smarts.env.configs.hiway_env_configs module

class smarts.env.configs.hiway_env_configs.EnvReturnMode(value)[source]

Configuration to determine the interface type of the step function.

This configures between the environment status return (i.e. reward means the environment reward) and the per-agent status return (i.e. rewards means reward per agent).

default = 1

The default behavior. Defaults to per_agent.

environment = 2

Generate environment mode step returns in the form (reward (float), terminated (bool), truncated (bool), info).

per_agent = 1

Generate per-agent mode step returns in the form (rewards({id: float}), terminateds({id: bool}), truncateds ({id: bool}), info).

class smarts.env.configs.hiway_env_configs.HiWayEnvV1Configuration(scenarios: ~typing.List[str], agent_interfaces: ~typing.Dict[str, ~smarts.core.agent_interface.AgentInterface], sim_name: str | None = None, scenarios_order: ~smarts.env.configs.hiway_env_configs.ScenarioOrder = ScenarioOrder.scrambled, headless: bool = False, visdom: bool = False, fixed_timestep_sec: float = 0.1, sumo_options: ~smarts.env.configs.hiway_env_configs.SumoOptions = <factory>, seed: int = 42, observation_options: ~smarts.env.utils.observation_conversion.ObservationOptions = ObservationOptions.multi_agent, action_options: ~smarts.env.utils.action_conversion.ActionOptions = ActionOptions.multi_agent, environment_return_mode: ~smarts.env.configs.hiway_env_configs.EnvReturnMode = EnvReturnMode.per_agent)[source]

The base configurations that should be used for HiWayEnvV1.

action_options: ActionOptions = 0

Defines the options for how the formatting matches the action space.

agent_interfaces: Dict[str, AgentInterface]

Specification of the agents needs that will be used to configure the environment.

environment_return_mode: EnvReturnMode = 1

This configures between the environment step return information

fixed_timestep_sec: float = 0.1

The time length of each step.

headless: bool = False

If this environment should attempt to connect to envision.

observation_options: ObservationOptions = 0

Defines the options for how the formatting matches the observation space.

scenarios: List[str]

A list of scenario directories that will be simulated.

scenarios_order: ScenarioOrder = 1

The order in which scenarios should be executed.

seed: int = 42

The environment seed.

sim_name: str | None = None

The name of the simulation.

sumo_options: SumoOptions

The configuration for the sumo instance.

visdom: bool = False


class smarts.env.configs.hiway_env_configs.ScenarioOrder(value)[source]

Determines the order in which scenarios are served over successive resets.

default = 1

The default behavior. Defaults to scrambled.

scrambled = 1

Scenarios are served in random order.

sequential = 0

Scenarios are served in order initially provided.

class smarts.env.configs.hiway_env_configs.SumoOptions(num_external_clients: int = 0, auto_start: bool = True, headless: bool = True, port: str | None = None)[source]

Contains options used to configure sumo.

auto_start: bool = True

Automatic starting of SUMO. Defaults to True.

headless: bool = True

If True, disables visualization in SUMO GUI. Defaults to True.

num_external_clients: int = 0

Number of SUMO clients beyond SMARTS. Defaults to 0.

port: str | None = None

SUMO port. Defaults to None.