could use (cached) self._sumo_edge.getBoundingBox(...) as a quick first-pass check... for lane in self.lanes: if lane.contains_point(point): return True return False
@lru_cache(maxsize=8) def _edges_at_point(self, point: Point) -> Tuple[Point, Point]: """Get the boundary points perpendicular to the center of the road closest to the given world coordinate. Args: point: A world coordinate point. Returns: A pair of points indicating the left boundary and right boundary of the road. """ lanes = self.lanes _, right_edge = lanes[0]._edges_at_point(point) left_edge, _ = lanes[-1]._edges_at_point(point) return left_edge, right_edge
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=4) def shape( self, buffer_width: float = 0.0, default_width: Optional[float] = None ) -> Polygon: new_width = buffer_width if default_width: new_width += default_width assert new_width >= 0.0 if new_width > 0: return buffered_shape(self._sumo_edge.getShape(), new_width) line = self._sumo_edge.getShape() bline = buffered_shape(line, 0.0) return line if bline.is_empty else bline
[docs] def road_by_id(self, road_id: str) -> SumoRoadNetwork.Road: road = self._roads.get(road_id) if road: return road sumo_edge = self._graph.getEdge(road_id) assert ( sumo_edge ), f"SumoRoadNetwork got request for unknown road_id: '{road_id}'" road = SumoRoadNetwork.Road(road_id, sumo_edge, self) self._roads[road_id] = road if self._rtree_roads is not None: self._update_rtree(self._rtree_roads, [road._sumo_edge], False) assert road_id not in self._surfaces self._surfaces[road_id] = road return road
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=4) def dynamic_features_near( self, point: Point, radius: float ) -> List[Tuple[RoadMap.Feature, float]]: return super().dynamic_features_near(point, radius)
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=1024) def nearest_lanes( self, point: Point, radius: Optional[float] = None, include_junctions=True ) -> List[Tuple[RoadMap.Lane, float]]: if radius is None: radius = self._default_lane_width # # XXX: note that this getNeighboringLanes() call is fairly heavy/expensive (as revealed by profiling) # # The includeJunctions parameter is the opposite of include_junctions because # # what it does in the Sumo query is attach the "node" that is the junction (node) # # shape to the shape of the non-special lanes that connect to it. So if # # includeJunctions is True, we are more likely to hit "normal" lanes # # even when in an intersection where we want to hit "special" # # lanes when we specify include_junctions=True. Note that "special" # # lanes are always candidates to be returned, no matter what. # # See: # with timeit("Old sumo lane distance check", print): # candidate_lanes = self._graph.getNeighboringLanes( # point[0], # point[1], # r=radius, # includeJunctions=not include_junctions, # allowFallback=False, # makes this call fail if rtree is not installed # ) candidate_lanes = [] for r in self.nearest_roads(point, radius): for l in r.lanes: l: SumoRoadNetwork.Lane if (distance := l.get_distance(point, radius)) < math.inf: candidate_lanes.append((l._sumo_lane, distance)) if not include_junctions: candidate_lanes = [ lane for lane in candidate_lanes if not lane[0].getEdge().isSpecial() ] candidate_lanes.sort(key=lambda lane_dist_tup: lane_dist_tup[1]) return [(self.lane_by_id(lane.getID()), dist) for lane, dist in candidate_lanes]
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=16) def road_with_point( self, point: Point, *, lanes_to_search: Optional[Sequence["RoadMap.Lane"]] = None, ) -> Optional[RoadMap.Road]: # Lookup nearest lanes if no search lanes were provided if not lanes_to_search: radius = max(5, 2 * self._default_lane_width) lanes = [nl for (nl, _) in self.nearest_lanes(point, radius)] else: lanes = lanes_to_search for lane in lanes: if lane.contains_point(point): return lane.road return None
