Source code for smarts.core.utils.core_math

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import math
from dataclasses import dataclass
from itertools import chain, permutations, product, repeat
from math import factorial
from typing import Callable, Generator, List, Sequence, Tuple, Union

[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class CubicPolynomial: """A cubic polynomial.""" a: float b: float c: float d: float
[docs] @classmethod def from_list(cls, coefficients: List[float]): """Generates CubicPolynomial. Args: coefficients: The list of coefficients [a, b, c, d] Returns: A new CubicPolynomial. """ return cls( a=coefficients[0], b=coefficients[1], c=coefficients[2], d=coefficients[3], )
[docs] def eval(self, ds: float) -> float: """Evaluate a value along the polynomial.""" return self.a + self.b * ds + self.c * ds * ds + self.d * ds * ds * ds
[docs]def constrain_angle(angle: float) -> float: """Constrain an angle within the inclusive range [-pi, pi]""" angle %= 2 * math.pi if angle > math.pi: angle -= 2 * math.pi return angle
import numpy as np
[docs]def batches(list_, n): """Split an indexable container into `n` batches. Args: list: The iterable to split into parts n: The number of batches """ for i in range(0, len(list_), n): yield list_[i : i + n]
[docs]def yaw_from_quaternion(quaternion) -> float: """Converts a quaternion to the yaw value. Args: quaternion (np.ndarray): np.array([x, y, z, w]) Returns: float: A angle in radians. """ assert len(quaternion) == 4, f"len({quaternion}) != 4" siny_cosp = 2 * (quaternion[0] * quaternion[1] + quaternion[3] * quaternion[2]) cosy_cosp = ( quaternion[3] ** 2 + quaternion[0] ** 2 - quaternion[1] ** 2 - quaternion[2] ** 2 ) yaw = np.arctan2(siny_cosp, cosy_cosp) return yaw
[docs]def fast_quaternion_from_angle(angle: float) -> np.ndarray: """Converts a float to a quaternion. Args: angle: An angle in radians. Returns: (np.ndarray): np.array([x, y, z, w]) """ half_angle = angle * 0.5 return np.array([0, 0, math.sin(half_angle), math.cos(half_angle)])
[docs]def mult_quat(q1, q2): """Specialized quaternion multiplication as required by the unique attributes of quaternions. Returns: The product of the quaternions. """ q3 = np.copy(q1) q3[0] = q1[0] * q2[0] - q1[1] * q2[1] - q1[2] * q2[2] - q1[3] * q2[3] q3[1] = q1[0] * q2[1] + q1[1] * q2[0] + q1[2] * q2[3] - q1[3] * q2[2] q3[2] = q1[0] * q2[2] - q1[1] * q2[3] + q1[2] * q2[0] + q1[3] * q2[1] q3[3] = q1[0] * q2[3] + q1[1] * q2[2] - q1[2] * q2[1] + q1[3] * q2[0] return q3
[docs]def rotate_quat(quat, vect): """Rotate a vector with the rotation defined by a quaternion.""" # Transform a vector into an quaternion vect = np.append([0], vect) # Normalize it norm_vect = np.linalg.norm(vect) vect /= norm_vect # Computes the conjugate of quat quat_ = np.append(quat[0], -quat[1:]) # The result is given by: quat * vect * quat_ res = mult_quat(quat, mult_quat(vect, quat_)) * norm_vect return res[1:]
[docs]def clip(val, min_val, max_val): """Constrain a value between a min and max by clamping exterior values to the extremes.""" assert ( min_val <= max_val ), f"min_val({min_val}) must be less than max_val({max_val})" return min_val if val < min_val else max_val if val > max_val else val
[docs]def get_linear_segments_for_range( s_start: float, s_end: float, segment_size: float ) -> List[float]: """Given a range from s_start to s_end, give a linear segment of size segment_size.""" num_segments = int((s_end - s_start) / segment_size) + 1 return [s_start + seg * segment_size for seg in range(num_segments)]
[docs]def squared_dist(a, b) -> float: """Computes the squared distance between a and b. Args: a, b: same dimensions shaped `numpy` arrays. Returns: float: dist**2 """ delta = b - a return, delta)
