Source code for smarts.sstudio.genhistories

# Copyright (C) 2021. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

import argparse
import csv
import logging
import math
import os
import sqlite3
import sys
from collections import deque
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Callable, Deque, Dict, Generator, Iterable, Optional

import numpy as np

from smarts.core.coordinates import BoundingBox, Point
from smarts.core.signal_provider import SignalLightState
from smarts.core.utils.core_math import (
from smarts.core.utils.file import read_tfrecord_file
from smarts.sstudio import sstypes
from smarts.waymo.exceptions import WaymoDatasetError

DEFAULT_LANE_WIDTH = 3.7  # a typical US highway lane is 12ft ~= 3.7m wide

class _TrajectoryDataset:
    def __init__(self, dataset_spec: Dict[str, Any], output: str):
        self._log = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)
        self._output = output
        self._path = os.path.expanduser(dataset_spec["input_path"])
        real_lane_width_m = dataset_spec.get("real_lane_width_m", DEFAULT_LANE_WIDTH)
        lane_width = dataset_spec.get("map_lane_width", real_lane_width_m)
        self._scale = lane_width / real_lane_width_m
        self._flip_y = dataset_spec.get("flip_y", False)
        self._swap_xy = dataset_spec.get("swap_xy", False)
        # most trajectory datasets have .1s time delta (i.e., were collected at 10 Hz)
        self._dt_sec = 0.1

    class _WindowedReader:
        """Iterates over the rows in file using a sliding window that keeps track of
        both a number of rows before the current row and a number of rows after.
        These "windows" are passed to a row transformation function on each step.
        For example, if window_before = 4 and window_after = 3, for a 9-row
        file, the windows associated with each row are:
            row 1, before = [], after = [2, 3, 4]
            row 2, before = [1], after = [3, 4, 5]
            row 3, before = [2, 1], after = [4, 5, 6]
            row 4, before = [3, 2, 1], after = [5, 6, 7]
            row 5, before = [4, 3, 2, 1], after = [6, 7, 8]
            row 6, before = [5, 4, 3, 2], after = [7, 8, 9]
            row 7, before = [6, 5, 4, 3], after = [8, 9]
            row 8, before = [7, 6, 5, 4], after = [9]
            row 9, before = [8, 7, 6, 5], after = []
        Windows are cleared whenever the value in the (optional) `group_col` column changes.
        This was designed to be nestable by making the `row_gen` parameter support an iterator over another _WindowedReader.

        Row = Dict[str, Any]

        def __init__(
            row_gen: Iterable[Row],
            transform_fn: Callable[[Row, Deque[Row], Deque[Row]], None],
            window_before: int = 0,
            window_after: int = 0,
            group_col: Optional[str] = None,
            self._row_gen = row_gen
            self._transform_fn = transform_fn
            self._before_width = window_before
            self._after_width = window_after
            self._group_col = group_col

        def __iter__(self) -> Generator[Row, None, None]:
            after_win = deque(maxlen=self._after_width)
            before_win = deque(maxlen=self._before_width)
            cur_row = None
            prev_group = None
            for row in self._row_gen:
                if self._group_col and row[self._group_col] != prev_group:
                    while after_win:
                        if cur_row:
                        cur_row = after_win.popleft()
                        self._transform_fn(cur_row, before_win, after_win)
                        yield cur_row
                    cur_row = None
                if self._group_col:
                    prev_group = row[self._group_col]
                if len(after_win) < self._after_width:
                if cur_row:
                cur_row = after_win.popleft() if after_win else row
                self._transform_fn(cur_row, before_win, after_win)
                yield cur_row
            while after_win:
                if cur_row:
                cur_row = after_win.popleft()
                self._transform_fn(cur_row, before_win, after_win)
                yield cur_row

    def scale(self) -> float:
        """The base scale based on the ratio of map lane size to real lane size."""
        return self._scale

    def traffic_light_rows(self) -> Iterable:
        """Iterable dataset rows representing traffic light states (if present)."""
        raise NotImplementedError

    def rows(self) -> Iterable:
        """The iterable rows of the dataset."""
        raise NotImplementedError

    def column_val_in_row(self, row, col_name: str) -> Any:
        """Access the value of a dataset row which intersects with the given column name."""
        # XXX: this public method is improper because this requires a dataset row but that is
        # implementation specific.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def check_dataset_spec(self, dataset_spec: Dict[str, Any]):
        """Validate the form of the dataset specification."""
        errmsg = None
        if "input_path" not in dataset_spec:
            errmsg = "'input_path' field is required in dataset_spec."
        elif dataset_spec.get("flip_y"):
            if dataset_spec["source_type"] != "NGSIM":
                errmsg = "'flip_y' option only supported for NGSIM datasets."
            elif not dataset_spec.get("_map_bbox"):
                errmsg = "'_map_bbox' is required if 'flip_y' option used; need to pass in a map_spec."
        if errmsg:
            raise ValueError(errmsg)
        self._dataset_spec = dataset_spec

