smarts.sstudio.sstypes.bubble module

class smarts.sstudio.sstypes.bubble.Bubble(zone:, actor: |, margin: float = 2, limit: ~smarts.sstudio.sstypes.bubble_limits.BubbleLimits | None = None, exclusion_prefixes: ~typing.Tuple[str, ...] = <factory>, id: str = <factory>, follow_actor_id: str | None = None, follow_offset: ~typing.Tuple[float, float] | None = None, keep_alive: bool = False, follow_vehicle_id: str | None = None, active_condition: ~smarts.sstudio.sstypes.condition.Condition = LiteralCondition(literal=<ConditionState.TRUE: 4>), airlock_condition: ~smarts.sstudio.sstypes.condition.Condition = LiteralCondition(literal=<ConditionState.TRUE: 4>))[source]

A descriptor that defines a capture bubble for social agents.

Bubbles consist of an airlock and hijack zone. The airlock is always the same size or larger than the hijack zone. A vehicle must first pass into the airlock and pass the conditions of the airlock to be considered by the hijack zone.

active_condition: Condition = LiteralCondition(literal=<ConditionState.TRUE: 4>)

Conditions that determine if the bubble is enabled.

actor: SocialAgentActor | TrafficEngineActor

The actor specification that this bubble works for.

airlock_condition: Condition = LiteralCondition(literal=<ConditionState.TRUE: 4>)

This condition is used to determine if an actor is allowed into the bubble airlock.

exclusion_prefixes: Tuple[str, ...]

Used to exclude social actors from capture.

follow_actor_id: str | None = None

Actor ID of agent we want to pin to. Doing so makes this a “traveling bubble” which means it moves to follow the follow_actor_id’s vehicle. Offset is from the vehicle’s center position to the bubble’s center position.

follow_offset: Tuple[float, float] | None = None

Maintained offset to place the traveling bubble relative to the follow vehicle if it were facing north.

follow_vehicle_id: str | None = None

Vehicle ID of a vehicle we want to pin to. Doing so makes this a “traveling bubble” which means it moves to follow the follow_vehicle_id’s vehicle. Offset is from the vehicle’s center position to the bubble’s center position.

id: str
property is_boid

Tests if the actor is to control multiple vehicles.

keep_alive: bool = False

If enabled, the social agent actor will be spawned upon first vehicle airlock and be reused for every subsequent vehicle entering the bubble until the episode is over.

limit: BubbleLimits | None = None

The maximum number of actors that could be captured. If limit != None it will only allow that specified number of vehicles to be hijacked. N.B. when actor = BoidAgentActor the lesser of the actor capacity and bubble limit will be used.

margin: float = 2

The exterior buffer area that extends the air-locking zone area. Must be >= 0.

static to_actor_id(actor, mission_group)[source]

Mashes the actor id and mission group to create what needs to be a unique id.

property traffic_provider: str | None

The name of the traffic provider used if the actor is to be controlled by a traffic engine.


The name of the traffic provider or None.

Return type:


zone: Zone

The zone which to capture vehicles.