smarts.env.utils.observation_conversion module

class smarts.env.utils.observation_conversion.BaseSpaceFormat[source]

Defines the base interface for an observation formatter.

active(agent_interface: AgentInterface) bool[source]

If this formatting is active and should be included in the output.

format(obs: Observation)[source]

Selects and formats the given observation to get a value that matches the space attribute.

property name

The name that should represent this observation space in hierarchy.

property space

The observation space this should format the smarts observation to match.

class smarts.env.utils.observation_conversion.DrivableAreaGridMapSpaceFormat(agent_interface: AgentInterface)[source]

Formats for obs.drivable_area_grid_map.

active(agent_interface: AgentInterface) bool[source]

If this formatting is active and should be included in the output.

format(obs: Observation)[source]

Selects and formats the given observation to get a value that matches the space attribute.

property name

The name that should represent this observation space in hierarchy.

class smarts.env.utils.observation_conversion.Image8BSpaceFormat(dimensions, layers: int)[source]

Defines a observation formatter which is an 8-bit image.

property space

The observation space this should format the smarts observation to match.

class smarts.env.utils.observation_conversion.ObservationOptions(value)[source]

Defines the options for how the formatting matches the observation space.

default = 0

Defaults to multi_agent.

full = 1

Observation fully matches observation space. Inactive and active agents are included.

multi_agent = 0

Observation partially matches observation space. Only active agents are included.

unformatted = 2

Observation is the original unformatted observation. The observation will not match the observation space.

class smarts.env.utils.observation_conversion.ObservationSpacesFormatter(agent_interfaces: Dict[str, AgentInterface], observation_options: ObservationOptions)[source]

Formats a smarts observation to fixed sized object.

Observations in numpy array format, suitable for vectorized processing.

For each agent id:

obs = dict({

    If the agent is active.
    "active": 1 if agent is active in smarts, else 0

    Total distance travelled in meters.
    "distance_travelled": np.float32

    The number of steps taken by the agent
    "steps_completed": np.float32

    Ego vehicle state, with the following attributes.
    "ego_vehicle_state": dict({
            Angular acceleration vector. Requires `accelerometer` attribute
            enabled in AgentInterface, else absent. shape=(3,). dtype=np.float32.
            Angular jerk vector. Requires `accelerometer` attribute enabled in
            AgentInterface, else absent. shape=(3,). dtype=np.float32.
            Angular velocity vector. shape=(3,). dtype=np.float32).
            Length, width, and height of the vehicle bounding box. shape=(3,).
            Vehicle heading in radians [-pi, pi]. dtype=np.float32.
            The ID of the lane that the vehicle is on.
            Vehicle's lane number. Rightmost lane has index 0 and increases
            towards left. dtype=np.int8.
            Vehicle acceleration in x, y, and z axes. Requires `accelerometer`
            attribute enabled in AgentInterface, else absent. shape=(3,).
            Linear jerk vector. Requires `accelerometer` attribute enabled in
            AgentInterface, else absent. shape=(3,). dtype=np.float32.
            Vehicle velocity in x, y, and z axes. shape=(3,). dtype=np.float32.
            Coordinate of the center of the vehicle bounding box's bottom plane.
            shape=(3,). dtype=np.float64.
            Vehicle speed in m/s. dtype=np.float32.
            Angle of front wheels in radians [-pi, pi]. dtype=np.float32.
            Rotation speed around vertical axis in rad/s [0, 2pi].
            A reference line coordinate. Coordinates are s, t, and h relating
            to lane offset along lane, horizontal displacement and surface
            shape=(3,). dtype=np.float64

    A dictionary of event markers.
    "events": dict({
            1 if `DoneCriteria.interest` is triggered, else 0.
            1 if `DoneCriteria.agents_alive` is triggered, else 0.
            1 if any collisions occurred with ego vehicle, else 0.
            1 if `DoneCriteria.not_moving` is triggered, else 0.
            1 if ego vehicle drives off road, else 0.
            1 if ego vehicle drives off mission route, else 0.
            1 if ego vehicle drives on road shoulder, else 0.
            1 if ego vehicle reaches its goal, else 0.
            1 if maximum episode steps reached, else 0.
            1 if ego vehicle drives in the wrong traffic direction, else 0.

    Drivable area grid map. Map is binary, with 255 if a cell contains a road,
    else 0. dtype=np.uint8.
    "drivable_area_grid_map": np.ndarray

    Lidar point cloud, with the following attributes.
    "lidar_point_cloud": dict({
            Binary array. 1 if an object is hit, else 0. shape(300,).
            Coordinates of lidar point cloud. shape=(300,3). dtype=np.float64.
            Ray origin coordinates. shape=(300,3). dtype=np.float64.
            Ray vectors. shape=(300,3). dtype=np.float64.

    Mission details for the ego agent.
    "mission": dict({
            Achieve goal by reaching the end position. Defaults to np.array([0,0,0])
            for no mission. shape=(3,). dtype=np.float64.