    def _write_dict(self, curdict: Dict, insert_sql: str, cursor, curkey: str = ""):
        for key, value in curdict.items():
            newkey = f"{curkey}.{key}" if curkey else key
            if isinstance(value, dict):
                self._write_dict(value, insert_sql, cursor, newkey)
                cursor.execute(insert_sql, (newkey, str(value)))

    def _create_tables(self, dbconxn):
        ccur = dbconxn.cursor()
            """CREATE TABLE Spec (
                   key TEXT PRIMARY KEY,
                   value TEXT
               ) WITHOUT ROWID"""
            """CREATE TABLE Vehicle (
                   id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
                   type INTEGER NOT NULL,
                   length REAL,
                   width REAL,
                   height REAL,
                   is_ego_vehicle INTEGER DEFAULT 0
               ) WITHOUT ROWID"""
            """CREATE TABLE Trajectory (
                   vehicle_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
                   sim_time REAL NOT NULL,
                   position_x REAL NOT NULL,
                   position_y REAL NOT NULL,
                   heading_rad REAL NOT NULL,
                   speed REAL DEFAULT 0.0,
                   lane_id INTEGER DEFAULT 0,
                   PRIMARY KEY (vehicle_id, sim_time),
                   FOREIGN KEY (vehicle_id) REFERENCES Vehicle(id)
               ) WITHOUT ROWID"""
            """CREATE TABLE TrafficLightState (
                   sim_time REAL NOT NULL,
                   state INTEGER NOT NULL,
                   stop_point_x REAL NOT NULL,
                   stop_point_y REAL NOT NULL,
                   lane INTEGER NOT NULL

    def create_output(self, time_precision: int = 3):
        """Convert the dataset into the output database file.

            time_precision: A limit for digits after decimal for each processed sim_time.
                (3 is millisecond precision)
        dbconxn = sqlite3.connect(self._output)

        self._log.debug("creating tables...")

        self._log.debug("inserting data...")

        iscur = dbconxn.cursor()
        insert_kv_sql = "INSERT INTO Spec VALUES (?, ?)"
        self._write_dict(self._dataset_spec, insert_kv_sql, iscur)

        # TAI:  can use executemany() and batch insert rows together if this turns out to be too slow...
        insert_vehicle_sql = "INSERT INTO Vehicle VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
        insert_traj_sql = "INSERT INTO Trajectory VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
        insert_traffic_light_sql = (
            "INSERT INTO TrafficLightState VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
        vehicle_ids = set()
        itcur = dbconxn.cursor()

        x_offset = self._dataset_spec.get("x_offset", 0.0)
        y_offset = self._dataset_spec.get("y_offset", 0.0)
        for row in self.rows:
            vid = int(self.column_val_in_row(row, "vehicle_id"))
            if vid not in vehicle_ids:
                ivcur = dbconxn.cursor()

                # These are not available in all datasets
                height = self.column_val_in_row(row, "height")
                is_ego = self.column_val_in_row(row, "is_ego_vehicle")

                veh_args = (
                    int(self.column_val_in_row(row, "type")),
                    float(self.column_val_in_row(row, "length")) * self.scale,
                    float(self.column_val_in_row(row, "width")) * self.scale,
                    float(height) * self.scale if height else None,
                    int(is_ego) if is_ego else 0,
                ivcur.execute(insert_vehicle_sql, veh_args)
            traj_args = (
                # time units are in milliseconds for both NGSIM and Interaction datasets, convert to secs
                    float(self.column_val_in_row(row, "sim_time")) / 1000,
                (float(self.column_val_in_row(row, "position_x")) + x_offset)
                * self.scale,
                (float(self.column_val_in_row(row, "position_y")) + y_offset)
                * self.scale,
                float(self.column_val_in_row(row, "heading_rad")),
                float(self.column_val_in_row(row, "speed")) * self.scale,
                self.column_val_in_row(row, "lane_id"),
            # Ignore datapoints with NaNs
            if not any(a is not None and np.isnan(a) for a in traj_args):
                itcur.execute(insert_traj_sql, traj_args)

        # Insert traffic light states if available
            for row in self.traffic_light_rows:
                tls_args = (
                        float(self.column_val_in_row(row, "sim_time")) / 1000,
                    int(self.column_val_in_row(row, "state")),
                    float(self.column_val_in_row(row, "stop_point_x") + x_offset)
                    * self.scale,
                    float(self.column_val_in_row(row, "stop_point_y") + y_offset)
                    * self.scale,
                    float(self.column_val_in_row(row, "lane")),
                itcur.execute(insert_traffic_light_sql, tls_args)
        except NotImplementedError:


        # ensure that sim_time always starts at 0:
        self._log.debug("shifting sim_times..")
        mcur = dbconxn.cursor()
            f"UPDATE Trajectory SET sim_time = round(sim_time - (SELECT min(sim_time) FROM Trajectory), {time_precision})"

        self._log.debug("creating indices..")
        icur = dbconxn.cursor()
        icur.execute("CREATE INDEX Trajectory_Time ON Trajectory (sim_time)")
        icur.execute("CREATE INDEX Trajectory_Vehicle ON Trajectory (vehicle_id)")
        icur.execute("CREATE INDEX Vehicle_Type ON Vehicle (type)")
            "CREATE INDEX TrafficLightState_SimTime ON TrafficLightState (sim_time)"

        self._log.debug("output done")

[docs]class Interaction(_TrajectoryDataset): """A tool to convert a dataset to a database for use in SMARTS.""" def __init__(self, dataset_spec: Dict[str, Any], output: str): super().__init__(dataset_spec, output) assert not self._flip_y self._max_angular_velocity = dataset_spec.get("max_angular_velocity", None) self._heading_min_speed = dataset_spec.get("heading_inference_min_speed", 2.2) self._prev_heading = None self._next_row = None
[docs] def check_dataset_spec(self, dataset_spec: Dict[str, Any]): super().check_dataset_spec(dataset_spec) hiw = dataset_spec.get("heading_inference_window", 2) # 11 is a semi-arbitrary max just to keep things "sane". if not 2 <= hiw <= 11: raise ValueError("heading_inference_window must be between 2 and 11")
def _lookup_agent_type(self, agent_type: str) -> int: # Try to match the NGSIM types... if agent_type == "motorcycle": return 1 elif agent_type == "car": return 2 elif agent_type == "truck": return 3 elif agent_type == "pedestrian/bicycle": return 4 self._log.warning(f"unknown agent_type: {agent_type}.") return 0 def _row_gen(self) -> Generator[_TrajectoryDataset._WindowedReader.Row, None, None]: x_margin = self._dataset_spec.get("x_margin_px", 0) / self.scale y_margin = self._dataset_spec.get("y_margin_px", 0) / self.scale with open(self._path, newline="") as csvfile: for row in csv.DictReader(csvfile): # See: # position and length/width are in meters. # Note: track_id will be like "P12" for pedestrian tracks. (TODO) row["vehicle_id"] = int(row["track_id"]) row["sim_time"] = row["timestamp_ms"] if self._swap_xy: row["position_x"] = float(row["y"]) row["position_y"] = float(row["x"]) row["vx"] = float(row["vy"]) row["vy"] = float(row["vx"]) else: row["position_x"] = float(row["x"]) row["position_y"] = float(row["y"]) row["vx"] = float(row["vx"]) row["vy"] = float(row["vy"]) row["length"] = float(row.get("length", 0.0)) row["width"] = float(row.get("width", 0.0)) row["type"] = self._lookup_agent_type(row["agent_type"]) # offset of the map from the data... if x_margin: row["position_x"] -= x_margin if y_margin: row["position_y"] -= y_margin if self._flip_y: map_bb = self._dataset_spec["_map_bbox"] row["position_y"] = map_bb.max_pt.y / self.scale - row["position_y"] yield row def _cal_speed( self, row: _TrajectoryDataset._WindowedReader.Row, before_win: Deque[_TrajectoryDataset._WindowedReader.Row], after_win: Deque[_TrajectoryDataset._WindowedReader.Row], ): row["speed"] = np.linalg.norm((row["vx"], row["vy"])) if after_win: c = np.array((row["position_x"], row["position_y"])) n = np.array((after_win[0]["position_x"], after_win[0]["position_y"])) if not any(np.isnan(c)) and not any(np.isnan(n)): # XXX: could try to divide by sim_time delta here instead of assuming it's fixed row["speed"] = np.linalg.norm(n - c) / self._dt_sec def _infer_heading( self, row: _TrajectoryDataset._WindowedReader.Row, before_win: Deque[_TrajectoryDataset._WindowedReader.Row], after_win: Deque[_TrajectoryDataset._WindowedReader.Row], ): window = [np.array((r["position_x"], r["position_y"])) for r in before_win] window.reverse() window += [np.array((row["position_x"], row["position_y"]))] window += [np.array((r["position_x"], r["position_y"])) for r in after_win] speeds = ( [r["speed"] for r in before_win] + [row["speed"]] + [r["speed"] for r in after_win] ) vecs = [] prev_vhat = None prev_inst_heading = None for w in range(len(window) - 1): c = window[w] n = window[w + 1] if any(np.isnan(c)) or any(np.isnan(n)): if prev_vhat is not None: vecs.append(prev_vhat) continue s = np.linalg.norm(n - c) if s == 0.0 or ( self._heading_min_speed is not None and ( (s / self._dt_sec) < self._heading_min_speed or speeds[w] < self._heading_min_speed ) ): if prev_vhat is not None: vecs.append(prev_vhat) continue vhat = (n - c) / s inst_heading = vec_to_radians(vhat) if prev_inst_heading is not None: if self._max_angular_velocity: # XXX: could try to divide by sim_time delta here instead of assuming it's fixed angular_velocity = ( min_angles_difference_signed(inst_heading, prev_inst_heading) / self._dt_sec ) if abs(angular_velocity) > self._max_angular_velocity: inst_heading = ( prev_inst_heading + np.sign(angular_velocity) * self._max_angular_velocity * self._dt_sec ) inst_heading += 0.5 * math.pi vhat = np.array( (math.cos(inst_heading), math.sin(inst_heading)) ) vecs.append(vhat) prev_vhat = vhat prev_inst_heading = inst_heading if vecs: new_heading = circular_mean(vecs) elif self._prev_heading is not None: new_heading = self._prev_heading elif "psi_rad" in row: new_heading = float(row["psi_rad"]) - 0.5 * math.pi else: new_heading = self._default_heading self._prev_heading = new_heading row["heading_rad"] = new_heading % (2 * math.pi) @property def rows(self) -> Generator[Dict, None, None]: self._log.debug("transforming Interaction data...") # first calculate speeds based on positions (instead of vx, vy) # since dataset speeds are "instantaneous"and so don't match with dPos/dt, which can affect some models. speeds_gen = _TrajectoryDataset._WindowedReader( self._row_gen(), self._cal_speed, 0, 1, "vehicle_id" ) # now infer heading with rolling window... heading_window = self._dataset_spec.get("heading_inference_window", 2) heading_before_win = int((heading_window / 2) + (heading_window % 2) - 1) heading_after_win = int(heading_window / 2) headings_gen = _TrajectoryDataset._WindowedReader( speeds_gen, self._infer_heading, heading_before_win, heading_after_win, "vehicle_id", ) map_bbox = self._dataset_spec.get("_map_bbox") # note: iterating over outer generator iterates over all nested generators too... # XXX: assumes all timesteps for a vehicle are grouped together in the file and are in sorted temporal order for row in headings_gen: if map_bbox and not map_bbox.contains( Point(self.scale * row["position_x"], self.scale * row["position_y"]) ): f"skipping row for vehicle {row['vehicle_id']} with position off of map" ) continue yield row
[docs] def column_val_in_row(self, row, col_name: str) -> Any: return row.get(col_name)
[docs]class NGSIM(_TrajectoryDataset): """A tool for conversion of a NGSIM dataset for use within SMARTS.""" def __init__(self, dataset_spec: Dict[str, Any], output: str): super().__init__(dataset_spec, output) # self._prev_heading = 3 * math.pi / 2 self._prev_heading = None self._default_heading = dataset_spec.get("default_heading", 3.0 * math.pi / 2.0) self._max_angular_velocity = dataset_spec.get("max_angular_velocity", None) # 2.2 corresponds to roughly 5mph. self._heading_min_speed = dataset_spec.get("heading_inference_min_speed", 2.2) self._determine_columns()
[docs] def check_dataset_spec(self, dataset_spec: Dict[str, Any]): super().check_dataset_spec(dataset_spec) hiw = dataset_spec.get("heading_inference_window", 2) # 11 is a semi-arbitrary max just to keep things "sane". if not 2 <= hiw <= 11: raise ValueError("heading_inference_window must be between 2 and 11")
def _determine_columns(self): self._columns = ( "vehicle_id", "frame_id", # 1 frame per .1s "total_frames", "sim_time", # msecs # front center in feet from left lane edge "position_x" if not self._swap_xy else "position_y", # front center in feet from entry edge "position_y" if not self._swap_xy else "position_x", "global_x" if not self._swap_xy else "global_y", # front center in feet "global_y" if not self._swap_xy else "global_x", # front center in feet "length", # feet "width", # feet "type", # 1 = motorcycle, 2 = auto, 3 = truck "speed", # feet / sec "acceleration", # feet / sec^2 "lane_id", # lower is further left "preceding_vehicle_id", "following_vehicle_id", "spacing", # feet "headway", # secs ) with open(self._path, newline="") as infile: num_cols = len(infile.readline().strip().split()) if num_cols > len(self._columns): extra_cols = ( "origin_zone", "destination_zone", "intersection", "section", "direction", "movement", ) self._columns = self._columns[:16] + extra_cols + self._columns[16:] assert num_cols == len( self._columns ), f"unexpected number of columns/fields ({num_cols}) in {self._path}" def _smooth_positions( self, row: _TrajectoryDataset._WindowedReader.Row, before_win: Deque[_TrajectoryDataset._WindowedReader.Row], after_win: Deque[_TrajectoryDataset._WindowedReader.Row], ): pos_width = 1 + before_win.maxlen + after_win.maxlen sumwin = ( lambda d, key: sum( d[r][key] if r < len(d) else d[-1][key] for r in range(d.maxlen) ) if d else row[key] * d.maxlen ) row["position_x"] += sumwin(before_win, "position_x") + sumwin( after_win, "position_x" ) row["position_x"] /= pos_width row["position_y"] += sumwin(before_win, "position_y") + sumwin( after_win, "position_y" ) row["position_y"] /= pos_width def _infer_heading( self, row: _TrajectoryDataset._WindowedReader.Row, before_win: Deque[_TrajectoryDataset._WindowedReader.Row], after_win: Deque[_TrajectoryDataset._WindowedReader.Row], ): window = [np.array((r["position_x"], r["position_y"])) for r in before_win] window.reverse() window += [np.array((row["position_x"], row["position_y"]))] window += [np.array((r["position_x"], r["position_y"])) for r in after_win] speeds = ( [r["speed"] for r in before_win] + [row["speed"]] + [r["speed"] for r in after_win] ) vecs = [] prev_vhat = None prev_inst_heading = None for w in range(len(window) - 1): c = window[w] n = window[w + 1] if any(np.isnan(c)) or any(np.isnan(n)): if prev_vhat is not None: vecs.append(prev_vhat) continue s = np.linalg.norm(n - c) if s == 0.0 or ( self._heading_min_speed is not None and ( (s / self._dt_sec) < self._heading_min_speed or speeds[w] < self._heading_min_speed ) ): if prev_vhat is not None: vecs.append(prev_vhat) continue vhat = (n - c) / s inst_heading = vec_to_radians(vhat) if prev_inst_heading is not None: if self._max_angular_velocity: # XXX: could try to divide by sim_time delta here instead of assuming it's fixed angular_velocity = ( min_angles_difference_signed(inst_heading, prev_inst_heading) / self._dt_sec ) if abs(angular_velocity) > self._max_angular_velocity: inst_heading = ( prev_inst_heading + np.sign(angular_velocity) * self._max_angular_velocity * self._dt_sec ) inst_heading += 0.5 * math.pi vhat = np.array( (math.cos(inst_heading), math.sin(inst_heading)) ) vecs.append(vhat) prev_vhat = vhat prev_inst_heading = inst_heading if vecs: new_heading = circular_mean(vecs) elif self._prev_heading is None: # TAI: backfill from the first "real" heading (second pass) new_heading = self._default_heading else: new_heading = self._prev_heading self._prev_heading = new_heading row["heading_rad"] = new_heading % (2 * math.pi) # now since SMARTS' positions are the vehicle centerpoints, but NGSIM's are at the front # we must adjust the vehicle position to its centerpoint based on its inferred heading angle (+y = 0 rad) adj_heading = row["heading_rad"] + 0.5 * math.pi half_len = 0.5 * row["length"] # XXX: need to use a different key heree since changing position_x or position_y would probably # XXX: affect a row that's still in the before window of a nested generator (smooth_positions). row["adj_position_x"] = row["position_x"] - half_len * np.cos(adj_heading) row["adj_position_y"] = row["position_y"] - half_len * np.sin(adj_heading) def _cal_speed( self, row: _TrajectoryDataset._WindowedReader.Row, before_win: Deque[_TrajectoryDataset._WindowedReader.Row], after_win: Deque[_TrajectoryDataset._WindowedReader.Row], ): row["speed_discrete"] = None if not after_win: return row c = np.array((row["adj_position_x"], row["adj_position_y"])) n = np.array((after_win[0]["adj_position_x"], after_win[0]["adj_position_y"])) if not any(np.isnan(c)) and not any(np.isnan(n)): # XXX: could try to divide by sim_time delta here instead of assuming it's fixed row["speed_discrete"] = np.linalg.norm(n - c) / self._dt_sec def _row_gen(self) -> Generator[_TrajectoryDataset._WindowedReader.Row, None, None]: x_margin = self._dataset_spec.get("x_margin_px", 0) / self.scale y_margin = self._dataset_spec.get("y_margin_px", 0) / self.scale with open(self._path, newline="") as infile: for line in infile: fields = line.split() row = {col: fields[f] for f, col in enumerate(self._columns)} row["lane_id"] = int(row["lane_id"]) row["length"] = float(row["length"]) * METERS_PER_FOOT row["width"] = float(row["width"]) * METERS_PER_FOOT row["speed"] = float(row["speed"]) * METERS_PER_FOOT row["acceleration"] = float(row["acceleration"]) * METERS_PER_FOOT row["spacing"] = float(row["spacing"]) * METERS_PER_FOOT row["position_x"] = float(row["position_x"]) * METERS_PER_FOOT row["position_y"] = float(row["position_y"]) * METERS_PER_FOOT # offset of the map from the data... if x_margin: row["position_x"] -= x_margin if y_margin: row["position_y"] -= y_margin if self._flip_y: map_bb = self._dataset_spec["_map_bbox"] row["position_y"] = map_bb.max_pt.y / self.scale - row["position_y"] yield row @property def