def _generate_routes( self, start_road: "SumoRoadNetwork.Road", start_lane: "SumoRoadNetwork.Lane", end_road: "SumoRoadNetwork.Road", end_lane: "SumoRoadNetwork.Lane", via: Optional[Sequence["SumoRoadNetwork.Road"]], max_to_gen: int, ) -> List[RoadMap.Route]: assert max_to_gen == 1, "multiple route generation not yet supported for Sumo" roads = [start_road] if via: roads += via if end_road != start_road: roads.append(end_road) edges = [] for cur_road, next_road in zip(roads, roads[1:] + [None]): if not next_road: edges.append(cur_road._sumo_edge) break sub_route = ( self._graph.getShortestPath(cur_road._sumo_edge, next_road._sumo_edge)[ 0 ] or [] ) if len(sub_route) < 2: self._log.warning( f"Unable to find valid path between {(cur_road.road_id, next_road.road_id)}." ) return [SumoRoadNetwork.Route(road_map=self)] # The sub route includes the boundary roads (cur_road, next_road). # We clip the latter to prevent duplicates edges.extend(sub_route[:-1]) if len(edges) == 1: # route is within a single road return [ SumoRoadNetwork.Route( road_map=self, roads=[self.road_by_id(edges[0].getID())], start_lane=start_lane, end_lane=end_lane, ) ] used_edges = [] edge_ids = [] adjacent_edge_pairs = zip(edges, edges[1:]) for cur_edge, next_edge in adjacent_edge_pairs: internal_routes = self._internal_routes_between(cur_edge, next_edge) for internal_route in internal_routes: used_edges.extend(internal_route) edge_ids.extend([edge.getID() for edge in internal_route]) _, indices = np.unique(edge_ids, return_index=True) route_roads = [] for idx in sorted(indices): route_roads.append(self.road_by_id(used_edges[idx].getID())) return [ SumoRoadNetwork.Route( road_map=self, roads=route_roads, start_lane=start_lane, end_lane=end_lane, ) ] def _internal_routes_between( self, start_edge:, end_edge: ) -> List[List[]]: if start_edge.isSpecial() or end_edge.isSpecial(): return [[start_edge, end_edge]] routes = [] outgoing = start_edge.getOutgoing() assert end_edge in outgoing, ( f"{end_edge.getID()} not in {[e.getID() for e in outgoing.keys()]}. " "Perhaps you're using a LapMission on a route that is not a closed loop?" ) connections = outgoing[end_edge] for connection in connections: conn_route = [start_edge] # This connection may have some intermediate 'via' lanes. # we need to follow these to eventually leave the junction. via_lane_id = connection.getViaLaneID() while via_lane_id: via_lane = self.lane_by_id(via_lane_id) via_road = via_lane.road via_edge = via_road._sumo_edge conn_route.append(via_edge) # Sometimes we get the same via lane id multiple times. # We convert to a set to remove duplicates. next_via_lane_ids = set( conn.getViaLaneID() for conn in via_edge.getOutgoing()[end_edge] ) assert ( len(next_via_lane_ids) == 1 ), f"Expected exactly one next via lane id at {via_lane_id}, got: {next_via_lane_ids}" via_lane_id = list(next_via_lane_ids)[0] conn_route.append(end_edge) routes.append(conn_route) return routes
[docs] def random_route( self, max_route_len: int = 10, starting_road: Optional["SumoRoadNetwork.Road"] = None, only_drivable: bool = True, ) -> RoadMap.Route: """Generate a random route.""" assert not starting_road or not only_drivable or starting_road.is_drivable next_edges = ( [starting_road._sumo_edge] if starting_road else self._graph.getEdges(False) ) route_roads = [] cur_edge = None while next_edges and len(route_roads) < max_route_len: choice = random.choice(next_edges) if cur_edge: # include internal connection edges as well (TAI: don't count these towards max_route_len?) connection_roads = set() for cnxn in cur_edge.getConnections(choice): via_lane_id = cnxn.getViaLaneID() if via_lane_id: via_road = self.lane_by_id(via_lane_id).road if via_road not in connection_roads: route_roads.append(via_road) connection_roads.add(via_road) cur_edge = choice rroad = self.road_by_id(cur_edge.getID()) assert rroad.is_drivable route_roads.append(rroad) next_edges = list(cur_edge.getOutgoing().keys()) return SumoRoadNetwork.Route(road_map=self, roads=route_roads)
