
class List[Tuple[float, float]], rotation: float | None = None)[source]

A descriptor for a zone with user-defined geometry.

ext_coordinates: List[Tuple[float, float]]

external coordinates of the polygon < 2 points provided: error = 2 points provided: generates a box using these two points as diagonal > 2 points provided: generates a polygon according to the coordinates

rotation: float | None = None

The heading direction of the bubble(radians, clock-wise rotation)

to_geometry(road_map: RoadMap | None = None) Polygon[source]

Generate a polygon according to given coordinates

class Tuple[str, int, float], length: float, n_lanes: int = 2)[source]

A descriptor that defines a capture area.

length: float

The length of the geometry along the center of the lane. Also acceptable ‘max’.

n_lanes: int = 2

The number of lanes from right to left that this zone covers.

start: Tuple[str, int, float]

The (road_id, lane_index, offset) details of the starting location.


The starting road by name.


The lane index from the rightmost lane.


The offset in meters into the lane. Also acceptable ‘max’ or ‘random’.

to_geometry(road_map: RoadMap | None) Polygon[source]

Generates a map zone over a stretch of the given lanes.

class Tuple[float, float], size: Tuple[float, float], rotation: float | None = None)[source]

A descriptor that defines a capture area at a specific XY location.

pos: Tuple[float, float]

A (x,y) position of the zone in the scenario.

rotation: float | None = None

The heading direction of the bubble. (radians, clock-wise rotation)

size: Tuple[float, float]

The (length, width) dimensions of the zone.

to_geometry(road_map: RoadMap | None = None) Polygon[source]

Generates a box zone at the given position.

class Zone, begin_time: int, end_time: int, friction_coefficient: float)[source]

A descriptor that defines a patch of road surface with a different friction coefficient.

begin_time: int

The start time in seconds of when this surface is active.

end_time: int

The end time in seconds of when this surface is active.

friction_coefficient: float

The surface friction coefficient.

zone: Zone

The zone which to capture vehicles.


The base for a descriptor that defines a capture area.

to_geometry(road_map: RoadMap | None = None) Polygon[source]

Generates the geometry from this zone.