[docs]def signed_dist_to_line(point, line_point, line_dir_vec) -> float: """Computes the signed distance to a directed line The signed of the distance is: - negative if point is on the right of the line - positive if point is on the left of the line ..code-block:: python >>> import numpy as np >>> signed_dist_to_line(np.array([2, 0]), np.array([0, 0]), np.array([0, 1.])) -2.0 >>> signed_dist_to_line(np.array([-1.5, 0]), np.array([0, 0]), np.array([0, 1.])) 1.5 """ p = vec_2d(point) p1 = line_point p2 = line_point + line_dir_vec u = abs( line_dir_vec[1] * p[0] - line_dir_vec[0] * p[1] + p2[0] * p1[1] - p2[1] * p1[0] ) d = u / np.linalg.norm(line_dir_vec) line_normal = np.array([-line_dir_vec[1], line_dir_vec[0]]) _sign = np.sign( - p1, line_normal)) return d * _sign
[docs]def vec_2d(v) -> np.ndarray: """Converts a higher order vector to a 2D vector.""" assert len(v) >= 2 return np.array(v[:2])
[docs]def sign(x) -> int: """Finds the sign of a numeric type. Args: x: A signed numeric type Returns: The sign [-1|1] of the input number """ return 1 - (x < 0) * 2
[docs]def lerp(a, b, p): """Linear interpolation between a and b with p .. math:: a * (1.0 - p) + b * p Args: a, b: interpolated values p: [0..1] float describing the weight of a to b """ assert 0 <= p and p <= 1 return a * (1.0 - p) + b * p
[docs]def safe_division(n: float, d: float, default=math.inf): """This method uses a short circuit form where `and` converts right side to true|false (as 1|0) .. note:: The cases are: 1) True and <value> == <value> 2) False and ``NaN`` == False """ if n == 0: return 0 return d and n / d or default
[docs]def low_pass_filter( input_value, previous_filter_state, filter_constant, time_step, lower_bound=-1, raw_value=0, ): """Filters out large value jumps by taking a filter state and returning a filter state. This is generally intended for filtering out high frequencies from raw signal values. Args: input_value: The raw signal value. previous_filter_state: The last generated value from the filter. filter_constant: The scale of the filter time_step: The length of time between the previously processed signal and the current signal. lower_bound: The lowest possible value allowed. raw_value: A scalar addition to the signal value. Returns: The processed raw signal value. """ previous_filter_state += ( time_step * filter_constant * (input_value - previous_filter_state) ) previous_filter_state = np.clip(previous_filter_state + raw_value, lower_bound, 1) return previous_filter_state
[docs]def radians_to_vec(radians) -> np.ndarray: """Convert a radian value to a unit directional vector. 0 rad relates to [0x, 1y] with counter-clockwise rotation. """ # +y = 0 rad. angle = (radians + math.pi * 0.5) % (2 * math.pi) return np.array((math.cos(angle), math.sin(angle)))
[docs]def vec_to_radians(v) -> float: """Converts a vector to a radian value. [0x,+y] is 0 rad with counter-clockwise rotation.""" # See: assert len(v) == 2, f"Vector must be 2D: {repr(v)}" x, y = v r = math.atan2(abs(y), abs(x)) # Adjust angle based on quadrant where +y = 0 rad. # Standard quadrants # +y # 2 | 1 # -x - - - +x # 3 | 4 # -y if x < 0: if y < 0: return (r + 0.5 * math.pi) % (2 * math.pi) # quad 3 return (0.5 * math.pi - r) % (2 * math.pi) # quad 2 elif y < 0: return (1.5 * math.pi - r) % (2 * math.pi) # quad 4 return (r - 0.5 * math.pi) % (2 * math.pi) # quad 1
[docs]def circular_mean(vectors: Sequence[np.ndarray]) -> float: """Given a sequence of equal-length 2D vectors (e.g., unit vectors), returns their circular mean in radians, but with +y = 0 rad. See:""" return ( math.atan2(sum(v[1] for v in vectors), sum(v[0] for v in vectors)) - 0.5 * math.pi )