[docs] def empty_route(self) -> RoadMap.Route: return SumoRoadNetwork.Route(self)
[docs] def route_from_road_ids( self, road_ids: Sequence[str], resolve_intermediaries: bool = False ) -> RoadMap.Route: return SumoRoadNetwork.Route.from_road_ids( self, road_ids, resolve_intermediaries )
@cached_property def _lanepoints(self): assert self._map_spec.lanepoint_spacing > 0 return LanePoints.from_sumo(self, spacing=self._map_spec.lanepoint_spacing)
[docs] def waypoint_paths( self, pose: Pose, lookahead: int, within_radius: float = 5, route: Optional[RoadMap.Route] = None, ) -> List[List[Waypoint]]: if route: if route.roads: road_ids = [road.road_id for road in route.roads] if road_ids: return self._waypoint_paths_along_route( pose.point, lookahead, road_ids ) # No route provided, so generate paths based on the closest lanepoints waypoint_paths = [] closest_lps: List[LanePoint] = self._lanepoints.closest_lanepoints(pose) # First, see if we are in a junction and need to do something special junction_paths = self._resolve_in_junction(pose, closest_lps) if junction_paths: for lanes in junction_paths: road_ids = [lane.road.road_id for lane in lanes] start_lane = lanes[0] new_paths = start_lane._waypoint_paths_at(pose.point, lookahead) for path in new_paths: def _angle_between(pose, wp): heading_vec = pose.heading.direction_vector() wp_vec = np.subtract(wp.pos, pose.position[:2]) angle = np.arccos(, wp_vec) / (np.linalg.norm(heading_vec) * np.linalg.norm(wp_vec)) ) return angle # Filter out any waypoints that are behind the vehicle path = [wp for wp in path if _angle_between(pose, wp) < np.pi / 2] if len(path) < 1: continue # Only include paths that start in the junction, or are close to the vehicle if ( self.lane_by_id(path[0].lane_id).in_junction or np.linalg.norm(np.subtract(path[0].pos, pose.position[:2])) < 7.0 ): waypoint_paths.append(path) # Otherwise, just generate waypoints for the closest lane if len(waypoint_paths) < 1: # TAI: the above lines could be replaced by: # closest_lane = self.nearest_lane(pose.position, radius=within_radius) closest_lane: RoadMap.Lane = closest_lps[0].lane for lane in closest_lane.road.lanes: waypoint_paths += lane._waypoint_paths_at(pose.point, lookahead) result = sorted(waypoint_paths, key=lambda p: p[0].lane_id) assert len(result) > 0, "Waypoint paths should not be empty" return result
def _resolve_in_junction( self, pose: Pose, closest_lps: List[LanePoint] ) -> List[List[Lane]]: # This is so that the waypoints don't jump between connections # when we don't know which lane we're on in a junction. # We take the 10 closest lanepoints then filter down to that which has # the closest heading. This way we get the lanepoint on our lane instead of # a potentially closer lane that is on a different junction connection. if not closest_lps[0].lane.in_junction: return [] lps = closest_lps.copy() lps.sort(key=lambda lp: abs(pose.heading - lp.pose.heading)) lane: RoadMap.Lane = lps[0].lane if not lane.in_junction: return [] # Trace back to the lane that leads into the junction assert len(lane.incoming_lanes) == 1 inc_lane = lane.incoming_lanes[0] while inc_lane.in_junction: assert len(inc_lane.incoming_lanes) == 1 inc_lane = inc_lane.incoming_lanes[0] assert not inc_lane.in_junction # Create all paths through the junction junction_paths = [] junction_lanes = [ lane for road_lane in inc_lane.road.lanes for lane in road_lane.outgoing_lanes ] for junction_lane in junction_lanes: if not junction_lane.in_junction: continue # Skip outgoing lanes that are not in a junction lanes = [junction_lane] while junction_lane.in_junction: assert ( len(junction_lane.outgoing_lanes) <= 1 ), "A junction is expected to have <= 1 outgoing lanes" next_lane = junction_lane.outgoing_lanes[0] lanes.append(next_lane) junction_lane = next_lane junction_paths.append(lanes) return