
class str, agent_locator: str, policy_kwargs: ~typing.Dict[str, ~typing.Any] = <factory>, initial_speed: float | None = None, id: str = <factory>, capacity: ~smarts.sstudio.sstypes.bubble_limits.BubbleLimits | None = None)[source]

Used as a description/spec for boid traffic actors. Boid actors control multiple vehicles.

capacity: BubbleLimits | None = None

The capacity of the boid agent to take over vehicles.

id: str
class str, agent_locator: str, policy_kwargs: ~typing.Dict[str, ~typing.Any] = <factory>, initial_speed: float | None = None)[source]

Used as a description/spec for zoo traffic actors. These actors use a pre-trained model to understand how to act in the environment.

agent_locator: str

The locator reference to the zoo registration call. Expects a string in the format of ‘’ where the path to the registration call is in the form {PYTHONPATH}[n]/path/to/

initial_speed: float | None = None

Set the initial speed, defaults to 0.

policy_kwargs: Dict[str, Any]

Additional keyword arguments to be passed to the constructed class overriding the existing registered arguments.