[docs]def is_close( a: float, b: float, rel_tolerance: float = 1e-09, abs_tolerance: float = 0.0 ) -> bool: """Determines if two values are close as defined by the inputs. Args: a: The first value. b: The other value. rel_tolerance: Difference required to be close relative to the magnitude abs_tolerance: Absolute different allowed to be close. Returns: If the two values are "close". """ return abs(a - b) <= max(rel_tolerance * max(abs(a), abs(b)), abs_tolerance)
[docs]def rotate_cw_around_point(point, radians, origin=(0, 0)) -> np.ndarray: """Rotate a point clockwise around a given origin.""" x, y = point ox, oy = origin qx = ox + math.cos(radians) * (x - ox) + math.sin(radians) * (y - oy) qy = oy + -math.sin(radians) * (x - ox) + math.cos(radians) * (y - oy) return np.array([qx, qy])
[docs]def line_intersect(a, b, c, d) -> Union[np.ndarray, None]: """Check if the lines ``[a, b]`` and ``[c, d]`` intersect, and return the intersection point if so. Otherwise, return None. """ r = b - a s = d - c d = r[0] * s[1] - r[1] * s[0] if d == 0: return None u = ((c[0] - a[0]) * r[1] - (c[1] - a[1]) * r[0]) / d t = ((c[0] - a[0]) * s[1] - (c[1] - a[1]) * s[0]) / d if 0 <= u <= 1 and 0 <= t <= 1: return a + t * r return None
[docs]def line_intersect_vectorized( a: np.ndarray, b: np.ndarray, C: np.ndarray, D: np.ndarray, ignore_start_pt: bool = False, ) -> bool: """Vectorized version of `line_intersect(...)`, where C and D represent the segment points for an entire line, and a and b are points of a single line segment to be tested against. If ignore_start_pt is True, then two diverging lines that *only* intersect at their starting points will cause this to return False. """ r = b - a S = D - C rs1 = np.multiply(r[0], S[:, 1]) rs2 = np.multiply(r[1], S[:, 0]) d = rs1 - rs2 if not np.any(d): return False u_numerator = np.multiply(C[:, 0] - a[0], r[1]) - np.multiply(C[:, 1] - a[1], r[0]) t_numerator = np.multiply(C[:, 0] - a[0], S[:, 1]) - np.multiply( C[:, 1] - a[1], S[:, 0] ) # Use where=d!=0 to avoid divisions by zero. The out parameter is an # array of [-1, ..., -1], to make sure we're defaulting to something # outside of our expected range for our return result. u = np.divide(u_numerator, d, out=np.zeros_like(u_numerator) - 1, where=d != 0) t = np.divide(t_numerator, d, out=np.zeros_like(t_numerator) - 1, where=d != 0) u_in_range = (0 <= u) & (u <= 1) t_in_range = (0 <= t) & (t <= 1) combined = u_in_range & t_in_range return np.any(combined) and (not ignore_start_pt or any(combined[1:]) or t[0] > 0.0)
[docs]def ray_boundary_intersect( ray_start, ray_end, boundary_pts, early_return=True ) -> Union[np.ndarray, None]: """Iterate over the boundary segments, returning the nearest intersection point if a ray intersection is found. If early_return is True, this will return the first intersection point that is found.""" vl = len(ray_start) assert vl == len(ray_end) nearest_pt = None min_dist = math.inf for j in range(len(boundary_pts) - 1): b0 = boundary_pts[j][:vl] b1 = boundary_pts[j + 1][:vl] pt = line_intersect(b0, b1, ray_start, ray_end) if pt is not None: if early_return: return pt dist = np.linalg.norm(pt - ray_start) if dist < min_dist: min_dist = dist nearest_pt = pt return nearest_pt
[docs]def min_angles_difference_signed(first, second) -> float: """The minimum signed difference between angles(radians).""" return ((first - second) + math.pi) % (2 * math.pi) - math.pi
[docs]def wrap_value(value: Union[int, float], _min: float, _max: float) -> float: """Wraps the value around if it goes over max or under min.""" v = value assert isinstance(value, (int, float)) diff = _max - _min if value <= _min: v = _max - (_min - value) % diff if value > _max: v = _min + (value - _max) % diff return v