junction_paths def _waypoint_paths_along_route( self, point: Point, lookahead: int, route: Sequence[str] ) -> List[List[Waypoint]]: """finds the closest lane to vehicle's position that is on its route, then gets waypoint paths from all lanes in its edge there.""" assert len(route) > 0, f"Expected at least 1 road in the route, got: {route}" closest_llp_on_each_route_road = [ self._lanepoints.closest_linked_lanepoint_on_road(point, road) for road in route ] closest_linked_lp = min( closest_llp_on_each_route_road, key=lambda l_lp: np.linalg.norm( vec_2d(l_lp.lp.pose.position) - vec_2d(point) ), ) closest_lane = closest_linked_lp.lp.lane waypoint_paths = [] for lane in closest_lane.road.lanes: waypoint_paths += lane._waypoint_paths_at(point, lookahead, route) return sorted(waypoint_paths, key=lambda p: p[0].lane_index)
[docs] class Feature(RoadMap.Feature): """Feature representation for Sumo road networks""" def __init__( self, road_map, feature_id: str, feat_data, feat_type=RoadMap.FeatureType.FIXED_LOC_SIGNAL, ): self._map = road_map self._feature_id = feature_id self._feat_data = feat_data # we only know how to get traffic light signals out of Sumo maps so far... self._type = feat_type @property def feature_id(self) -> str: return self._feature_id @property def type(self) -> RoadMap.FeatureType: return self._type @property def type_as_str(self) -> str: return @cached_property def geometry(self) -> List[Point]: assert isinstance(self._feat_data, list), f"{self._feat_data}" in_lane = self._map.lane_by_id(self._feat_data[0].getID()) stop_pos = in_lane.from_lane_coord(RefLinePoint(s=in_lane.length)) return [stop_pos] @cached_property def type_specific_info(self) -> Optional[Any]: # the only type we currently handle is FIXED_LOC_SIGNAL in_lane, to_lane, _ = self._feat_data via_id = in_lane.getConnection(to_lane).getViaLaneID() return self._map.lane_by_id(via_id)
[docs] def min_dist_from(self, point: Point) -> float: return np.linalg.norm(self.geometry[0].as_np_array - point.as_np_array)
[docs] def feature_by_id(self, feature_id: str) -> Optional[RoadMap.Feature]: return self._features.get(feature_id)
[docs] class Route(RouteWithCache): """Describes a route between two Sumo roads.""" def __init__( self, road_map: RoadMap, roads: List[RoadMap.Road] = [], start_lane: Optional[RoadMap.Lane] = None, end_lane: Optional[RoadMap.Lane] = None, ): super().__init__(road_map, start_lane, end_lane) self._roads = roads self._length = sum([road.length for road in roads]) @property def roads(self) -> List[RoadMap.Road]: return self._roads @property def road_length(self) -> float: return self._length @cached_property def geometry(self) -> Sequence[Sequence[Tuple[float, float]]]: return [ list( road.shape( 0.0, sum([lane._width for lane in road.lanes]) ).exterior.coords ) for road in self.roads ]
def _compute_road_polygons(self) -> List[Tuple[Polygon, Dict[str, Any]]]: lane_to_poly = {} for edge in self._graph.getEdges(): for lane in edge.getLanes(): shape = buffered_shape(lane.getShape(), lane.getWidth()) # Check if "shape" is just a point. if len(set(shape.exterior.coords)) == 1: logging.debug( f"Lane:{lane.getID()} has provided non-shape values {lane.getShape()}" ) continue metadata = { "road_id": edge.getID(), "lane_id": lane.getID(), "lane_index": lane.getIndex(), } lane_to_poly[lane.getID()] = (shape, metadata) # Remove holes created at tight junctions due to crude map geometry self._snap_internal_holes(lane_to_poly) self._snap_external_holes(lane_to_poly) # Remove break in visible lane connections created when lane enters an intersection self._snap_internal_edges(lane_to_poly) polys = list(lane_to_poly.values()) for node in self._graph.getNodes(): line = node.getShape() if len(line) <= 2 or len(set(line)) == 1: self._log.debug( "Skipping {}-type node with <= 2 vertices".format(node.getType()) ) continue metadata = {"road_id": node.getID()} polys.append((Polygon(line), metadata)) return