rows(self) -> Generator[Dict, None, None]: self._log.debug("transforming NGSIM data...") # smooth positions using a moving average... # TAI: make this window size a parameter too? posns_gen = _TrajectoryDataset._WindowedReader( self._row_gen(), self._smooth_positions, 7, 7, "vehicle_id" ) # infer heading with rolling window on previously-smoothed positions... heading_window = self._dataset_spec.get("heading_inference_window", 2) heading_before_win = int((heading_window / 2) + (heading_window % 2) - 1) heading_after_win = int(heading_window / 2) headings_gen = _TrajectoryDataset._WindowedReader( posns_gen, self._infer_heading, heading_before_win, heading_after_win, "vehicle_id", ) # finally calculate speeds based on these smoothed and centered positions... # (This also overcomes problem that NGSIM speeds are "instantaneous" # and so don't match with dPos/dt, which can affect some models.) speeds_gen = _TrajectoryDataset._WindowedReader( headings_gen, self._cal_speed, 0, 1, "vehicle_id" ) map_bbox = self._dataset_spec.get("_map_bbox") # note: iterating over outer generator iterates over all nested generators too... # XXX: assumes all timesteps for a vehicle are grouped together in the file and are in sorted temporal order for row in speeds_gen: if map_bbox and not map_bbox.contains( Point( self.scale * row["adj_position_x"], self.scale * row["adj_position_y"], ) ): f"skipping row for vehicle {row['vehicle_id']} with position off of map" ) continue yield row
[docs] def column_val_in_row(self, row, col_name: str) -> Any: if col_name == "speed": return row["speed_discrete"] if row["speed_discrete"] else row["speed"] if col_name == "position_x": return row["adj_position_x"] if col_name == "position_y": return row["adj_position_y"] return row.get(col_name)
[docs]class Waymo(_TrajectoryDataset): """A tool for conversion of a Waymo dataset for use within SMARTS.""" def __init__(self, dataset_spec: Dict[str, Any], output: str): super().__init__(dataset_spec, output) def _get_scenario(self): if "scenario_id" not in self._dataset_spec: errmsg = "Dataset spec requires scenario_id to be set" self._log.error(errmsg) raise ValueError(errmsg) scenario_id = self._dataset_spec["scenario_id"] # Loop over the scenarios in the TFRecord and check its ID for a match scenario = None dataset = read_tfrecord_file(self._dataset_spec["input_path"]) from smarts.waymo.waymo_open_dataset.protos import scenario_pb2 for record in dataset: parsed_scenario = scenario_pb2.Scenario() parsed_scenario.ParseFromString(bytes(record)) if parsed_scenario.scenario_id == scenario_id: return parsed_scenario raise ValueError( f"Dataset file does not contain scenario with id: {scenario_id}" ) @property def rows(self) -> Generator[Dict, None, None]: def lerp(a: float, b: float, t: float) -> float: return t * (b - a) + a scenario = self._get_scenario() for i in range(len(scenario.tracks)): vehicle_id = scenario.tracks[i].id vehicle_type = self._lookup_agent_type(scenario.tracks[i].object_type) num_steps = len(scenario.timestamps_seconds) rows = [] # First pass -- extract data for j in range(num_steps): obj_state = scenario.tracks[i].states[j] vel = np.array([obj_state.velocity_x, obj_state.velocity_y]) row = dict() row["valid"] = obj_state.valid row["vehicle_id"] = vehicle_id row["type"] = vehicle_type row["length"] = obj_state.length row["height"] = obj_state.height row["width"] = obj_state.width row["sim_time"] = scenario.timestamps_seconds[j] row["position_x"] = obj_state.center_x row["position_y"] = obj_state.center_y row["heading_rad"] = (obj_state.heading - math.pi / 2) % (2 * math.pi) row["speed"] = np.linalg.norm(vel) row["lane_id"] = 0 row["is_ego_vehicle"] = 1 if i == scenario.sdc_track_index else 0 rows.append(row) # Second pass -- align timesteps to 10 Hz and interpolate trajectory data if needed interp_rows = [None] * num_steps for j in range(num_steps): row = rows[j] time_current = row["sim_time"] time_expected = round(j * self._dt_sec, 3) time_error = time_current - time_expected if round(abs(time_error), 1) >= self._dt_sec: raise WaymoDatasetError( f"[{scenario.scenario_id}] Waymo data deviates by more than the size of 1 timestep. This likely indicates a gap in the dataset." ) if not row["valid"] or time_error == 0: continue if time_error > 0: # We can't interpolate if the previous element doesn't exist or is invalid if j == 0 or not rows[j - 1]["valid"]: continue # Interpolate backwards using previous timestep interp_row = {"sim_time": time_expected} prev_row = rows[j - 