def _gen_ego_frame_matrix(ego_heading): transform_matrix = np.eye(3) transform_matrix[0, 0] = np.cos(-ego_heading) transform_matrix[0, 1] = -np.sin(-ego_heading) transform_matrix[1, 0] = np.sin(-ego_heading) transform_matrix[1, 1] = np.cos(-ego_heading) return transform_matrix
[docs]def position_to_ego_frame(position, ego_position, ego_heading): """ Get the position in ego vehicle frame given the pose (of either a vehicle or some point) in global frame. Egocentric frame: The ego position becomes origin, and ego heading direction is positive x-axis. Args: position: [x,y,z] ego_position: Ego vehicle [x,y,z] ego_heading: Ego vehicle heading in radians Returns: list: The position [x,y,z] in egocentric view """ transform_matrix = _gen_ego_frame_matrix(ego_heading) ego_rel_position = np.asarray(position) - np.asarray(ego_position) new_position = np.matmul(transform_matrix, ego_rel_position.T).T return new_position.tolist()
[docs]def world_position_from_ego_frame(position, ego_world_position, ego_world_heading): """ Restore the position from ego given the pose (of either a vehicle or some point) in world frame. world frame: The world (0, 0, 0) becomes origin. Args: position: [x,y,z] ego_world_position: Ego vehicle [x,y,z] ego_world_heading: Ego vehicle heading in radians Returns: list: The position [x,y,z] in world frame """ transform_matrix = _gen_ego_frame_matrix(ego_world_heading) transform_matrix = np.linalg.inv(transform_matrix) rot_position = np.matmul(transform_matrix, np.asarray(position).T).T new_position = np.asarray(rot_position) + np.asarray(ego_world_position) return new_position.tolist()
[docs]def comb(n, k): """Binomial coefficient""" return factorial(n) // (factorial(k) * factorial(n - k))
[docs]def get_bezier_curve(points): """Get the curve function given a series of points. Returns: A curve function that takes a normalized offset [0:1] into the curve. """ n = len(points) - 1 return lambda t: sum( comb(n, i) * t**i * (1 - t) ** (n - i) * points[i] for i in range(n + 1) )
[docs]def evaluate_bezier(points, total): """Generate the approximated points of a bezier curve given a series of control points. Args: points: The bezier control points. total: The number of points generated from approximating the curve. Returns: An approximation of the bezier curve. """ bezier = get_bezier_curve(points) new_points = np.array([bezier(t) for t in np.linspace(0, 1, total)]) return new_points[:, 0], new_points[:, 1]
[docs]def inplace_unwrap(wp_array): """Unwraps an array in place.""" ## minor optimization hack adapted from ## ## to avoid unnecessary (slow) np array copy ## (as seen in profiling). p = np.asarray(wp_array) dd = np.subtract(p[1:], p[:-1]) ddmod = np.mod(dd + math.pi, 2 * math.pi) - math.pi np.copyto(ddmod, math.pi, where=(ddmod == -math.pi) & (dd > 0)) ph_correct = ddmod - dd np.copyto(ph_correct, 0, where=abs(dd) < math.pi) p[1:] += ph_correct.cumsum(axis=-1) return p
[docs]def round_param_for_dt(dt: float) -> int: """For a given dt, returns what to pass as the second parameter to the `round()` function in order to not lose precision. Note that for whole numbers, like 100, the result will be negative. For example, `round_param_for_dt(100) == -2`, such that `round(190, -2) = 200`.""" strep = np.format_float_positional(dt) decimal = strep.find(".") if decimal >= len(strep) - 1: return 1 - decimal return len(strep) - decimal - 1
[docs]def rounder_for_dt(dt: float) -> Callable[[float], float]: """Return a rounding function appropriate for time-stepping.""" rp = round_param_for_dt(dt) return lambda f: round(f, rp)