polys def _snap_internal_edges(self, lane_to_poly, snap_threshold=2): # HACK: Internal edges that have tight curves, when buffered their ends do not # create a tight seam with the connected lanes. This procedure attempts # to remedy that with snapping. for lane_id in lane_to_poly: lane = self._graph.getLane(lane_id) # Only do snapping for internal edge lanes if not lane.getEdge().isSpecial(): continue lane_shape, metadata = lane_to_poly[lane_id] incoming = self._graph.getLane(lane_id).getIncoming()[0] incoming_shape = lane_to_poly.get(incoming.getID()) if incoming_shape: lane_shape = Polygon( snap(lane_shape, incoming_shape[0], snap_threshold) ) lane_to_poly[lane_id] = (Polygon(lane_shape), metadata) outgoing = self._graph.getLane(lane_id).getOutgoing()[0].getToLane() outgoing_shape = lane_to_poly.get(outgoing.getID()) if outgoing_shape: lane_shape = Polygon( snap(lane_shape, outgoing_shape[0], snap_threshold) ) lane_to_poly[lane_id] = (Polygon(lane_shape), metadata) def _snap_internal_holes(self, lane_to_poly, snap_threshold=2): for lane_id in lane_to_poly: lane = self._graph.getLane(lane_id) # Only do snapping for internal edge lane holes if not lane.getEdge().isSpecial(): continue lane_shape, metadata = lane_to_poly[lane_id] new_coords = [] last_added = None for x, y in lane_shape.exterior.coords: p = shPoint(x, y) snapped_to = set() moved = True thresh = snap_threshold while moved: moved = False for nl, dist in self.nearest_lanes( Point(p.x, p.y), include_junctions=False, ): if not nl or nl.lane_id == lane_id or nl in snapped_to: continue nl_shape = lane_to_poly.get(nl.lane_id) if nl_shape: _, npt = nearest_points(p, nl_shape[0]) if p.distance(npt) < thresh: p = npt # allow vertices to snap to more than one thing, but # try to avoid infinite loops and making things worse instead of better here... # (so reduce snap dist threshold by an arbitrary amount each pass.) moved = True snapped_to.add(nl) thresh *= 0.75 if p != last_added: new_coords.append((p.x, p.y)) last_added = p if new_coords: lane_to_poly[lane_id] = (Polygon(new_coords), metadata) def _snap_external_holes(self, lane_to_poly, snap_threshold=2): for lane_id in lane_to_poly: lane = self._graph.getLane(lane_id) # Only do snapping for external edge lane holes if lane.getEdge().isSpecial(): continue incoming = lane.getIncoming() if incoming and incoming[0].getEdge().isSpecial(): continue outgoing = lane.getOutgoing() if outgoing: outgoing_lane = outgoing[0].getToLane() if outgoing_lane.getEdge().isSpecial(): continue lane_shape, metadata = lane_to_poly[lane_id] new_coords = [] last_added = None for x, y in lane_shape.exterior.coords: p = shPoint(x, y) snapped_to = set() moved = True thresh = snap_threshold while moved: moved = False for nl, dist in self.nearest_lanes( Point(p.x, p.y), include_junctions=False, ): if ( not nl or nl.in_junction or nl.lane_id == lane_id or nl in snapped_to ): continue nl_shape = lane_to_poly.get(nl.lane_id) if nl_shape: _, npt = nearest_points(p, nl_shape[0]) if p.distance(npt) < thresh: p = npt # allow vertices to snap to more than one thing, but # try to avoid infinite loops and making things worse instead of better here... # (so reduce snap dist threshold by an arbitrary amount each pass.) moved = True snapped_to.add(nl) thresh *= 0.75 if p != last_added: new_coords.append((p.x, p.y)) last_added = p if new_coords: lane_to_poly[lane_id] = (Polygon(new_coords), metadata) def _compute_traffic_dividers(self, threshold=1): lane_dividers = [] # divider between lanes with same traffic direction edge_dividers = [] # divider between lanes with opposite traffic direction edge_borders = [] for edge in self._graph.getEdges(): # Omit intersection for now if edge.getFunction() == "internal": continue lanes = edge.getLanes() for i in range(len(lanes)): shape = lanes[i].getShape() left_side = sumolib.geomhelper.move2side( shape, -lanes[i].getWidth() / 