smarts.env.gymnasium.driving_smarts_2023_env module

smarts.env.gymnasium.driving_smarts_2023_env.driving_smarts_2023_env(scenario: str, agent_interface: AgentInterface, seed: int = 42, headless: bool = True, sumo_headless: bool = True, envision_record_data_replay_path: str | None = None)[source]

An environment with a mission to be completed by a single or multiple ego agents. Episode ends when ego agents reach their respective destinations specified by their mission goals.

Observation space for each agent:

Formatted Observation using multi_agent option is returned as observation. See ObservationSpacesFormatter for a sample formatted observation data structure.

Action space for each agent:

Action space for an ego can be either Continuous or RelativeTargetPose. User should choose one of the action spaces and specify the chosen action space through the ego’s agent interface.

Agent interface:

Using the input argument agent_interface, users may configure any field of AgentInterface, except


Default reward is distance travelled (in meters) in each step, including the termination step.

Episode termination:

Episode is terminated if any of the following occurs.

  1. Egos reach their respective destinations specified by their mission goals.

  2. Steps per episode exceed 1000.

  3. Agent collides or drives off road.

  • scenario (str) – Scenario name or path to scenario folder.

  • agent_interface (AgentInterface) – Agent interface specification.

  • seed (int, optional) – Random number generator seed. Defaults to 42.

  • headless (bool, optional) – If True, disables visualization in Envision. Defaults to False.

  • sumo_headless (bool, optional) – If True, disables visualization in SUMO GUI. Defaults to True.

  • envision_record_data_replay_path (Optional[str], optional) – Envision’s data replay output directory. Defaults to None.


An environment described by the input argument scenario.

smarts.env.gymnasium.driving_smarts_2023_env.resolve_agent_interface(agent_interface: AgentInterface)[source]

Resolve the agent interface for a given environment. Some interface values can be configured by the user, but others are pre-determined and fixed.