[docs]def welford() -> Tuple[ Callable[[float], None], Callable[[], float], Callable[[], float], Callable[[], int] ]: """Welford's online mean and std computation. Reference + + Returns: Tuple[ Callable[[float], None], Callable[[], float], Callable[[], float], Callable[[], int] ]: Callable functions to update, get mean, get std, and get steps. """ n = 0 # steps M = 0 S = 0 def update(val: float): nonlocal n, M, S n = n + 1 newM = M + (val - M) / n newS = S + (val - M) * (val - newM) M = newM S = newS def mean() -> float: nonlocal M return M def std() -> float: nonlocal n, M, S if n == 1: return 0 std = math.sqrt(S / (n - 1)) return std def steps() -> int: nonlocal n return n return update, mean, std, steps
[docs]def running_mean(prev_mean: float, prev_step: int, new_val: float) -> Tuple[float, int]: """ Returns a new running mean value, when given previous mean, previous step count, and new value, Args: prev_mean (float): Previous mean value. prev_step (int): Previous step count. new_val (float): New value to be averaged. Returns: Tuple[float, int]: Updated mean and step count. """ new_step = prev_step + 1 new_mean = prev_mean + (new_val - prev_mean) / new_step return new_mean, new_step
def _unique_element_combination(first, second): """Generates a combination of set of values result groupings only contain values from unique indices. Only works if len(first_group) <= len(second_group). _unique_element_combination('ab', '123') -> (a1 b2) (a1 b3) (a2 b1) (a2 b3) (a3 b1) (a3 b2) _unique_element_combination('abc', '1') -> [] Args: first (Sequence): A sequence of values. second (Sequence): Another sequence of values. Yields: Tuple[Tuple[Any, Any], ...]: A set of index to index combinations. [] if len(first) > len(second) """ result = [[a] for a in first] sl = len(second) rl = len(first) perms = list(permutations(range(sl), r=rl)) for i, p in enumerate(perms): yield tuple( tuple(result[(i * rl + j) % rl] + [second[idx]]) for j, idx in enumerate(p) )
[docs]def combination_pairs_with_unique_indices( first_group, second_group, second_group_default=None ): """Generates sets of combinations that use up all of the first group and at least as many of the second group. If `len(first_group) > len(second_group)` the second group is padded. Groups are combined using only unique indices per result. The value at an index in one group is matched to the value at an index in from the second group. Duplicate results only appear when element values repeat one of the base groups. ordered_combinations('ab', '123') -> (a1 b2) (a1 b3) (a2 b1) (a2 b3) (a3 b1) (a3 b2) ordered_combinations('ab', '1', default="k") -> (a1 bk) (ak b1) Args: first_group (Sequence): A sequence of values. second_group (Sequence): Another sequence of values which may be padded. default (Any, optional): The default used to pad the second group. Defaults to None. Returns: Generator[Tuple[Tuple[Any, Any], ...], None, None]: Unique index to index pairings using up all elements of the first group and as many of the second group. """ len_first = len(first_group) len_second = len(second_group) if len_second == 0: return product(first_group, [second_group_default]) if len_first > len_second: return _unique_element_combination( first_group, list( chain( second_group, repeat(second_group_default, len_first - len_second) ) ), ) if len_first <= len_second: return _unique_element_combination(first_group, second_group) return []
[docs]def slope(horizontal, vertical, default=math.inf): """Safely converts a 2 dimensional direction vector to a slope as ``y/x``. Args: horizontal (float): The x growth rate. vertical (float): The y growth rate. default (float): The default if the value approaches infinity. Defaults to ``1e10``. Returns: float: The slope of the direction vector. """ return safe_division(vertical, horizontal, default=default)
[docs]def is_power_of_2(value: int) -> bool: """Test if the given value is a power of 2 greater than 2**0. (e.g. 2**4)""" return (value & (value - 1) == 0) and value != 0