2 ) right_side = sumolib.geomhelper.move2side( shape, lanes[i].getWidth() / 2 ) if i == 0: edge_borders.append(right_side) if i == len(lanes) - 1: edge_borders.append(left_side) else: lane_dividers.append(left_side) # The edge borders that overlapped in positions form an edge divider for i in range(len(edge_borders) - 1): for j in range(i + 1, len(edge_borders)): edge_border_i = np.array( [edge_borders[i][0], edge_borders[i][-1]] ) # start and end position edge_border_j = np.array( [edge_borders[j][-1], edge_borders[j][0]] ) # start and end position with reverse traffic direction # The edge borders of two lanes do not always overlap perfectly, thus relax the tolerance threshold to 1 if np.linalg.norm(edge_border_i - edge_border_j) < threshold: edge_dividers.append(edge_borders[i]) return lane_dividers, edge_dividers # specific to SUMO road networks
[docs] def get_edge_in_junction( self, start_edge_id, start_lane_index, end_edge_id, end_lane_index ) -> str: """Returns the id of the edge between the start and end edge. Can be used for any edge but is mainly useful for junctions. """ start_edge = self._graph.getEdge(start_edge_id) start_lane = start_edge.getLane(start_lane_index) end_edge = self._graph.getEdge(end_edge_id) end_lane = end_edge.getLane(end_lane_index) connection = start_lane.getConnection(end_lane) # If there is no connection between, try and do the best if connection is None: # The first id is good enough since we just need to determine the junction edge id connection = start_edge.getConnections(end_edge)[0] connection_lane_id = connection.getViaLaneID() connection_lane = self._graph.getLane(connection_lane_id) return connection_lane.getEdge().getID()
class _WaypointsCache: def __init__(self): self.lookahead = 0 self.point = Point(0, 0) self.filter_road_ids = () self._starts = {} # XXX: all vehicles share this cache now (as opposed to before # when it was in and each vehicle had its own cache). # TODO: probably need to add vehicle_id to the key somehow (or just make it bigger) def _match(self, lookahead, point, filter_road_ids) -> bool: return ( lookahead <= self.lookahead and point[0] == self.point[0] and point[1] == self.point[1] and filter_road_ids == self.filter_road_ids ) def update( self, lookahead: int, point: Point, filter_road_ids: tuple, llp, paths: List[List[Waypoint]], ): """Update the current cache if not already cached.""" if not self._match(lookahead, point, filter_road_ids): self.lookahead = lookahead self.point = point self.filter_road_ids = filter_road_ids self._starts = {} self._starts[llp.lp.lane.lane_id] = paths def query( self, lookahead: int, point: Point, filter_road_ids: tuple, llp, ) -> Optional[List[List[Waypoint]]]: """Attempt to find previously cached waypoints""" if self._match(lookahead, point, filter_road_ids): hit = self._starts.get(llp.lp.lane.lane_id, None) if hit: # consider just returning all of them (not slicing)? return [path[: (lookahead + 1)] for path in hit] return None def _waypoints_starting_at_lanepoint( self, lanepoint: LinkedLanePoint, lookahead: int, filter_road_ids: tuple, point: Point, ) -> List[List[Waypoint]]: """computes equally-spaced Waypoints for all lane paths starting at lanepoint up to lookahead waypoints ahead, constrained to filter_road_ids if specified.""" # The following acts sort of like lru_cache(1), but it allows # for lookahead to be <= to the cached value... cache_paths = self._waypoints_cache.query( lookahead, point, filter_road_ids, lanepoint ) if cache_paths: return cache_paths lanepoint_paths = self._lanepoints.paths_starting_at_lanepoint( lanepoint, lookahead, filter_road_ids ) result = [ SumoRoadNetwork._equally_spaced_path( path, point, self._map_spec.lanepoint_spacing ) for path in lanepoint_paths ] self._waypoints_cache.update( lookahead, point, filter_road_ids, lanepoint, result ) return result @staticmethod def _equally_spaced_path( path: Sequence[LinkedLanePoint], point: Point, lp_spacing: float, ) -> List[Waypoint]: """given a list of LanePoints starting near point, that may not be evenly spaced, returns the same number of Waypoints that are evenly spaced and start at point. """ continuous_variables = [ "positions_x", "positions_y", "headings", "lane_width", "speed_limit", "lane_offset", ] discrete_variables = ["lane_id", "lane_index"] ref_lanepoints_coordinates = { parameter: [] for parameter in (continuous_variables + discrete_variables) } for idx, lanepoint in enumerate(path): if lanepoint.is_inferred and 0 < idx < len(path) - 1: continue ref_lanepoints_coordinates["positions_x"].append( lanepoint.lp.pose.position[0] ) ref_lanepoints_coordinates["positions_y"].append( lanepoint.lp.pose.position[1] ) ref_lanepoints_coordinates["headings"].append( lanepoint.lp.pose.heading.as_bullet ) ref_lanepoints_coordinates["lane_id"].append(lanepoint.lp.lane.lane_id) ref_lanepoints_coordinates["lane_index"].append(lanepoint.lp.lane.index) lane_offset = lanepoint.lp.lane.offset_along_lane(lanepoint.lp.pose.point) ref_lanepoints_coordinates["lane_width"].append( lanepoint.lp.lane.width_at_offset(lane_offset)[0] ) ref_lanepoints_coordinates["lane_offset"].append(lane_offset) ref_lanepoints_coordinates["speed_limit"].append( lanepoint.lp.lane.speed_limit ) ref_lanepoints_coordinates["headings"] = inplace_unwrap( ref_lanepoints_coordinates["headings"] ) first_lp_heading = ref_lanepoints_coordinates["headings"][0] lp_position = path[0].lp.pose.point.as_np_array[:2] vehicle_pos = point.as_np_array[:2] heading_vec = np.array(radians_to_vec(first_lp_heading)) projected_distant_lp_vehicle = np.inner( (vehicle_pos - lp_position), heading_vec ) ref_lanepoints_coordinates["positions_x"][0] = ( lp_position[0] + projected_distant_lp_vehicle * heading_vec[0] ) ref_lanepoints_coordinates["positions_y"][0] = ( lp_position[1] + projected_distant_lp_vehicle * heading_vec[1] ) # To ensure that the distance between waypoints are equal, we used # interpolation approach inspired by: # cumulative_path_dist = np.cumsum( np.sqrt( np.ediff1d(ref_lanepoints_coordinates["positions_x"], to_begin=0) ** 2 + np.ediff1d(ref_lanepoints_coordinates["positions_y"], to_begin=0) ** 2 ) ) if len(cumulative_path_dist) <= lp_spacing: lp = path[0].lp lane_offset = lp.lane.offset_along_lane(lp.pose.point) return [ Waypoint( pos=lp.pose.as_position2d(), heading=lp.pose.heading, lane_width=lp.lane.width_at_offset(lane_offset)[0], speed_limit=lp.lane.speed_limit, lane_id=lp.lane.lane_id, lane_index=lp.lane.index, lane_offset=lane_offset, ) ] evenly_spaced_cumulative_path_dist = np.linspace( 0, cumulative_path_dist[-1], len(path) ) evenly_spaced_coordinates = {} for variable in continuous_variables: evenly_spaced_coordinates[variable] = np.interp( evenly_spaced_cumulative_path_dist, cumulative_path_dist, ref_lanepoints_coordinates[variable], ) for variable in discrete_variables: ref_coordinates = ref_lanepoints_coordinates[variable] evenly_spaced_coordinates[variable] = [] jdx = 0 for idx in range(len(path)): while ( jdx + 1 < len(cumulative_path_dist) and evenly_spaced_cumulative_path_dist[idx] > cumulative_path_dist[jdx + 1] ): jdx += 1 evenly_spaced_coordinates[variable].append(ref_coordinates[jdx]) evenly_spaced_coordinates[variable].append(ref_coordinates[-1]) equally_spaced_path = [] for idx in range(len(path)): equally_spaced_path.append( Waypoint( pos=np.array( [ evenly_spaced_coordinates["positions_x"][idx], evenly_spaced_coordinates["positions_y"][idx], ] ), heading=Heading(evenly_spaced_coordinates["headings"][idx]), lane_width=evenly_spaced_coordinates["lane_width"][idx], speed_limit=evenly_spaced_coordinates["speed_limit"][idx], lane_id=evenly_spaced_coordinates["lane_id"][idx], lane_index=evenly_spaced_coordinates["lane_index"][idx], lane_offset=evenly_spaced_coordinates["lane_offset"][idx], ) ) return equally_spaced_path