1] prev_time = prev_row["sim_time"] t = (time_expected - prev_time) / (time_current - prev_time) interp_row["speed"] = lerp(prev_row["speed"], row["speed"], t) interp_row["position_x"] = lerp( prev_row["position_x"], row["position_x"], t ) interp_row["position_y"] = lerp( prev_row["position_y"], row["position_y"], t ) interp_row["heading_rad"] = lerp( prev_row["heading_rad"], row["heading_rad"], t ) interp_rows[j] = interp_row else: # We can't interpolate if the next element doesn't exist or is invalid if ( j == len(scenario.timestamps_seconds) - 1 or not rows[j + 1]["valid"] ): continue # Interpolate forwards using next timestep interp_row = {"sim_time": time_expected} next_row = rows[j + 1] next_time = next_row["sim_time"] t = (time_expected - time_current) / (next_time - time_current) interp_row["speed"] = lerp(row["speed"], next_row["speed"], t) interp_row["position_x"] = lerp( row["position_x"], next_row["position_x"], t ) interp_row["position_y"] = lerp( row["position_y"], next_row["position_y"], t ) h1 = row["heading_rad"] h2 = next_row["heading_rad"] if h2 - h1 > math.pi: h1 += 2 * math.pi elif h1 - h2 > math.pi: h2 += 2 * math.pi interp_row["heading_rad"] = lerp(h1, h2, t) % (2 * math.pi) interp_rows[j] = interp_row # Third pass -- filter invalid states, replace interpolated values, convert to ms, constrain angles for j in range(num_steps): if not rows[j]["valid"]: continue if interp_rows[j] is not None: rows[j]["sim_time"] = interp_rows[j]["sim_time"] rows[j]["position_x"] = interp_rows[j]["position_x"] rows[j]["position_y"] = interp_rows[j]["position_y"] rows[j]["heading_rad"] = interp_rows[j]["heading_rad"] rows[j]["speed"] = interp_rows[j]["speed"] rows[j]["sim_time"] *= 1000.0 rows[j]["heading_rad"] = constrain_angle(rows[j]["heading_rad"]) yield rows[j] def _encode_tl_state(self, waymo_state) -> SignalLightState: from smarts.waymo.waymo_open_dataset.protos.map_pb2 import ( TrafficSignalLaneState, ) if waymo_state == TrafficSignalLaneState.LANE_STATE_STOP: return SignalLightState.STOP if waymo_state == TrafficSignalLaneState.LANE_STATE_CAUTION: return SignalLightState.CAUTION if waymo_state == TrafficSignalLaneState.LANE_STATE_GO: return SignalLightState.GO if waymo_state == TrafficSignalLaneState.LANE_STATE_ARROW_STOP: return SignalLightState.STOP | SignalLightState.ARROW if waymo_state == TrafficSignalLaneState.LANE_STATE_ARROW_CAUTION: return SignalLightState.CAUTION | SignalLightState.ARROW if waymo_state == TrafficSignalLaneState.LANE_STATE_ARROW_GO: return SignalLightState.GO | SignalLightState.ARROW if waymo_state == TrafficSignalLaneState.LANE_STATE_FLASHING_STOP: return SignalLightState.STOP | SignalLightState.FLASHING if waymo_state == TrafficSignalLaneState.LANE_STATE_FLASHING_CAUTION: return SignalLightState.CAUTION | SignalLightState.FLASHING return SignalLightState.UNKNOWN @property def traffic_light_rows(self) -> Generator[Dict, None, None]: scenario = self._get_scenario() num_steps = len(scenario.timestamps_seconds) for i in range(num_steps): dynamic_states = scenario.dynamic_map_states[i] sim_time = scenario.timestamps_seconds[i] * 1000 for lane_state in dynamic_states.lane_states: row = { "sim_time": sim_time, "state": self._encode_tl_state(lane_state.state).value, "stop_point_x": lane_state.stop_point.x, "stop_point_y": lane_state.stop_point.y, "lane": lane_state.lane, } yield row @staticmethod def _lookup_agent_type(agent_type: int) -> int: if agent_type == 1: return 2 # car elif agent_type == 2: return 4 # pedestrian elif agent_type == 3: return 4 # cyclist else: return 0 # other
[docs] def column_val_in_row(self, row, col_name: str) -> Any: return row[col_name]
[docs]class Argoverse(_TrajectoryDataset): """A tool for conversion of an Argoverse 2 dataset for use within SMARTS.""" def __init__(self, dataset_spec: Dict[str, Any], output: str): super().__init__(dataset_spec, output) @property def rows(self) -> Generator[Dict, None, None]: try: # pytype: disable=import-error from av2.datasets.motion_forecasting.data_schema import ( ObjectType as AvObjectType, ) from av2.datasets.motion_forecasting.scenario_serialization import ( load_argoverse_scenario_parquet, ) # pytype: enable=import-error except ImportError: print( "Missing dependencies for Argoverse. Install them using the command `pip install -e .