Source code for zoo.evaluation.npc_ego_example

import argparse
import logging
from importlib import import_module

import gymnasium as gym

from smarts.core.utils.episodes import episodes


[docs]def import_agent_specs_from(scenario_path): scenario_path = scenario_path.replace("/", ".") ego_agent_module = import_module(f"{scenario_path}.ego_agent") return ego_agent_module.agent_specs
if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("npc-ego-example") parser.add_argument( "scenarios", help="A list of scenarios. Each element can be either the scenario to run " "(see scenarios/ for some samples you can use) OR a directory of scenarios " "to sample from.", type=str, nargs="+", ) parser.add_argument( "--headless", help="run simulation in headless mode", action="store_true" ) parser.add_argument("--seed", type=int, default=42) args = parser.parse_args() agent_specs = import_agent_specs_from(args.scenarios[0]) env = gym.make( "smarts.env:hiway-v0", scenarios=args.scenarios, agent_specs=agent_specs, headless=args.headless, visdom=False, fixed_timestep_sec=0.1, sumo_headless=False, sumo_auto_start=False, seed=args.seed, envision_record_data_replay_path=f"./{args.scenarios[0]}/data_replay", ) for episode in episodes(n=1): agents = { agent_id: agent_spec.build_agent() for agent_id, agent_spec in agent_specs.items() } observations = env.reset() episode.record_scenario(env.scenario_log) dones = {"__all__": False} while not dones["__all__"]: actions = { agent_id: agents[agent_id].act(agent_obs) for agent_id, agent_obs in observations.items() } observations, rewards, dones, infos = env.step(actions) episode.record_step(observations, rewards, dones, infos) env.close()