    Feature array of 10 nearest neighborhood vehicles. If nearest neighbor
    vehicles are insufficient, default feature values are padded.
    "neighborhood_vehicle_states": dict({
            Bounding box of neighbor vehicles. Defaults to np.array([.0,.0,.0]) per
            vehicle. shape=(10,3). dtype=np.float32.
            Heading of neighbor vehicles in radians [-pi, pi]. Defaults to
            np.array([0]) per vehicle. shape=(10,). dtype=np.float32.
            The vehicle ids of neighbor vehicles. Defaults to str("") per vehicle.
            If the vehicles are of interest. Defaults to np.array([False]) per vehicle.
            shape=(10,). dtype=np.int8
            The ID of the lane that the vehicle is on. Defaults to str("") per vehicle.
            Lane number of neighbor vehicles. Defaults to np.array([0]) per
            vehicle. shape=(10,). dtype=np.int8.
            Coordinate of the center of neighbor vehicles' bounding box's bottom
            plane. Defaults to np.array([.0,.0,.0]) per vehicle. shape=(10,3).
            Speed of neighbor vehicles in m/s. Defaults to np.array([0]) per
            vehicle. shape=(10,). dtype=np.float32.
            A reference line coordinates. Coordinates are s, t, and h relating
            to offset along lane, horizontal displacement, and surface
            displacement. Defaults to np.array([.0,.0,.0]) per vehicle. shape=(10,3).

    Occupancy grid map. Map is binary, with 255 if a cell is occupied, else 0.
    "occupancy_grid_map": np.ndarray

    RGB image, from the top view, with ego vehicle at the center.
    shape=(height, width, 3). dtype=np.uint8.
    "top_down_rgb": np.ndarray

    Feature array of 20 waypoints ahead or in the mission route, from the
    nearest 4 lanes. If lanes or waypoints ahead are insufficient, default
    values are padded.
    "waypoint_paths": dict({
            Lane heading angle at a waypoint in radians [-pi, pi]. Defaults to
            np.array([0]) per waypoint. shape=(4,20). dtype=np.float32.
            The closest lane id for the waypoint. Defaults to str("") per waypoint.
            Lane number at a waypoint. Defaults to np.array([0]) per waypoint.
            shape=(4,20). dtype=np.int8.
            Lane width at a waypoint in meters. Defaults to np.array([0]) per
            waypoint. shape=(4,20). dtype=np.float32.
            Coordinate of a waypoint. Defaults to np.array([0,0,0]).
            shape=(4,20,3). dtype=np.float64.
            Lane speed limit at a waypoint in m/s. shape=(4,20). dtype=np.float32.

    Feature array of 3 upcoming signals.  If there aren't this many signals ahead,
    default values are padded.
    "signals": dict({
            The state of the traffic signal.
            See smarts.core.signal_provider.SignalLightState for interpretation.
            Defaults to np.array([0]) per signal.  shape=(3,), dtype=np.int8.
            The stopping point for traffic controlled by the signal, i.e., the
            point where actors should stop when the signal is in a stop state.
            Defaults to np.array([0, 0]) per signal.  shape=(3,2), dtype=np.float64.
            If known, the simulation time this signal last changed its state.
            Defaults to np.array([0]) per signal.  shape=(3,), dtype=np.float32.

format(observations: Dict[str, Observation])[source]

Formats smarts observations fixed sized containers.

property space

The observation space this should format the smarts observations to match.

class smarts.env.utils.observation_conversion.OccupancyGridMapSpaceFormat(agent_interface: AgentInterface)[source]

Formats for obs.occupancy_grid_map.

active(agent_interface: AgentInterface) bool[source]

If this formatting is active and should be included in the output.

format(obs: Observation)[source]

Selects and formats the given observation to get a value that matches the space attribute.

property name

The name that should represent this observation space in hierarchy.

class smarts.env.utils.observation_conversion.StandardCompoundSpaceFormat(space_generators: List[Callable[[AgentInterface], BaseSpaceFormat]], active_func: Callable[[AgentInterface], bool], name: str, *, _spaces: List[BaseSpaceFormat] | None = None)[source]

A compound formatter that defers agent interface configuration.

active(agent_interface: AgentInterface) bool[source]

If this formatting is active and should be included in the output.

format(obs: Observation)[source]

Selects and formats the given observation to get a value that matches the space attribute.

property name

The name that should represent this observation space in hierarchy.

property space

The observation space this should format the smarts observation to match.

class smarts.env.utils.observation_conversion.StandardConfigurableSpaceFormat(formatting_func: Callable[[Observation, AgentInterface | None], Dict[str, Any]], active_func: Callable[[AgentInterface], bool], name: str, space_func: Callable[[AgentInterface], gymnasium.Space], *, _agent_interface: AgentInterface | None = None)[source]

A formatter that defers agent interface configuration.

active(agent_interface: AgentInterface) bool[source]

If this formatting is active and should be included in the output.

format(obs: Observation)[source]

Selects and formats the given observation to get a value that matches the space.

property name

The name that should represent this observation space in hierarchy.

property space

The observation space this should format the smarts observation to match.

class smarts.env.utils.observation_conversion.StandardSpaceFormat(formatting_func: Callable[[Observation], Dict[str, Any]], active_func: Callable[[AgentInterface], bool], name: str, space: gymnasium.Space)[source]

A formatter that is generated by configuration. This is immutable.

active(agent_interface: AgentInterface) bool[source]

If this formatting is active and should be included in the output.

format(obs: Observation)[source]

Selects and formats the given observation to get a value that matches the space.

property name

The name that should represent this observation space in hierarchy.

property space

The observation space this should format the smarts observation to match.

class smarts.env.utils.observation_conversion.TopDownRGBSpaceFormat(agent_interface: AgentInterface)[source]

Formats for obs.top_down_rgb.

active(agent_interface: AgentInterface) bool[source]

If this formatting is active and should be included in the output.

format(obs: Observation)[source]

Selects and formats the given observation to get a value that matches the space attribute.

property name

The name that should represent this observation space in hierarchy.