[argoverse]` at the source directory." ) ALLOWED_TYPES = frozenset( { AvObjectType.VEHICLE, AvObjectType.PEDESTRIAN, AvObjectType.MOTORCYCLIST, AvObjectType.CYCLIST, AvObjectType.BUS, } ) def _lookup_agent_type(agent_type: AvObjectType) -> int: # See decode_vehicle_type in if agent_type == AvObjectType.MOTORCYCLIST: return 1 # motorcycle elif agent_type == AvObjectType.VEHICLE: return 2 # passenger elif agent_type == AvObjectType.BUS: return 3 # truck elif agent_type in {AvObjectType.PEDESTRIAN, AvObjectType.CYCLIST}: return 4 # pedestrian/bicycle else: return 0 # other input_dir = Path(self._dataset_spec["input_path"]) scenario_id = input_dir.stem parquet_file = input_dir / f"scenario_{scenario_id}.parquet" scenario = load_argoverse_scenario_parquet(parquet_file) # Normalize to start at 0, and convert to milliseconds timestamps = (scenario.timestamps_ns - scenario.timestamps_ns[0]) * 1e-6 # The ego vehicle has a string ID, so we need to give it a unique int ID all_ids = [int(t.track_id) for t in scenario.tracks if t.track_id != "AV"] ego_id = max(all_ids) + 1 for track in scenario.tracks: # Only use dynamic objects if track.object_type not in ALLOWED_TYPES: continue if track.track_id == "AV": is_ego = 1 vehicle_id = ego_id else: is_ego = 0 vehicle_id = int(track.track_id) vehicle_type = _lookup_agent_type(track.object_type) for obj_state in track.object_states: row = dict() row["vehicle_id"] = vehicle_id row["type"] = vehicle_type row["sim_time"] = timestamps[obj_state.timestep] row["position_x"] = obj_state.position[0] row["position_y"] = obj_state.position[1] row["heading_rad"] = constrain_angle( (obj_state.heading - math.pi / 2) % (2 * math.pi) ) row["speed"] = np.linalg.norm(np.array(obj_state.velocity)) row["lane_id"] = 0 row["is_ego_vehicle"] = is_ego # Dimensions are not present in the Argoverse data. Setting these to 0 # means default values for each vehicle type will be used. # See TrafficHistory.decode_vehicle_type(). row["length"] = 0 row["height"] = 0 row["width"] = 0 yield row
[docs] def column_val_in_row(self, row, col_name: str) -> Any: return row[col_name]
[docs]def import_dataset( dataset_spec: sstypes.TrafficHistoryDataset, output_path: str, map_bbox: Optional[BoundingBox] = None, ): """called to pre-process (import) a TrafficHistoryDataset for use by SMARTS""" if not dataset_spec.input_path: print(f"skipping placeholder dataset spec '{}'.") return output = os.path.join(output_path, f"{}.shf") if os.path.exists(output): os.remove(output) source = dataset_spec.source_type dataset_dict = dataset_spec.__dict__ if map_bbox: assert dataset_spec.filter_off_map dataset_dict["_map_bbox"] = map_bbox if source == "NGSIM": dataset = NGSIM(dataset_dict, output) elif source == "INTERACTION": dataset = Interaction(dataset_dict, output) elif source == "Waymo": dataset = Waymo(dataset_dict, output) elif source == "Argoverse": dataset = Argoverse(dataset_dict, output) else: raise ValueError( f"unsupported TrafficHistoryDataset type: {dataset_spec.source_type}" ) dataset.create_output()
def _check_args(args) -> bool: if not args.force and os.path.exists(args.output): print("output file already exists\n") return False return True if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--x_offset", help="X offset of map", type=float) parser.add_argument("--y_offset", help="Y offset of map", type=float) parser.add_argument( "--force", "-f", help="Force overwriting output file if it already exists", action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "dataset", type=str, help="""Path to YAML file describing trajectories dataset. YAML file should correspond with types.TrafficHistoryDataset fields.""", ) parser.add_argument( "output", type=str, help="SMARTS traffic history file to create" ) args = parser.parse_args() if not _check_args(args): parser.print_usage() sys.exit(-1) if args.force and os.path.exists(args.output): os.remove(args.output) import yaml with open(args.dataset, "r") as yf: dataset_spec = yaml.safe_load(yf)["trajectory_dataset"] if not dataset_spec.get("input_path"): print(f"skipping placeholder dataset spec at {args.dataset}.") sys.exit(0) if dataset_spec.get("filter_off_map", False) or dataset_spec.get("flip_y", False): print( f"cannot use 'filter_off_map' or 'flip_y' as specified in {args.dataset} in command-line usage" ) sys.exit(-1) if args.x_offset: dataset_spec["x_offset"] = args.x_offset if args.y_offset: dataset_spec["y_offset"] = args.y_offset source = dataset_spec.get("source_type", "NGSIM") if source == "NGSIM": dataset = NGSIM(dataset_spec, args.output) elif source == "Waymo": dataset = Waymo(dataset_spec, args.output) else: dataset = Interaction(dataset_spec, args.output) dataset.create_output()