smarts.sstudio.sstypes.mission module

class smarts.sstudio.sstypes.mission.EndlessMission(begin: Tuple[str, int, float], via: Tuple[Via, ...] = (), start_time: float = 9223372036854775807, entry_tactic: EntryTactic | None = None)[source]

The descriptor for an actor’s mission that has no end.

begin: Tuple[str, int, float]

The (road, lane_index, offset) details of the start location for the route.


The starting road by name.


The lane index from the rightmost lane.


The offset in meters into the lane. Also acceptable: ‘max’, ‘random’

entry_tactic: EntryTactic | None = None

A specific tactic the mission should employ to start the mission

start_time: float = 9223372036854775807

The earliest simulation time that this mission starts

via: Tuple[Via, ...] = ()

Points on a road that an actor must pass through

class smarts.sstudio.sstypes.mission.GroupedLapMission(route: Route, offset: int, lanes: int, actor_count: int, num_laps: int, via: Tuple[Via, ...] = (), entry_tactic: EntryTactic | None = None)[source]

The descriptor for a group of actor missions that repeat in a closed loop.

actor_count: int

The number of actors to be part of the group

entry_tactic: EntryTactic | None = None

A specific tactic the mission should employ to start the mission

lanes: int

The number of lanes the group occupies

num_laps: int

The amount of times to repeat the mission

offset: int

The offset of the “starting line” for the group

route: Route

The route for the actors to attempt to follow

via: Tuple[Via, ...] = ()

Points on a road that an actor must pass through

class smarts.sstudio.sstypes.mission.LapMission(route: Route, num_laps: int, via: Tuple[Via, ...] = (), start_time: float = 9223372036854775807, entry_tactic: EntryTactic | None = None)[source]

The descriptor for an actor’s mission that defines mission that repeats in a closed loop.

entry_tactic: EntryTactic | None = None

A specific tactic the mission should employ to start the mission

num_laps: int

The amount of times to repeat the mission

route: Route

The route for the actor to attempt to follow

start_time: float = 9223372036854775807

The earliest simulation time that this mission starts

via: Tuple[Via, ...] = ()

Points on a road that an actor must pass through

class smarts.sstudio.sstypes.mission.Mission(route: RandomRoute | Route, via: Tuple[Via, ...] = (), start_time: float = 9223372036854775807, entry_tactic: EntryTactic | None = None)[source]

The descriptor for an actor’s mission.

entry_tactic: EntryTactic | None = None

A specific tactic the mission should employ to start the mission.

route: RandomRoute | Route

The route for the actor to attempt to follow.

start_time: float = 9223372036854775807

The earliest simulation time that this mission starts but may start later in couple with entry_tactic.

via: Tuple[Via, ...] = ()

Points on an road that an actor must pass through

class smarts.sstudio.sstypes.mission.Via(road_id: str | JunctionEdgeIDResolver, lane_index: int, lane_offset: int, required_speed: float, hit_distance: float = -1)[source]

A point on a road that an actor must pass through

hit_distance: float = -1

The distance at which this waypoint can be hit. Negative means half the lane radius.

lane_index: int

The lane this via sits on

lane_offset: int

The offset along the lane where this via sits

required_speed: float

The speed that a vehicle should travel through this via

road_id: str | JunctionEdgeIDResolver

The road this via is on